Tests and Papers and Cookie Dough, Oh My!
Tests: I got my Jazz midterm back today. Not too bad, I got an 81% on it. I did better than I thought on the listening portion of it. Which reminds me, I need to pick up the CD for the final next week. I have a Sociology test tomorrow. Very much not looking foward to that.
Papers: I turned in my paper on Afrocentrism today. If you read my away messages, that was the paper I was talking about Sunday and yesterday. It's done and over with. Thank goodness. I have a Sociology paper due on Friday that I have no clue what the hell I'm suppose to write. Well that's not true, I'm suppose to "critique" a journal article about Mexican society. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! The journal has to be from a list of journals he gave out. And pretty much none of them have what I think I'm looking for. I haven't done too much regarding this yet. The paper is only worth 10 points. But oh how I am envying groups 2 and 3 right now. Group 2 has their paper due on Monday, and group 3's is due Wednesday. I would call this a slight advantage to the other group. Or at least a disadvantage to my group. I hate group work. Have you heard my rant about the Life Sucking Project From Hell? If you want to see me angry, ask me about it sometime.
Cookie Dough: In the true Procrastinator spirit, I made some cookie dough. This kept me downstairs longer in which case I got sucked into a television program. Now I did bake some of this dough (where upon I also ate about 4-6 of the baked cookies) but I also ate some raw. I wasn't feeling too well about an hour ago but I'm feeling better now. I'm really just including this section so I could do the "Wizard of Oz" paradoy for the title of this entry (which is done in the true Procrastinator spirit as well).
*sigh* I suppose I should get back studying.
or start studying as the case may be