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The Last of the Fight Pics!!!!

........And the last of the fight pics!!!

Here is a great pic of Eric Lindros taking it to Marty McSorley

Young gun Brantt Mhyres and Big Georges Laraque going at it.
This has got to be one of my favorite pics!! Can someone tell me where Drake's head is? *smile*
Mark Tinordi and Jason Smith in another marathon bout from earlier this year.
Rob Ray welcomes rookie Krzysztof Oliwa to the NHL.
Paul Kruse throwing a right to the head of Sheldon Souray.
One of my most hated players, Scott Daniels gets worked by Ken Baumgartner.
Dan Kordic's first NHL scrap with Lyle Odelein
Hexy and the Beezer going at it, looks like the Beezer might have the edge here.
Eric beating on a Canadian, looks like it is Brian Bellows.
Maybe next time Patrick will keep the mask on.
