First Day of Spring Quarter
Now Playing: "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" by Bonnie Tyler on "NoAlbum"
Topic: School
8am-9:30am: WorkIt was definitely nice to be beaten in (by Kim). I did get kicked out of my seat though (by Ronak who decided to work for an hour because I was threatening to kick him out). Also working during that time period were the two newest guys Ben and Surren. Those guys definitely did not have enough training. I found out from Bridget that they had about a day of training with her before answering phones themselves. Yes, apparently we are that short handed. But yeah, they're call handling skills could use some work. I was going to do the two new accounts with Kim but she was busy helping people or helping those guys help people. And since Bridget wasn't coming in later, I decided to grab Leigh at 9:30 and quickly do the two new accounts with him. The problem there was that for whatever, the push at 9:47 did go through fast enough for the impatient me and I couldn't do the OM accounts before I had to leave for class. Yeah, I stayed until 10. This is why I scheduled myself to I would actually leave by 10.
10:10am-11am: MATH 341-Number TheoryI know from people who took Dr. Mendes for Combinatorics last quarter that he's a very tough homework grader. And homework is worth a lot. 40% for our class. Each midterm is worth only 15% and the final 30%. Hopefully my textbook gets here soon so I can start on the homework. The class should be a bit interesting since I'm taking it out of order (along with a few other seniors). For example, after class today, Rebecca went up to Dr. Mendes and basically asked why couldn't we just use analysis to prove what he just proved. Silly girl, trying to use 400 level material in a 300 level class. As for Dr. Mendes himself, he seems like a nice guy but then again he's not much older than us (graduated grad school in 2004). But I do love his handwriting. He writes at a normal pace and
neatly (do you have any idea how rare that is for a math professor?) which I find improves my own notes. And if you've tried to read my notes, you'd realize that that is a very good thing. Anyway, first homework assignment due next Tuesday. Final is Friday June 10 at 10am.
11am-1pm: Math Lounge
I have a class at the gym put in for 12:10-12:55 but had to skip due to working on Math Club stuff. I sent out e-mails for our meeting tomorrow, yosemite update, sweatshirt payments, shirt payments, made sign up sheets for the car wash Saturday and the book sale next week. It doesn't seem like that should take 3 hours but somehow it did.
1:10pm-2pm: MATH 414: Real Analysis IIIWell only three main differences from last quarter. 1) Dave either missed the first day or decided to drop the track. Hopefully I'll see him soon to see how he's doing. 2) The time of the class is an hour later than last quarter but the same as Fall. 3) The room is back in the math building rather than the spider building. Homework hasn't been assigned yet. Final is Friday June 10 at 1:10pm
2pm-4pm: Running around
Hopefully, I will normally be in the library for this time but today I had to run around to see about my graduation. I went to the Stat department first to see if I could talk to someone about picking up the minor. I managed to catch one guy in his office but need to go back Wednesday at 3 to actually talk to him about it. Then I went up to the Math department to have Dr. Morrison sign my petition to subsitute a D5 GE for a D2 GE in London. Then I went to the Evaluations office to see if I could get my evaluation earlier to make sure I was on track. My evaluator basically said he won't be getting to Fall people for a couple more weeks, to talk to Cindy in COSAM Advising and that he would route my petition off to the right people. So then I went to the COSAM Advising center to see if I could make an appointment for tomorrow. Unfortunately, this week is walk-in only. (Never thought I'd say that). Fortunately, the lady at the front desk was able to give me the most current version of my unofficial evaluation and said from what she can see, I was just missing a few GE's and the elective in my major. I said I hoped Math 304 would count for that since it wasn't going to be a track. She said I should talk to my department advisor. So I went back to the department and was pointed to Dr. Greenwald who explained that basically I need 28 units in the advanced course work area and that I had 24 units from the 3 tracks and just needed the extra units from another track, elective in major or elective in support. So I actually have 32 units in advanced course work but recommended that I talk to Cindy to be absolutely sure. I decided to put that off until tomorrow. I went over to the bookstore to get the "Greenbook" for my Econ class but they didn't have it. Since I had class from 4 to 6 I decided to get some food and went to Backstage. I got to bug Rebecca while she worked, that was fun ;-). I also called my mom back about trying to get some program to work on her virtual PC that she thinks I someone broke. All I did was run Norton's on her comptuer, didn't fix any of the 20+ problems because we couldn't boot from the disk. I didn't touch the program or virtual PC. Whatever.
4:10pm-6pm: ECON 201-Survey of EconomicsThe good news is that of the 230 people in the class, I do know one. Nick is there with me which we actually found out during Analysis. I did get a good seat though but I still hate the desks in the silo. My spiral notebook barely fits on there. Anyway, big lecture hall of 230 elbow to elbow. Ugh, I hate that enviornment. The only good thing about it is 3 multiple guess midterms of 38 questions each and a multiple guess final of 50 questions. Although the lack of questions for a 2 hour class kind of scares me. Homework is to start reading chapter 1 and get the textbook and the Greenbook. Final is Friday June 10 at 4pm.
Notice a pattern with the finals yet? That's right, 3 of my 4 classes have their finals on Friday (10am, 1pm, 4pm). If I wasn't a DRC student those would non-stop. I was saying when I got out of econ saying that if my last class had it's final Friday at 7am I would laugh/scream. Anyway, after class I came home and checked the scedule just so I wouldn't embarass myself tomorrow if it came true. Fortunately a 4-5:30 class is considered evening (and 4-6 isn't, go figure) so the final is 7pm on Thursday. So eventually I'll have to move one away from Friday and move the IT one up. Eh, I'll concern myself with the details that later. I'm just glad my birthday isn't during finals week like it was the first two years.
Thanks to having Thursday off, there's a Math Club meeting tomorrow which makes it very busy since I really really want to go to this class at the gym. Although it is right before my IT class so we'll have to see how that works. In general, Tuesdays and Thursdays will not be fun.
*sigh* I hate Spring quarter.