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We have had only ONE poem sent in so far! Please send us your stuff!!

Here is an AWESOME poem by Shannon, thanx for sending this into us Shannon!


Life Always changes
Before my eyes
Before I'm ready
It all disappears

Now I know
Not all change is bad
But when you left
You left me sad

You left me crying
For a love long lost
Cause I gave up my heart
For whatever the cost

Now I've been alone
For longer than I'd hoped
I'd hoped you'd come back
Yet you haven't returned

Now I sit
And I weep at the thought
That my love is long gone
And turned into a song

OH, WOW! Shannon! That was SUCH an excellent poem!! You are a great writer! Keep up the good work! Thanx Shannon!


She is a child of seventeen,
Her life is full, but her heart so empty,
Her face is beautiful, but her life so ugly,
Her eyes reflect her weeping soul,
But no one sees it, no one tries to console.

Only one person cares to glance into her,
He sees her from the start,
Her vibrant hair, her menacing stare,
He reaches out and touches her heart,
And takes her to a land of endless light.

They find a love, a love so sweet,
A love she knows that she'll always keep,
And he shows her how to soar and fly,
So high, she finds herself gliding through open sky,
And into the arms of her faithful Romeo,
And through all this, their passion grows and grows.

But time catches up and tears things apart,
And soon she finds herself at the very start
Her heart cries out and sobs a sad song,
And her eyes reflect tears of neglect.

She closes her eyes and flies and endless flight.
She yearns for his touch and is desperate for his love. She soon sees her lover in a pool of light,
She's so happy that her fears soon subside,
For she now knows that everything will be alright.

His love is near, and enclosed in her soul,
They will never be apart for they are whole,
He wipes her tears and whispers dear,
That there is nothing for her to ever fear,
He will guide her through and help her see,
Until the day that they will be together for all eternity,

She opens her eyes and ends her flight,
And is now a soul of teeming love,
For she now knows that she is up above,
And that her heart will never ever be empty,
But instead, full of emotion and calm serenity.

Now everybody, even if your artwork/writing ISN'T about Hanson, we would still love to have it sent in!! We will try to post as many as possible! Please send us your work! Thanx!

*~Kristi and Lynn~*

We Need More Stuff for This Section!

  • If you have any Hanson poems, sketches, drawings, etc...PLEASE send them to us!!
  • We will try our hardest to put as much of your work here as possible!!
  • If you don't have any stuff to send in, make something! You can write a poem, or draw a picture, or something even more creative of the best band of all time EASILY can't you?!
  • If you have anything you or a friend created, send it to us! Or if you have something OTHER than poems and drawings, if you think it's cool, send it in!!

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