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Top Ten Fighters

Here is a list of the best of the best in my opinion. You will find a profile and last years stats with each fighter. This list is MY opinion, so if you think someone should be on here, let me know.


St. Louis Blues

> 6-1, 230 pounds Last season's stats- 45 games, 0 goals, 1 assist, 1 point, 86 PIM

In my opinion, the toughest guy in the NHL simply because no one wants to fight him, and when he does fight, it is usually a very one sided win for the Twister and the other guy in a whole lot of hurt. Great scrapping ablilities, huge physique, super strong and hits to seriously hurt you. Trains in the off season my punching the cement floor in his house to strengthen knuckles.


Tampa Bay Lightning

6-3, 225 pounds Last season's stats- 33 games, 3 goals, 5 assists, 8 points, 113 pims

Great fighter that has run into the same problem as other heavyweights. Sandy wants to prove himself as a player now and not as a fighter. It is a shame because he can really throw them. Had a great fight with Rudy Poeschek this year. Usually destroys his opponents.


Chicago Blackhawks

6-3, 225 pounds Last season's stats- 82 games, 9 goals, 14 assists, 23 points, 326 pims

Legendary tough guy that still, at his age, intimidates most guys. If a young gun fighter wants to make a name for himself, Bob is usually the guy that they go after because many still consider him the best of the best. Another fighter that wants to prove himself as a player, but will still drop them when needed. Great hands and technique. Would love to see him fight more. Has had some great battles in the past with Kocur, Domi and Crowder. Is recovering from a severe rotator cuff injury so fighting is limited.


Philadelphia Flyers

6-5, 225 pounds Last season's stats- 75 games, 1 goal, 4 assists, 5 points, 210 pims.

Young fighter that will be the heavyweight champ in a few years. Plays in Philly on the toughest line in hockey with Kordic, Lacroix and Mhyres. Great to watch because he goes all out when he fights. Reminds me of the old days where they would grab on to one arm and throw with the other. Good thing about Dan is that he can throw with both hands which makes him more effective and dangerous.


Washington Capitals

6-3, 230 pounds Last years stats- 42 games, 9 goals,13 assists

Eventhough Chris never fights anymore, due to shoulder problems, he is still on my list because he is VERY dangerous when he does fight. One word describes Chris when he fights, and that is PSYCHO!! I have never seen anyone go as nuts as he does when he fights. When on his game, he can beat the best of them, although he has never gone Twist or McCarthy.


New York Rangers

6-0, 205 pounds Last season's stats- 60 games, 3 goals, 6 assists, 9 points, 195 pims

Another one of the future heavyweights. Already a great fighter, he will only get better. Was a little tentative to dance with the big boys when he first came into the league, but over the past season or two, he has had some great battles with them, including a marathon bout with Domi this year. Southpaw fighter that has amazing stamina and seems to be able to throw forever without getting tired. Has a wierd strategy because of his stamina and that is that he will wait for his opponent to tire out before unleashing the punches. Will be a premier heavyweight in a few years if he isn't already.


Toronto Maple Leafs

5-10, 200 pounds Last season's stats- 80 games, 11 goals, 17 assists, 28 points, 275 pims.

Probably the most talented fighter when it comes to actually playing the game, which makes him valuable to his team. Doesn't go out looking for fights like he used to, but always puts on a good show when he decides to dance. Can throw both left and right effectively and can take a MASSIVE amount of punishment. Alot of people will ask me why Domi isnt higher on my list. The answer is simple. Tie usually takes alot more punishment than he dishes out, but he looks great doing it, so people think he is the toughest. Don't get me wrong, he is really tough, but he isn't the toughest and he never was.


Vancouver Canucks

6-3, 227 pounds Last season's stats- 69 games, 8 goals, 5 assists, 13 points, 245 pims

Was never considered a heavyweight fighter in the past because of his fighting style, but has found recent success using this awkward style. What he dows is he grabs on to the opponent and hugs onto them, while smacking them in the back of the head. Occasionally will go toe to toe and has sometimes been successful doing it. One of my least favorite fighters, he is on the list because he his fight record this year is pretty impressive. Appears to have a boxing technique to his fighting, along with the clutch and grab style. Had really impressive and decisive wins in the pre-season over Dennis Bonvie and one of my personal favorites, Brantt Mhyres.


Philadelphia Flyers

6-4, 220 pounds Last season's stats- 47 games, 3 goals, 1 assist, 4 points, 136 pims

I guess I would have to thank Brashear for beating Myhres in the pre-season because Edmonton cut him after he lost. Now he is wearing Philly colors and is showing that he really can dance. His style is simple. Go out there and knock the guys head off. Has been successful with this method so far, but will soon get caught. The thing I love about this guy is that he don't care who you are, he will fight you. It would be interesting to see the next time they play St. Louis because the Twister would be more than willing to give Brantt a shot. Already dominates when he fights, he will only get tougher as the years go by. Scary thinking about how tough he will be.


Carolina Hurricanes

6-5, 227 pounds Last years stats- 75 games, 2 goals, 2 assists, 4 points,218 pims

Often referred to as "The Grim Reapor" because he can snap at anytime and is often uncontrollable. Not much style involved when he fights but he has always been successful. Don't really know much about him becaue I have not seen him fight enough, but there is one thing I know,and that is he rarely loses.

Some of you might write to me and ask why certain fighters aren't on the list. Fighters like Rob Ray, Gino Odjick, Enrico Ciccone, Paul Laus, Marty McSorley etc. Well, that is natural and i appreciate any comments, but I am a very knowledgable and unbiased fight fan and this list is how i see it. I will guarantee one thing, and that is if a fighter impresses me he will make the list and if one on this list dissapoints me, he will be removed.
