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*~tHa hAir isSuE~*

Ah yes, the "Hanson Hair Issue." What's up with that? First of all, let's list out the different comments that people usually have regarding Hanson's hair. Some find it 'sexy' and 'cool.' Some find it pathetic and say it makes them look like girls. Some have no comment, and some think it fits the boys just fine. Basically, people are making a big fuss over this one little issue$B)(Jit isn't even an issue for that matter, geesh, it's hair. But, as long as we're talking about hair, let's take a good look at other pop/rock artists that have lengthy hair$B)(JFirst there's the whole Aerosmith ensemble (whom have had this hair for as long as I can remember), there's that new solo artist Gil who's hair is practically at his butt (waaay longer than any of the Hanson brothers, mind you), then there's good ol' Marilyn Manson with his raven locks. (Think the wicked witch of the west on a bad hair day.) What do these guys all have in common? Besides the fact that they all have long hair, the critics never bombard them with questions on their hair. Whereas Hanson, on the other hand, frequently get pestered about what shampoo they use, how they keep it 'nice n shiny', why they have long hair in the first place, and if they ever plan on cutting it short. Geez, are they out here in the entertainment business as shampoo commercial models, or as a musical band pursuing their musical interests?! I can understand why people would probably ask what 'MMMBop' means, or how they got started in music, or what musical influences they had growing up, but please, enough of the hair stuff, it gets annoying after a while. Hmmm, I just had a thought. What if Hanson were to shave their hair like the Silverchair guys$B)(Jwould that satisfy the critics? Yikes, I just had another thought: What if they were to do up their hair like Keith Flint from Prodigy$B)(JScareee$B)(J The thought just scares the crap outta me, and as Zac says, that definitely was a kid who was neglected during his childhood. Or think of that bald guy from Aqua, what's his name? Rene or somethin'$B)(J Why doesn't anyone ever ask him about his, um, hair? Wait a sec$B)(J what hair? I don't see no hair. =P (I was kidding, I didn't mean to offend any fans of the bands/artists mentioned above. In fact, I happen to like all of the above mentioned artists, excepting Prodigy and Mr. Manson$B)(Jsorry, I just don't like them or their music$B)(Jif you can even call it that).

PS. I have to add this in$B)(JTry saying 'hair issue' over and over again$B)(Jit begins to sound a lot like 'hare in a shoe' or something$B)(Jagh, whateva! Don't mind me, I'm just in a weird mood$B)(JP

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