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*~Wavs and MIDI's~*

More Wavs coming Soon!!!

Wanna hear Zac yell at a monkey? Really! He's doin it! (Kristi totally cracks up every single time she hears this will too hehe) ape.wav

Ever wanted to hear Hanson blab? We mean it.....they're literally blabbing.....hehehe.... blab.wav

Hear 'em do an awesome acapella of MMMBop at the Sydeny Opera House sydneymmmbop.wav

So ya think that they always always sing absolutely perfectly? Heehee......not anymore....check out this wav offkey.wav

Okay, this one is funny....check it out yerself.... poop.wav

This wav is cute......they're on Top of the Pop's radio topofpop.wav

And lastly, a nice l'il MMMBop MIDI!!

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