Topic: Apartment
1. I somehow managed to misplace of one my picture CDs when moving apartments last month. Which sucks cause I didn't copy them onto my harddrive first. I just can't believe I lost it. I also just realized I lost the index print too. Makes me wonder if I still have the negatives. I won't know because I can't compare the numbers. Thankfully I put the pictures in an album.
2. I found out today that Kathryn got an extension on her lease to go through summer while she looked for a job. And I was so looking forward to having the place to myself over the summer. Where I wouldn't have to worry if there was a clean spoon or fork for me to use. Currently our sink is full with every knife, fork and spoon sans one spoon and one baby fork as those were the ones I used and therefore they got washed. Kathryn leaves tomorrow for Costa Rica and I doubt she'll wash her dishes before she goes. I'm not going to wash them again for her. I did the half she left before winter break. I did all of the ones she left in the sink at the old place. She has to do them herself all the way down to the bottom so she can see how disgusting it is to leave dirty dishes there for over a month. She's created her own vicious cycle: she doesn't like to dishes by hand and yet the longer they stay there, the harder it is to get the crud off. And I am still the only one to really take any cleaning product to the kitchen. If they have ever done it, it's not noticible. I'm the one who cleans most often and that is still a terrifying thought. So is the fact that only one of them?the better in terms of cleaness?is moving out for summer.