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*~Tay's Silver Ring~*

First of all, I, Lynn, didn't getta watch Hanson on Jay Leno, namely cuz we don't get Leno over here in Thailand. But nevertheless, from the different Jay Leno reviews that I've read, I think I have a pretty good idea of what the show was like. Basically, the show was like any other talk show they've been on in the past year, except for the fact that Taylor had a 'new' ring on his finger, and he kept twirling it around whenever the 'girlfriend' topic came up. I have read different people's opinions$B)(JSome think that it really is from a new girlfriend named Nikki and that we should all be happy for him (although some people think otherwise). Some people think that Isaac and Taylor swapped rings and necklaces before the show, some think that the ring was given to Taylor from his parents, as to assure the fact that he won't have sex until he's married. Some think that their grandmother gave it to him before she passed away, and some people say heck, Tay's had this ring since he was a kid$B)(JThey say the proof is written all over the 'River' VDO (Look at the beginning of the VDO when they show them as kids, he supposedly has the ring on one of his fingers). Of course, many people kinda freaked out when they heard of the possibility of Taylor having a girlfriend, and I have to admit I kinda was like 'Aww dang, he has a girlfriend?!' but now come to think of it$B)(Jthey're regular ol' guys, and have every darn right to date and have girlfriends. I think we remember that one time when they mentioned that they had a 'new girl in their lives' on Oprah$B)(Jpeople went ballistic. =) Later we found it was Zoe, allowing half the girls across the world to let out a huge sigh of relief and get on with their lives. Seriously though, if one of them DOES have a girlfriend, and they most certainly will in the near future, don't take it too seriously and please don't do anything drastic. I mean, I realize that some of you out there really, really do 'love' the guys and expect to be able to hook up with one of 'em one day, but if that prospect fails to happen, please don't do anything too extreme. But anyway, back to the ring =P I think that we all shouldn't jump to conclusions, like I admit to have done =P, and think that Taylor's gotta new girlfriend$B)(Jand hey, if he does, be happy for tha guy$B)(Jhe's 15, he's got every right to date and have a girlfriend right? One little reminder, when they all do get girlfriends, or if they already do have one, I think the chances of them getting married are very slim, so chill. Besides, remember Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow? They were like thisclose and everyone thought they were gonna get married$B)(Jand high lo and behold$B)(J in the end they ended up calling off the engagement. Hmm$B)(Jall this turmoil over a little silver ring$B)(Ja teeny piece of jewelry$B)(Jthank god Tay didn't getta little gold ring instead, or we'd all be hunting down poor Jay Leno.

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