Tonight was Math Club game night. I got there about 40 minutes late because of running late at work and then stopping at home for a few things. But there were a lot of people there including two professors: Dr. Wolf and Dr. Patton. I played Cranium for about the first 2 hours. That was fun, I hadn't played that version before. I was on a team with Melissa, Andre and Ian (we won). Then those of who played that game (there was also some scategories and scrabble going on) either talked for a bit or left. The rest of us afterward played Taboo and some other people arrived. I was
Now I'm contemplating this beach clean up/BBQ with Honors tomorrow. I don't need any community service hours but a BBQ sounds like fun. I guess I'll play by ear tomorrow. I should be working on Linear Algebra and get it out of the way so I can study for Combinatorics test on Tuesday but I