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Even More Fight Pics

.......More fight pics..........

One of the best of all-time Dave Brown beats a helples Rob Ray. Notice Ray without his shirt on, a familiar sight for old Sabres fans!

Steve Shields giving it to a bigger Garth Snow. Thank god Snow aint in Philly anymore!
Jim McKenzie going at it with a turtle. Did I mention how much I hate turtleing?
Veteren Jamie Huscroft about to put a dent in "Bam Bam" Barnaby's face
Gino Odjick and Basil McCrae exchanging heartfelt wishes.
"Bam Bam" might have bitten a little more than he can chew in this bout with Ed Jovonoski
"Jovo Cop" again this time taking a thumb in the eye as he lands a left to the head of Denis Pederson.
Two big boys going at it here. Eric Cairns and Dean Malkoc
Jeff Odgers about to smack Dave Roche with a right.
Young Twist beating on Mario Roberge
Mick Vukota battling a bleeding Chris Murray.
the "Grim Reapor" Stu Grimson takes on a much smaller but game Chris Tamer.
Here is one for you April *smile* "Bam Bam" Rayzor" and "May Day" kind of sad that Buffalo had to get rid of the toughest out of the three eh? *l*
Another pic of a young Twist, this time after a fight.
Old rivalry here between Tie Domi and Ken Baumgartner.
