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Getta HaNsOn E-PaL!!!

So ya can't get enough of Hanson, huh? Gotta talk to someone to get all that HANSON CRAZE outta yer system?! Hehehe......yeap, we know how that here!! Get a Hanson E-Pal!! =)

Yer name (This is a MUST!):
Yer E-Mail (This is also a MUST!):
Age & Sex:
What Age & Sex you want yer E-pal to be:

*~NoW, wE cAn'T gUaRaNtEe ThAt We'Ll Be AbLe To GeT yA aN e-PaL WhO's ThE sAmE aGe aNd SeX aS yA wAnT 'Em To bE, bUt OnE tHiNg'S fOr SuRe, THEY'LL LUV HANSON!!~*

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