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Fight Pics!!

Here are pics of NHL bad boys doing what they do best. There are lots of pics here and will be lots more coming so be patient and let the entire page load. Trust me, it is worth the wait *smile*

An old pic of a young Tony Twist giving it to Warren Rychel
Tie Domi and Darren Langdon earlier this year in a classic, marathon bout!
Felix the cat takes it to "gramps" Hextall
Here is why McCarty aint no heavyweight in my books, he barely beats Claude lemieux!!
One of my faves Todd Harvey slugging it out with Gino Odjick.
Brantt Myhres wrecks Frankie Leroux!
Rene Corbet giving it to "pit bull" Scott Walker.
Here is a pic from a great rookie fight! Dave Scatchard going at it with Joe Thornton.
My all time fave Rocky Thompson throwing down monster Matt Johnson.
Mike Peluso getting ready to land a left to the face of Paul Laus.
Cale Hulse pounds on Dave Karpa
Ranger young gun Ryan Vandenbussche scrapping Veteren Mike Peluso.
