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Janelle felt cool, creamy ice-cream roll down her tongue and she looked at her watch. It was now eight, and she was supposed to be getting back at eleven. They had just walked out of the hotel lobby, and Taylor had seen an ice-cream store down the street. He insisted that they stop by and buy some ice-cream saying that it was the best ice-cream around........and he was right, it was delicious. They were sitting outside of the ice-cream store on these little white plastic chairs sitting on the store's sidewalk, when Janelle looked up and saw two guys and an adorable little girl standing by their table. Taylor immediately smiled and said, "Hey! You guys found me!" The taller guy of the two laughed and said, "Yeah, all we had to do was follow yer smell." The shorter guy who was wearing these bright yellow pants, and these blazing yellow shoes to go along with them, let out a hysterical laugh and said, "Haha!! Got that right Ike! We could smell you all the way from the hotel lobby!" Taylor blushed and turned his head to Janelle in order to say, "Don't mind them, they're not really related to me, just her." He pointed to the younger girl with bright blond hair. All of a sudden, the younger guy in the yellow pants turned to them and said, "Hey, I can't take it anymore. Tay either go getta can of air-freshner from the mini-mart down the road, or go jump into the hotel pool, and put us outta or misery!!" Janelle laughed and he continued, "Okay, wait a sec, I'll be right back. I'll go get us some cones." He was off in a flash, and was in the store in an instant .

Janelle smiled, and turned back to the trio in front of her. That was when she noticed that all four of them had the same bright blond hair, so Janelle spoke up and asked Tay, "Hey, are these your brothers and sister?" Taylor looked at her and replied, "Yeap, that's Avie, the one who just ran off is Zac, and this one here, who resembles an ape is Ike." Ike pulled up a chair for Avie and himself, then playfully pounded Tay on his shoulder and said to Janelle, "No, he's got it wrong, HE'S the ape." He was interrupted by Avie who was pulling the hem of his shirt, "Ikey, who's that girl?" She pointed a sticky finger at Janelle and smiled angelically at her. Ike looked down on the little girl and said, "I dunno Avie, why don't you ask her?" He looked at Janelle and smiled. Janelle smiled back, turned to Avie, and said, "Hi, I'm Janelle." Avie stuck out her right palm and said, "Very pleased to meet you Janelle. I'm Avery, but you can call me Avie." Then she turned to Taylor, whom had now pulled his hair up into a pony-tail, and said, "Tay, she's pretty, is she your girlfriend?" Taylor started to turn an even deeper shade of red, and he said to the little girl who had an expectant look on her face, "No Avery, we're just friends. We met in the hotel elevator on the way down." Ike's face lit up and he said, "You weren't by any chance the two teenagers who were stuck in the elevator earlier this morning, are ya?" Janelle answered, "Yeah, we are. It was so weird. It just stopped moving all of a sudden." Ike laughed and said, "Whoa, yeah, yer right, that musta been real weird........"

Just then, Zac appeared next to her, with three dripping cones. He handed one to Ike, Avery, and took the largest one for himself. Tay smiled at her and said to the others, "Anyway, Janelle's from California, she's moving here, and she just got here last night." Zac jumped from his seat, "Hey cool!! Which part of OK are ya gonna be living at?" Janelle grinned at him and replied, "Tulsa. Your brother told me that you guys live there, too?" Zac sat back down and said, "Yeap, we sure do. It's not exactly New York, or in your case California. But it's still one of THEE awesomest places around!! We've got lotsa stuff, we'll show ya around!!"

Janelle smiled and turned to the rest of them, "Yeah, well, we're gonna be moving in today........" Then she remembered her mother's warning about getting back to the hotel by 11. She searched her watch for the time, and was relieved to see it was only 8:25. She turned back to them and said, "Well, anyway, I'd better get going. It's been way cool getting to meet ya guys........and yeah, we'll definitely hafta get together later, after I move to Tulsa." She stood up and was about to turn around when Taylor called out, "Hey, wait, I thought that you were gonna be leaving at around 11? Can't you stay a little longer?" Janelle smiled and turned to hime and said, "Well, okay, sure." She tried to keep the cool, calm and collective look on her face, but inside she was going, "Ohmegosh, this is cool, he wanted me to stay!" She knew she was getting way ahead of herself, cuz she had only known this guy for about an hour, and here she was happy with glee that this guy didn't want her to leave yet. All of a sudden, Avie called to Tay, "Tay? Could we go watch 'Titanic'? Mommy promised us we could watch it, but she's still sleeping." Taylor turned to her and said, "Ya really wanna see that movie, huh?" He got up and re-tied his pony-tail and said, "Well, okay. If that's what you want Princess Avery, then we'll go watch it!" He turned to Janelle and said, "Have ya watched it yet? Titanic?" Janelle shook her head and replied, "Nope, but i've been planning on doing so." She turned to Avie, took her hand and turned to the rest of the guys, "C'mon, let's go. Lead away!"

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