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Chapter Six

(~*AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, I know that MMMBop was really filmed in CA, and that it had no other teens in it, jes Tay, Ike, and Zac. But We thought that we'd just change things around a but okay? Besides, hey, this a FICTION story, right? =D)

"Taylor! Go wake up your brother! You guys have to get to the studio within 45 minutes!" "Taylor stretched back on the couch and turned to Jessica who was playing with her Barbie Dolls. He said to her, "Jessie, you heard Mom, go wake up Ike." Mrs. Hanson stuck her head out of the kitchen door and looked sternly at Taylor and said, "NOW." Taylor grumbled and stood up, "Alright, alright...geez, I'm goin' I'm goin'." He climbed the stairs and turned to the second door on the left, and quietly turned the knob. He quietly tiptoed over to where Isaac was happily sleeping, and he cupped his mouth and yelled, "WAKE UP CHEWEY!" Ike sat up immediately and stared Tay in the face, "What?! What?! What's wrong?" Taylor fell to the floor and started laughing hysterically, "Hahaha! Look at you! You really look like Chewey!" He stood up and started to walk out, "Oh yeah, and hurry and get dressed, Mom said that we're gonna be leaving to the studio in 45 minutes." Taylor walked out the door and down the stairs. Isaac fell back down on his pillow and pulled the blankets up to his chin.

Taylor was just about to flop back down onto the living room couch when his mom stuck her head out again, "Honey? Did you wake up Ike?" Taylor saluted his mom, "Yes ma'am! All's taken care of." He sat back down onto the couch when his mother said, "Taylor honey? Can you please go and tell Zac to hurry it up in the bathroom?" Taylor groaned and buried his face into a pillow.


Janelle was in her room putting on a pair of black baggy jeans. She hooked on a brown belt and bent down and started to quickly tie her Doc Martins. She stood up and looked into the mirror, and put on some makeup. The usual, some lip gloss, a touch of lipstick, some eye makeup, and a final poof of powder, and she was set. She clunked down the hall and banged on Brenden's door. "Hey! You dressed yet?!" She could hear Puff Daddy blasting through his stereos, she figured he couldn't hear her so she banged again....harder"HEY!! Hurry up in there! We're already late!" The door swung open, and she saw her brother already dressed, he said, "Whatcha naggin' me 'bout? Stop bangin already." He brushed past her and went down the stairs and into the kitchen. Janelle shook her head. The guy was so excited about meeting that big bunch of girls at the studio. She rolled her eyes, he was such a dork.


Janelle had spent nearly five minutes with her brother in the Mercury Records parking lot. He acted so suave and cool about having a car, but when he actually drove it, he was worse than a paranoid mother. Janelle sighed and leaned back into her chair while Brenden slowly edged into the parking spot in front of Mecury Records Studio. Janelle said to him, "Hey, ya planning on taking another four hours to get into this spot? Cuz I don't think that I can wait that long." Brenden looked out of the rearview mirror, and then turned to his sister, "Hey, chill sis, who's giving you a free ride here?" Janelle muttered under her breath, "I'd rather take the bus."


Somewhere on the other side of the parking lot, Tay and Zac were going through a similar situation. Except in this case, Isaac was driving his car like a madman. He had nearly rammed into a bright yellow trash can, before Zac had screeched and Isaac had pulled on his brakes. "Hey, you sure you got your driver's permit already?" Zac asked Isaac who had finally parked his car the way he wanted it. "Hey, you gotta free ride so be quiet already." Taylor laughed, "Well Ike, it IS kinda hard to miss a bright yellow trash can." Isaac muttered something under his breath about having idiots for brothers, but Zac and Tay just laughed. The three brothers got out of the car and Zac slammed his door shut, "C'mon hurry you guys! We're already late!" He started racing towards Mercury Records main entrance. Taylor saw his brother nearly ram into a guy and girl when she exclaimed, "Hey Zac!" Taylor and Isaac turned and looked at each other and said, "Hey, isn't that--?" They hurried on over and Taylor greeted them, "Hey Janelle! What're you doing here?" Janelle smiled and said, "Nice to see you too, Taylor." Tay blushed and said, "No, that's not what i meant. I mean, I didn't expect to see you again!" Isaac chimed in, "Yeah, hey what're you guys doing here?" Taylor looked over at the guy next to Janelle and he asked, "Is that your boyfriend?" Janelle looked over at Brenden and laughed incredulously, "HA! Him? I'd rather die than ever getta dork of a boyfriend....which is what he is. A dork I mean, not my boyfriend." Brenden who was looking at two chicks enter the studio turned back to the crowd in front of him and said, "Huh? Oh, no, I'm Brenden, Janelle's brother." Janelle muttered under her breath, "Yeah, and a very idiotic one too." Zac was already jumping up and down, "Hey hey! C'mon!! Let's get going already!" They all followed Zac inside and as they were walking down the long dimly lit corridor, Taylor turned to Janelle and said, "I still don't get why you're here." Janelle grinned and said, "Oh, you'll find out soon. Didn't your mother ever teach you how to be patient?" She smiled at him and joined Zac who was humming and half skipping half runnning half trying to slow down all at the same time. Janelle turned back to Taylor, "Tay, you're his older bro, tell the kid to cut back on the sugar." Tay laughed and smiled back at her.


Janelle and Brenden were standing in a large white room with at least seven other teens. Janelle noticed that there were more girls than guys. Just two other guys on the other side of the room, that were sitting and talking about something. She looked over to her left and saw a group of five girls. They were all talking and laughing. Janelle looked at her brother. She realized that he had already noticed the five girls. Janelle tugged on his shirt and whispered, "Hey! Stop staring with your mouth open. You look like some retard." Brenden pulled away and straightened his shirt. He grinned and gave his sister an innocent look, "What? Chill sis." Just then, Arwen had walked into the room holding a clipboard. She noticed Janelle and Brenden and waved to them. Janelle smiled and waved back and Brenden sort of hid under his cap. He still wasn't over the experiece from the plane.

"Hi, everybody! Thanks for coming today. Well, I'll just go through what we're going to be doing, and how the VDO's gonna go. It's really simple really. We'll have Hanson singing and doing their stuff in the background, and basically all you guys are gonna be doing is hanging out and having a bunch of fun." A pretty looking blond girl raised her hand and said, "Hey, like, are gonna getta, like, meet and talk to Hanson?" Arwen smiled and said, "Yeap, you sure will. Now, remember, they're just normal kids like you guys are. They're not the Prince of Wales or anything like that, so don't expect much" Janelle rolled her eyes and turned to her brother, "Geez, these girls are really full of it." Brenden just replied, "She's kinda cute." Janelle would have started gagging if it hadn't been for Arwen who said, "Okay, now we're gonna be filming this around town. So since there's seven of us, including the three brothers, that's ten. Well, we'll all get into a private bus and take you guys there, okay?" There was a low hum of "Okays" and "Yeahs," so Arwen said, "Okay then, follow me out into the parking lot." Janelle started walking out the door and followed Arwen down the hall. She turned to look behind her, and saw her brother talking with the blond girl that had asked a question earlier. Janelle silently snickered and thought to herself, "Give it up, bro."

Zac, Taylor, and Isaac were all waiting in the parking lot under the hot sun, while Zac jumped around in his orange pants. Isaac called over to Zac, "Zac! Stop jumping! Your pants are giving me a headache."

Zac started dancing.

Taylor said, "Zac stop it, you look like an idiot, dancing in the parking lot." Zac stopped and walked over to sit next to his brothers. "Geez, you guys sure are uptight today. C'mon! Lighten up y'guys! Today's gonna be fun fun fun!" Just then they saw two vans pull up next to the curb. Isaac stood up, "Finally, I was starting to getta migraine cuz of Zac's dancing." Taylor snickered and Zac put his hands up, "What's his problem? PMS?" Taylor laughed and said to his younger brother, "Zac my bro, lemme tell ya something, only girls get PMS." Zac shrugged, "Oh yeah, I knew that. He climbed onto the van and plopped down. Taylor smiled and followed him.


Janelle was sitting in the bus at a window seat staring out over the parking lot, when he felt someone run down the bus aisle and plop down in the seat in front of her. She peered over and saw Zac, lying with his hair spewed all around him. Janelle grinned and said, "You never run outta energy do ya?" Zac sprung back up and said, "Who? Me? Naaahhh!!" he layed back down and startin humming "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. Janelle scrunched her face up and said, "Agh! You actually like them?!" Zac grinned with his eyes closed and said, "'Course....Emma's a babe!" Janelle laughed and playfully socked Zac on the side of his head when she heard a voice coming from the left of her, "Hey! Don't beat up my bro! You'll hafta get past me first...." Janelle looked up and saw Taylor looking at her...his eyes just as blue as when she first saw him in the elevator when it got busted at the hotel. Janelle put on a shocked face and said, "Wha--? Me?" Taylor laughed and sat down next to her and he said, "So I guess that I've figured out why you're here. You're gonna be in the VDO, huh?" Zac whispered loudly to Janelle, "Watch it sista...that's his usual way of gettin' girls." Taylor laughed and said, "Shut up Zac!" Zac screeched his crazy laugh and ran down the aisle to where the bus drive was sitting. He appeard to be asking him all sorts of questions on how to work the wind shields. Janelle shook her head and smiled and said to Taylor, "Your brother really has a lot of energy doesn't he?" Taylor smiled and replied, "Yeap, he sure does. Dunno who he gets it from." Janelle smiled and said, "Anyway, you sure do seem to be a big hit with those girls over there." She pointed to the group of girls that were sitting three rows in front of them....they were all giggling and smiling. Janelle noticed the the pretty blond stand up and flick her hair over her shoulder. She was walking over to where Taylor and Janelle were sitting and she had this big confident smile on her face as she neared them. Taylor started to sink into his seat, "Oh comes one of them." Janelle giggled and said, "Hey, you're on your own." Then she looked over at Taylor and saw that he REALLY was shy....he was blushing like crazy and when the blond finaly did get to them she said, "Hi Tay! I'm Steph! But you can call me Stephie! I'm, like gonna be in your MMMBop VDO, and well, I just wanted to tell you that this is soooo cool!" Janelle thought that she sort of squeaked the word cool when she continued, "Yeah, and anyway, I was, like wondering if we could, like, hang out together or something! I know we'll have tons of fun, cuz you're like my mooooost favorite singer and you're the fineeeest boy ever!" Taylor looked uncomfortably at her and said, "Wow, thanks Stephie...uhh...yeah sure, let's hang out sometime." Stephie flicked another lock of her seemingly perfect blond hair over her shoulder and she plopped down next to Tay, squishing Janelle smack next to the window. Taylor looked at Janelle for help, but Janelle just looked at him blankly. He turned to Steph and said, "Steph, this is Janelle...she's a real good friend of mine." Steph glanced at Janelle and muttered, "Oh hi." then turned back to Taylor and put on her squeaky cheerleader voice once more, "Oh Taylor! I can't believe that I'm actually talking to you!" Taylor replied with uneasy eyes, "Well, um, there' nothing really special." He laughed uneasily and glanced at the floor, "Well, hey I'll talk to you s'more later okay?" he said hoping that she would get the message. Au Contraire dear Taylor, instead she said, "Oh no Tay! Why not just talk now? That way later, we'll have even MORE to talk about!" She wrapped her two arms around his and looked up at him and continued on, "Well, you're probably like, wondering lotsa stuff about me right?" Taylor numbly nodded and Steph contiued on, "Well, anyway, I have to tell you again that i love love you and your music! You are the best singer ever! Did anyone ever tell you that you have amazingly blue eyes?" Janelle thought she was gonna be sick. She looked at Taylor who looked like he had just eaten a pickle banana and peanut butter sandwhich when she heard him say to her, "Hey Steph, thanks a bunch, y'know I really do want to talk to you, but I'm really tired and I was catching some z's so maybe I'll talk to ya later okay?" He leaned back and feigned sleeping and she loudly whispered into his ear, "Okay Tay! You sleep, later when you wake up you can meet all my friends who also think that you're the greatest!" She slowly got up, as if afraid she'd wake him up, and quietly walked back down the bus aisle as the bus rambled on down the raod.

Taylor popped one open, "Is she gone?" Janelle smiled, "Yeah, don't worry." Taylor sat up and said quietly, "I hate it when they do that. It's like I'm this plastic figure toy for them, and they say plastic words to me." Janelle looked into his eyes and saw that he really meant it. She now began to understand that what the awesome hanson bros wasn't all fun and games. She quietly said to him, "Well, hey, Taylor, you know that not all your fans are like that. Some really like you for your music and for who you really are, and that goes for Isaac and Zac too," she looked down at his hands that were fiddling with the red friendship bracelet on his wrist and continued, "It may seem like all your fans are crazy about your looks and your music but don't really know the real you, but they DO support you and stand by even though it does suck, hey, there's some good points too. Taylor looked up and said to her, "Yeah, thanks a bunch Janelle. Man, you have no idea how glad I am to know that you're not like those crazy screaming fans." He siged and leaned back against his seat onece more, "Y'know? I really am tired, I think that i will take a nap." Janelle looked at him as he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. She couldn't help but think to herself, "Daaang, what hectic lives these boys live." She looked back out the window as they slowly rolled into downtown Tulsa.


"Hey Tay, Tay, wake up already!" Taylor slowly opened his eyes only to see Zac standing in the bus aisle shaking him awake. He turned to look to his right and saw Janelle fast asleep next to him. He gently shook her arm and said, "Hey Janelle, wake up, we're here." Janelle slowly opened her eyes. This was the first time he had ever really noticed how intense her eyes were. They were this color that resembled a silverish grayish color. Whatever color they were, they were beautiful. Zac shook him harder and said, "C'mon!! Let's go already!

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