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About me

Well, most of you already know me but for those of you that don't, here is a little bit about myself. I am 19 years old, 6 feet tall and I weigh 196 pounds. Most of the people I talk to want to know where I got the name "ROCKY". Well It was given to me while I was playing hockey in Nelson. They called me that cause my coach said I reminded him of Rocky Balboa *L* cause I was fearless and would fight anyone. I guess that is true *smile* I love to play hockey and lacrosse. I love the physical aspects of the game. I can't play a sport where it is illegal to smack a guy with a good check. I play defence in both sports cause you can punish opposing forwards with huge checks. I play a very physical game. I modelled my style after Dave Manson simply cause he wasn't the biggest guy, like me, but he wouldn't take shit from no one and he could beat up anyone on any given night. Most people think I am a goon but I don't go out and look for fights like some guys do. If a time comes where the team needs to get a boost or a teammate needs protecting, it is my job. I played Junior "A" 2 years ago for the Nelson Jr. Leafs of the Rocky Mountain Junior Hockey league. I played in 48 games and my stats were 6 goals, 22 assists, 28 points while racking up 378 PIMS. Last year I played in the beer leagues where I racked up 35 goals, 76 assists, 111 points and 273 PIMS. It was pretty easy to score in the beer leagues *L* Well, soon I will have pictures of me up on here. I have one picture from the newspaper with me scrappin some guy and it looks pretty cool. Others I have are some other hockey pics of me. None too interesting *smile* Well, that is enough about me. If you want me to update you when the pics are up, let me know in the guestbook and I will keep you posted.
