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*~tHe oPinioN paGe~*

The latest Hanson buzz going around$B)(Jyou got a comment on that? Wanna get your views and comments read by otha people out there? Then send in your own comments, and we'll post 'em up. In tha meantime, here's some of our own opinions on tha latest Hanson news goin' around. (We must mention one thing though, these are OPINIONS, some of you may not agree with them, that's cool$B)(JEverybody's entitled to their own opinion, so don't send us any hate mail or anything$B)(J Just send in your OWN opinion, okie?)

Annoying People At Hanson Concerts *Added August 20, 1998*

Hanson Posers *Added August 11, 1998*

Hanson and the 'Hair Issue'

Aspiring new artists/bands that seem to resemble Hanson oh so much

The Teenyboppers

The River VDO

Taylor's Silver Ring

Hanson Haters, Bashers, Dissers$B)(J Hmmm$B)(Jbasically people that don't like Hanson.
