Mood: not sure
Now Playing: "Keep It Up" by J & R Project on "Trance Party Vol. 3"
After spending 6 hours last night running Disk Doctor and Speed Disk, my computer seems to be running okay. No more clicky noises, and it took less than 50 minutes for it to boot up this morning. It just has to last me a couple more months but it has been good to me for the past 4 years.
In school news: one final down, 3 to go. I took my Plastics final yesterday morning after they finally figured out what happened to my test. I was supposed to have taken it Thursday afternoon. Apparently, when my professor e-mailed the exam the Wednesday before, it got labelled as junk mail. And as the woman at the DRC said, "what does that say about [my] test?" ;-). Anyway, I think I'll probably get a B in the class. B+ if she does +/- grading but I don't think she does. And soon I'll be getting my butt in gear for my date with Robert Kennedy and just be doing Analysis until my eyes bleed or until the time of the final. Whichever comes first. Then I'll start studying for Number Theory and Econ. I think I stand a chance of an A in Number Theory but it will really depend on how I do on the final. Econ I'll definitely be getting a B in. And as for Analysis...well, let's hope for a repeat miracle.
In club news: I attended all three of my clubs end of the year events last night. The start times of each worked out well enough that I could go to all three. All though by the time I reached the third one, I couldn't eat anymore ;-). The first one was the Math student vs. faculty softball game/End of the Year BBQ. There was a very good showing and the faculty even managed to field their own team and then plus some. The students still lost 10-16 but at least it was close and we were ahead at a few points. I only got to bat twice and oddly didn't see the ball often in left field which kind of sucked. I really wanted to see more action to see if I noticed a difference in my performance after taking Sports Conditioning twice a week for the past 10 weeks. Ah well. The funniest play was when Kyle was coming home and tried to slide away from Dr. Rawlings tag and Dr. Rawlings ended up falling over. I told Kyle, "Way to trip up the faculty!" hehehe. After the game, I quickly had some of the BBQ and then took off for Nucci's for NSCS' event. When I got to Nucci's I started a little concerned because I was late but I didn't see anyone there yet. So I went into the bathroom to change but when I came out, still no one but then a few minutes later they all arrived. We ended up switching locations to Village Host (which ironically was down the street from the softball game) since Nucci's didn't have enough seating. So I had pizza with NSCS. I think in the 3 years I've been in NSCS, that was the second event I've ever attended. Whoops ;-). Then I cut that a little short and went to the Methodist Church for the last Shabbat dinner with Hillel. I didn't have any food there though. But I did talk with a few people and watched all the presentation and the slide show. Then I left there and came home; it had been a long day. But as I said above, it went even longer since I was trying to fix my computer.
In personal news: My parents sold their house. Well first it was "we have an offer," then it was "we have to be out of here by June 21st and will be living in a rented one bedroom furnished apartment" and after speaking with my dad this morning it's "I'm quitting my job and we're moving to Vegas." So our weekend trip to Vegas in 3 weeks has gone from a "see the house before we move in" trip to a "come see our new house days after we move in" trip. Interesting how all that happened in a span of about 4 days. So when I move out in August, I won't be moving home but rather just in with my parents. *sigh* I'll miss you 4139.