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*~tHa riVer VDO~*

First of all, I must say that 'Titanic' is my utmost favorite movie ever! Kristi's fave too, I think she's seen it over 5 times or so. =) Anyway, when I saw the River VDO, I also had to say that I loved it. Not only is it great for people to getta chance to see Hanson since they were l'il dudes jamming on their guitars, drums, and keyboards, but we also getta chance to see that they're not the 'one night wonders' that lots of people presume them to be. Anyway, let's talk about Gloria Stuart and Weird Al. They did one heckuva cute rendition of Titanic mixed with some Hanson stuff. If you haven't had a chance to see the VDO yet, then here's a little recap of how the VDO goes.

We see Weird Al walking towards Gloria Stuart$B)(Jaka Old Rose's room. Anyway, he sorta knocks on the door and their dialogue goes a little something like this:

Gloria: Yes?

Weird Al: Is your room alright?

Gloria: Oh Yes, very nice. (Rummages around then continues) Have to have my pictures when I travel.

(Camera zooms to the bedroom wall, which is plastered with Hanson posters and pictures, some from the 3 Car Garage Album).

Weird Al: (Sorta taken back by the, uh, wonderfully decorated wall) Oh I see, big Hanson fan are you?

Gloria: Oh yes, especially their older stuff. I've been a fan of theirs since they were just kids.

Weird Al: (Has a kinda uncomfortable look on his face) That's greeaaat$B)(J

Gloria: I'd like to see my drawing.

(Weird Al hands over the ever so famous drawing from 'Titanic'$B)(Jthe one where Jack draws Rose naked with the big 'La Coeur de la Mer' necklace on her neck.)

Gloria: I'll never forget that night (Camera zooms in on the Drawing and we see Rose's necklace, then it zooms over to her arm and Gloria continues) It was right after I had gotten my Hanson tattoo. (We now see that she has a big I (heart) Hanson tattoo on her arm. I laughed myself silly on this part, it was just so funny$B)(JI mean, the movie's sooo sad and mushy, and then here we have Gloria talking about her awesome Hanson tattoo$B)(Jhehe)

Weird Al: (Leans over and grabs the drawing outta Gloria's hand. He crumples it into a ball and says) Look, forget about Hanson, take me back to that night when--

Gloria: (Interrupts Weird Al, kinda pissed) Would you like to hear my story or not?

Weird Al: (Annoyed look on his face) Yeah, sure, whatever.

Now we hear the intro to the 'River' song, and we see little clips of Hanson when they were kids. (I gotta say they look so cute =P) And later we see them performing 'River' Live and we see the screaming audience and Ike, Tay, and Zac singing. I noticed that Zac didn't really seem to get that much camera play on him$B)(J I mean, he was rarely in the VDO cuz the camera was usually on either Ike or Tay. Anyway, at the end of the song, we're taken back to Gloria's little room and Weird Al looks more annoyed than ever.

Weird Al: What about the jewel?!

Gloria: (Confused look on her face) Jewel? No, I don't listen to any of her CDs, Only Hanson's.

Apparently, Weird Al has given up on having a conversation with her and we're taken to another scene with Gloria in her white nightdress walking along the deck of some boat (Titanic?). While she's doing this, she's listening to a discman, while the instrumental to the ever so famous 'Titanic' soundtrack is played in the background. It's just like in the 'Titanic' movie. We see Gloria with her hair down and she's walking over to the edge of the boat with her discman. She steps up onto the railing and opens her discman only to remove the 3 Car Garage CD. We faintly hear 'MMMBop' playing in the background and she throws the CD into the, ahem, sea. Then we see the CD sink slowly away$B)(J

Anyway, the River VDO as a whole was just great, but I have one question. Why did they choose the Titanic theme for this VDO? Is it cuz the song's called 'River' and they decided that a, uh, river and the ocean resemble one another? Or did they just love the 'Titanic' movie? Either way, the VDO was awesome.

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