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Links to Other Sites

Links to friends pages and other pages. If you have a web page that would like to be added, e-mail me with the address and description and I will add it.

Angelfire-Free web pages

Hotmail-Free e-mail service

Omnichat-Great site to talk about anything you want site of the National Hockey League

Fried Chickens Fight Site-Great place to talk about hockey scrapping

Women's Hockey Web-Great site to learn more about Women's hockey

BAM BAM's animal and hockey page

RHI-Official site of Roller Hockey International

Sports Chic's sports page

On-line Lacrosse magazine. Great lacrosse site!

Emily's page-Be sure to check out the pics page to see her ice fishing and what she looks like on laundry day! *smile*

Lady Mystics Page- Lots of interesting stuff on it

Niki's web page- She calls it a "Fantabulous and Spiffy web page" I aint to sure what those words mean but it is cool. *smile*

Janet's web page- She just started it but it is great
