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Chapter Eleven

Janelle sat in front of her closet looking at her clothes. 'Dang, nothing here to wear for the dance.' Since most of her wardrobe was still somewhere in one of the dozens of cardboard boxes flung around her house, she finally concluded, 'Hafta ask Mom and Dad if they'll let me buy a new dress.' She shut her closet door and ran downstairs.

Janelle walked into the living room where she found her Mom and Dad watching some TV. "Hey, Mom, Dad?" Her parents looked up from the couch and replied, "What is it honey?" Janelle joined them on the couch and said, "The Valentine's Dance is on Friday, and I was looking for a dress to wear, but couldn't find one, cuz most of my stuff's still in boxes," she noticed they were watching "Seinfeld." She continued, "Anyway, I was wondering if we could go out tomorrow afternoon and get me a dress for the dance?" She looked hopefully at her Mom and Dad. Her Dad laughed and said, "Yeah, sure why not?" Janelle jumped up and cried, "Thanks a bunch! Promise I'll wash the dishes for a week!" Her Mom laughed and said, "That isn't necessary, honey." Janelle started out of the room when her Mom asked, "Jan honey, do you have a date?" Janelle turned halfway and replied, "Yeah, Taylor Hanson," the she quickly climbed the stairs up to her room, leaving her Mom and Dad dumbfounded on the living room couch. "Taylor Hanson?" Mr. Landers asked quizzically," Isn't that your friend Diana's son?" Janelle's Mom responded with a grin, "Yeah, looks like it."


"So, have ya already gotten your dress for the dance, Jan?" Alicia asked her during lunch. Janelle swallowed another mouthful of her homemade ham and cheese sandwich and replied, "Nope, I'm gonna go to the mall this afternoon and get one$B)(Jwhat bout you guys? Have you guys already gotten a dress?" Heather smiled and said, "Yeah. I'm probably gonna go out with my friend Jeff," she turned to Sabrina and said, "What bout you, Sab? Have ya gotten your dress yet?" Sabrina nodded and replied, "No$B)(JI don't have a date yet$B)T(Jo$B)(J Alicia nudged her and said, "Hey, c'mon, that's no reason to not go to the dance!" Alicia was going with Derek, her boyfriend since 7th grade. Sabrina turned to Janelle and asked, "What bout you Jan? Are you going with anyone?" Janelle finished up her sandwich and replied, "Yeah, Taylor." Heather looked at her with a blank face and said," Taylor? Taylor who?" Janelle replied, "Taylor Hanson." Alicia started laughing hysterically. Janelle looked at her and said, "What? What's so funny?" Alicia contained herself and replied, "Steph! She's like soo in love with that guy!" Janelle grinned," Yeah, I know, she's got it bad." Heather turned to her and said, "Well, Taylor and his brothers don't go to this school, but they're really cool guys." "I heard that they're gonna be performing too," Sabrina noticed. "Yeah! Their songs are great, I can't wait to hear them perform live!" Alicia stated. Janelle smiled, "Yeap, me too."


"Mom I'm home!" Janelle slammed the door and threw her backpack on the living room couch. "In here, honey," her Mom called from the kitchen. Janelle walked in and her mother asked, "Where's Brenden?" Janelle picked up an apple and took a big bite, "Parking his precious car," she swallowed and continued, "Where's Ethan?" Her Mom turned to her and replied, "Playing a game of street hockey with Zac Hanson." Janelle nodded knowingly and said, "Hey Mom, can we go get my dress today?" Her Mom smiled," Really anxious aren't you?" she continued, "Yeah, we can leave Ethan with Brenden and we'll head over to the mall." "Thanks Mom," Janelle replied, "I'm just gonna go put my stuff upstairs, and I'll be down in a sec."

Janelle walked up the stairs and into her room. She had to admit, Tulsa wasn't all that bad. It was real cool actually. She grabbed a scrunchie off her dresser and tied her hair up. She looked at the mound of brown hair and sighed. "Wish I had perfect silky commercial looking hair like Steph." She took off her Doc Martins and pulled on her Vans. She stood up, and walked back downstairs. She met Brenden on the way down. "Hey, where ya goin'?" Her brother asked. "Headed to the mall to get a dress for the dance on Friday." "Oh speaking of dance, I heard someone's gonna be askin' ya." Janelle looked quizzically at her brother and asked, "Who?" Brenden continued up, "Dunno." Janelle watched him walk into his room for a second, shook her head then continued back down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and her mom said, "Ready Jan?" "Yup," She replied. They locked the door behind them and stepped into the car.


Janelle sighed. They had spent 2 hours at the mall dress shopping, but still couldn't find the perfect dress. Janelle continued walking, "Hey Mom check out that dress over there!" Janelle pointed to a white dress with red spaghetti straps. Her Mom looked at it and then pointed to another," What about that one?" Janelle turned and saw a beautiful slinky silver spaghetti strapped dress with white lining. "Oh Mom it's beautiful," Janelle gasped. Her mom smiled and said, "C'mon, let's go check it out." They walked into the store and a short saleslady approached them, "Can I help you?" Janelle replied, "Yeah, I'm interested in that dress in the store window." The saleslady who's tag read 'Mary' said, "You're in luck," she took the dress off the mannequin and handed it to Janelle, "It's the last one in stock. Here, try it on, I think it's perfect for you." Janelle felt the smooth silver fabric against her palm and walked into the dressing room to try it on. She zipped up the back and looked into the mirror. It was perfect! And she had the perfect pair of platforms to wear along with it too$B)(J Somewhere in one of the dozens of boxes in her room. She stepped out of the dressing room and walked up to her mom. "Tah da!" she said. Her mom turned around and said, "Wow Jan! It's great! And it's just your size." Janelle looked up at her Mom and said, "Can I get it? Puh-leeze? It's on sale too!" Her mom smiled and replied, "No problem, if you're absolutely sure that this is the dress you want." Janelle looked up and replied, "I'm sure, I'm sure! I love this dress." The saleslady, 'Mary,' smiled and said, "Will that be cash or credit?" "Credit, please," her Mom replied. Janelle walked back into the dressing room and slipped back into her jeans and tee. She couldn't wait for the dance, it was gonna be the bomb!


Isaac and Taylor were hanging out at the mall's VDO arcade. They had met Steph and her friends earlier, and were hiding out. "Damn that girl's everywhere," Taylor complained. Isaac grinned and said, "Yeah, you'd think there were three of her or something." Taylor peeked out of the window and saw that she had vanished from sight. "Phew, looks like we lost her." Ike squinted and peered out, "Yeah, in that case, let's go." They were headed down to the Music area, looking for a new pick for Isaac's guitar. Zac had stepped on the previous one$B)(J. On accident, of course. They walked towards the escalator up to the fourth floor. Taylor scanned the area and thought he saw someone. He squinted and nudged Isaac, "Hey Ike, is that Janelle over there?" Ike squinted and looked in Taylor's direction. "Where?" he asked," I don't see her." Taylor looked one last time and said, "Yeah, it is her! C'mon, let's go say Hi."

Janelle had just walked out of the store with her dress in hand, when she saw two blond guys squinting at her. Her mom seemed to notice it too. "Jan honey, why are those two boys squinting at you?" Janelle shrugged and replied, "Beats me," she paused and squinted back," Hey, it's Tay and Ike." Her mom nodded knowingly, "Oh of course, Taylor and Isaac, Diana's boys." Taylor and Isaac approached them, "Hey Jan! Mrs. Landers!" Janelle and her mom got closer," Whatcha been up to?" "Getting another pick for my guitar," Ike replied, "Zac stepped on mine again." Mrs. Landers nudged Janelle and said, "Honey, I have to go get a few things, I'll meet you later, like at 7 at Mc Donald's?" "Yeah sure Mom, I'll just hang out with Tay and Ike for awhile," Janelle responded, "I'll see you later." "Bye Mrs. Landers Isaac and Taylor chimed. "Bye boys," Janelle's mom smiled and walked away. Taylor turned back to her, "What bout you? Just hangin' out?" "We were just shopping around for a dress for the dance on Friday," Janelle replied. Taylor grinned, "Wow, that's great, can't wait to see it on Friday." Janelle blushed and said," So, what do ya guys wanna do?"

Isaac was just about to reply, just as a couple of loud screeches called out "I-zaaaaac!!" and "Taaay-leerr!" from behind them. Taylor flinched and he asked, "It's them right? I just know it's them$B)(J" Ike did a quick survey and turned back, "Yeah, it's Barbie and her friends alright." Janelle grinned, "They never leave you alone do they?" "Apparently so," Taylor replied. He took her by her hand and said, "C'mon! Run for it!" The three teenagers started dodging happy shoppers as they attempted to get away from Stephie and co. They ran down the escalator to the second floor. The clothing and lingerie area, and stopped to catch their breath. "Whoo, that was something else," Isaac panted. Janelle gasped, "Yeah, whoo, you better get some temporary hair dye or something or else you won't be safe in this town." Isaac jokingly replied, "We already tried that, it didn't work." "Excuse me, can I help you?" asked a snooty voice from behind. Taylor turned around and realized they were standing in front of "Victoria's Secret." Janelle started giggling and replied, "Uh, no thanks. We were just leaving."

They were just walking away when they heard, "So, here you guys are!" The two brothers slowly turned around and faced none other than Stephie and her two friends. Steph had her hands on her hips, "It almost seemed like you guys were running away from us!" Taylor nudged Janelle and whispered, "What she doesn't know, won't hurt." Janelle smiled and turned back to look at Steph and her friends. "Anyway, I was like, looking for you guys, cuz I have, like, a reeaaallly important question for Tay." She got closer to Tay, grabbed his arm and pulled him away and sat him on a bench like he was a little puppy dog.

"Okay, Taylor, you know about the Valentine's Dance, coming this Friday, right?" Steph asked knowingly. Taylor weakly nodded his head. "Well," she popped a big bubble of her gum in Taylor's face and continued, "Well, I'm available if you wanna take me. I mean, I've, like, already got my dress and everything so$B)(J." Taylor looked at her hopeful eyes and felt a pang of sympathy. He ran his fingers through his hair and replied, "Well, uh, Steph, you're real great, but I already asked Janelle to the dance." Steph stood up with her hands on her hips and declared, "Wha--? That little twerp? How could you ask her? She, like looks like leftover garbage!" she threw her hands up in the air and continued, "This is soo humiliating, I can't, like, believe that you put me down for her! Ugh!" Taylor interrupted her and said, "Hey, Steph, that's no fair$B)(J Janelle's really nice, don't talk about her that way$B)(JI'm sorry I can't take you, but don't go and blame Janelle for all this." Steph stuck a finger up and started poking it in Taylor's face, "She's gonna pay for this$B)(J Big time." And with a flick of her golden locks, Barbie flounced off to gather the rest of her friends.

Steph grabbed her friends, Katie and Marnie, and shot at Janelle, "You'll be sorry$B)(J She glared at her for emphases then said to her friends, "C'mon, let's go, I'm, like, so embarrassed." The three girls stomped away as Taylor got up from the bench and approached Isaac and Janelle. Taylor was still rubbing his arm from where Steph had grabbed him. "What was that all about?" Janelle asked Taylor confusedly. Taylor looked at Janelle then at Isaac, "Nothing worth worrying about," he said. He took Janelle's hand and said, "C'mon, it's almost seven, let's go."


On the way back home from the mall, Isaac said to Taylor, "Steph asked ya out, huh?" Taylor sighed and looked out the window at the racing cars passing them by, "Yeah, I told her that I'd already asked Janelle out. Then she was said all this crap about Janelle going to pay big time," he paused for a second and then said, "Man, I wish she'd just leave me alone." Isaac made a left into the Hanson driveway and said, "Well, hey, don't worry about it. The dance's gonna be this Friday, just have fun and forget about Steph." Taylor slowly got out of the car and replied, "Yeah, I will."


Janelle slowly trudged up the stairs with her dress in her left hand. She had no idea what Steph had said to Taylor, but obviously, it had made him quiet all afternoon. Janelle passed her brother's room and heard him talking on the phone$B)(J He was using his 'ghetto language' again. Janelle rolled her eyes and walked into her room. She carefully hung her dress up and flopped down onto her bed. She stared at the ceiling as thoughts rambled through her head. Her brother, who was calling her from the next room, interrupted her thoughts, "Yo Janelle! Jordan wants to talk to ya!" Janelle groaned and sat up. She slowly trudged out into the hallway and into her brother's room. She looked around, "Dang Brenden, what'd you do to yer room?" There was clothes flung everywhere, dirty socks already under his bed, and CD's and tapes lying here and there. Brenden handed her the phone and said, "It's Jordan." Janelle got the receiver and put it to her ear, "Hello?" "Yo Jannie!" Jordan called out. Janelle rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, what is it?" "Well, hey the dance's coming up and I'm available, so you wanna go with me? I know you're probably surprised cuz, hey this is Jordan Trippiano calling ya right?" Janelle turned away from her brother and said into the phone, "I already have a date." The other line was silent. "Hello?" Janelle said, "You still there?" Jordan spoke up, "Yeah, I'm here, who you going with?" Janelle closed her eyes briefly, and replied, "Taylor Hanson." She heard Jordan silently curse on the other end of the phone and she quickly spoke up, "Hey, but thanks for asking, here, Brenden's here, talk to him." She was just about to hand the phone over to Brenden, when she heard him say through the phone one last time, "You tell Taylor to watch his ass, cuz I'm coming after him."


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