

This is my page of interviews that I myself have done. I only have one on here currently but will hopefully have more soon.

This interview took place on August 8th at the barn. Other bands playing are Pharmaceutical Bandits, Channel 6, Amazing Royal Crowns, and the head liners Cherry Poppin Daddies. I'm interviewing Jeffries Fan Club a six piece ska band from Orange County. The band is Mike Dzuirgot (lead guitar/vocal), Sonnie Johnston (Rhythm Guitar), Chris Colonnier (Trombone), Chris Rush (trumpet), Derek Gibbs (bass guitar), and Justin Ferreira (Drums). Also I'd like to say they are a awesome fucking ska band. Buy the cd it's worth it.

To give our readers a sense of background how did the band form?
Mike Dzuirgot: um..that's a long one you want to hear it?
Me: yeah go ahead
Mike:Okay in high school.....Hey Sonnie you wanna tell it?
Sonnie Johnston: no
Mike: In high school me and Sonnie and a bunch of other friends, we used to got to cool shows with like the Goodwin Club, the Skalars, the Nuckle Brothers and like all these good bands that are broken up now, like the Reel Big Fish before they were big and the Aquabats and it was really fun so we wanted to start a band and have fun. Basically that's how we started and it took about two years until we finally got everyone that's here now.
Alright, here's what I was wondering where did you guys get your name? Who's Jeffrie?
Mike: uh, this goes back to high school again, we had a friend named Jeffrie, who kind of did his hair like you but it was all spiked all over his head. So he had a group of girls that liked his hair and followed him around and thought he was really cute. Every time they walked by I‘d say to Sonnie " There goes Jeffries Fan Club". Every time they walked by so we went home and wrote a song about it about it and it just became our name.
Chris Colonnier: Never used the song
Mike: Never used the song though.
Me: Oh yeah? Ever gonna do it?
Mike: No
Chris C: maybe as a hidden track.
Chris Rush: I think it would be good as a hidden track
Mike: Maybe as a hidden track on a future cd.
JFC: yeah
Justin Ferreira: There you go.
Mike: That's information that you have and no one else does
Me: Sweet
What's your favorite condiment?
Chris R: Favorite what??
Chris C: Condiment.
Me: Like mustard or Arby's secret sauce.
Justin: Ketchup! Ketchup! Ketchup!
Mike: Del Taco Hot
Chris R and Chris C: yeah Del Taco Hot Sauce
I know you guys recorded healthy body on the Operation Ivy Tribute cd, so I was wondering if Op Ivy was any kind of influence on you?
Mike: Well, I think they're an influence on every third wave band because they were the first ones to mix up ska and punk so I'd have to say yeah.
What are some of the bands other influences?
Mike: Well that's umm. Everyone in the band have different influences. As far as ska goes it goes back to shows. I mean I was influenced by the scene, the Orange County Ska scene like four years ago, that's what I was most influenced by.
Sonnie: As well as I
Any of you guys into swing like Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Reverend Horton Heat, or Indigo Swing?
Mike: Reverend Horton Heat is my fucking hero. He is my fucking hero!
Me: yea I've seen him on the Conan O'Brien Show
Mike: We have a little bit of rockabilly in us and that is because of RHH. Reverend Horton Heat, I love Royal Crown Revue, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is cool, Indigo Swing...
Chris C: Every time he warms up he always warms up on Reverend. Tonight is probably the first time he didn't , he might have played one little thing
Chris R: yeah he did a little
Mike: Reverend is my world
Chris C: always warms up on him
Do you have a favorite venue or show that you guys played yet?
Sonnie: Catalyst
Chris R:Catalyst
Chris C: Catalyst
Justin: Catalyst
Chris R: Every shows just go off now. Every shows Rad.
Mike: It used to be rare but lately every shows been really good.
Chris C: I'd say the Catalyst
Mike: The Catalyst in Santa Cruz went off. It was fucking great!!
Who Were you Guys Playing with?
Sonnie: We played with Slow Gherkin
Chris R Chris C: Slow Gherkin, My Superhero and Siren Six
Mike: Siren Six are awesome. We love every show they're all good. That's why we do it, for the shows.
Did any of you guys play in the school band back in High school?
Mike: yes. (Indicating Chris Colonnier and Chris Rush) he did and he did.
Chris C: Chris and I went to the same high school.
Me: El Dorado right?
Chris C: Yeah how'd you know?
Me: I'm on the skasoca mailing list and someone said you two were two of the top band members there.
Chris C: yeah(sarcastically)
Chris R: In the Jazz Band we were.
Chris C: Well, I mean we've been playing together since Junior High so we pretty much were the perfect team.
Were you guys considered to be the nerds or was it cool to be in the band?
Chris R: no actually we wern't . We were in a band called , well not a band...
Chris C Sonnie Justin: (interupting) yeah right!! Sure!!
Chris C: Were in a band called ?( I cant tell what he says is name of the band)
Chris R: We were really huge
Chris C: The band was really big at El Dorado. He got kicked out though.(indicating Chris Rush) He was really paranoid. (Laughter)
What was the first song you guys ever wrote together?
Mike: What would that be??
Sonnie: Meat
Chris C: no
Mike: ohh, Milk. Wouldn't milk be it?
Chris C: yeah
Mike: Ohh shit...we wrote so many songs. You don't realize how long it took for me to learn to write good songs.
Chris C: we dropped like 12 songs
Mike: I dunno, I guess out of what we still play it would have to be milk. It's probably one of the most popular too.
Chris C: Then 12
Do you guys watch any soap operas?
Mike: "General Hospital's" my favorite. I love Brenda, I'm in love with Brenda on there.
Justin: Fag!!
Me: Anyone watch "Days of our lives"?
Chris C: "Days of our Lives" got too fucking stupid. It got way retarded. Now Another World thats good stuff.
Alright who's the guy that gets all the girls in band, cause there's always one?
Justin: ME!!
Me: that'd be you?
Justin: of course
Sonnie: Mike
Chris R: Mike
me: You? (Talking to mike)
Mike: well I guess.
Sonnie Chicks dig him
you guys seen any good movies lately?
Mike: Oh yeah, what did I just see?.......
Justin: Howard Stern. I have a big cock.
Me: Face Off?
Chris C: Face Off was rad
Chris R: spectacular
Chris C: Spawn sucked
Me: Did it really?
Chris R: yep. It did.
Chris C: Spawn had good special effects and John Leguizamo was rad as fuck, but the movie sucked. John made the movie. Effects were good and John Leguizamo was rad.
Mike: wanna see a good movie see swingers.
Me: Yea I saw it and it was the shit. Anyone see Contact? I thought that was good fucking movie.
Chris R: what.. It sucked that movie was so crappy.
Chris C: I wanna see it.
Me: Why didn't you like it?
Chris R: Well of course the slopping sound of the couple macking behind me and my friend was disturbing.
Chris C: One of the best moviesthis year dude, Go see Air Force One.It's one of the best movies i've seen all year.
Sonnie: You know whats gonna be good that movie with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts.
Chris R: Conspirancy Theory.
Sonnie: yea.
Mike They stopped making good movies after the 80's. 80's have all the good movies in my opinion.
Me: Ever seen Suburbia? Made in 83, old punk rock movie.
Mike: I wanna see that. (Singing) Suburbia Suburbia Suburbia Suburbia
Chris C: There's a new Suburbia coming out too.
Have you ever toured outside of the country yet?
Mike: no.
Me: I've heard Japan is the best place to tour.
Mike: it is
Chris C: We've never been there.
Mike: We can't like even go to Utah
Chris R:We need to get a van.
How long have you guys been playing togheter?
Chris C: nine months
Sonnie: Shows we've been playing nine months
Mike: as a whole nine months
How about the two horn players?
Chris R: I've been playing six years
Chris C: Intruments? Man.. I've been playing nine years and I played piano a couple of years before that.
Do you have any advice for anyone that wants to learn the trumpet, because I'm about to buy one?
Chris R: Trumpet?
Mike: I have some advice try to be as good as the guy in the Cherry Poppin Daddies. Ever seen them?
Me: yeah sure, I saw them at the showcase.
Mike: that guy right there.(pointing to trumpet player for CPD) Hey do you have any advice for this kid he wants to play the trumpet. We just told him he should learn to play like you.
Dana Heitman: No!! Do not inspire to be me. Inspire to be: Names many great players. (If you really want to know there names then e-mail me) Maynard Macarthur park broke my heart. As chessy as that arrangement is on the live at jimmies album that was soulfull. Maynard is soulfool. He can also be flatulent as well.Here's the thing. I can play high so I do, but I try not to play high to much so no one gets bored with it It can only be exciting for so long.Thats why I don't play high all long. It gets old after a while. And then people see that and they think o.k. thats what the trumpet's supposed to sound like, then they hear a low trumpet and think it sucks.
Chris R: Yea don't do that to me anymore!!!
Mike: When editing this just type the Trumpet player for the CPD's is the shit. I'm like in love with that guy and I'm not like that.
If someone made a movie about Jeffires Fan Club who do you think would play you?
Mike: The Beatles
Chris C: Chris Rush would be played by..
Chris R: PEEWEE HERMAN!!! I'd be played by PEEWEE HERMAN
Justin: Luke Perry would play Mike.
Both Chris's: yeaa Luke Perry
Me: How about you? (Me to Sonnie)
Chris R: He'd be played by Billy Corgan and Matt Himbry would play Justin.
Chris C: I'd be played by the fat kid on stand by me if he gained all the weight back.
Chris R: no, the kid in goonies.
Justin: Upcoming shows. We playing at Freedom Forum in Anehiem Saturday 16th, and the release party for Hey Bro Can You Spare Cheapo comp with the RXB bandits and Attaboy skip.
Mike: Attaboy Skip is fuckin awesome!!!!!!
Me: They do a cover of Twisted Sister thats fucking sweet.
Mike: The do a cover of.... the Ghostbusters song
Chris C: The Ghostbuster song is on there new lp. It's is sooooo rad! If theres a favorite band that we've played with it would probably be Attaboy Skip.
Mike: we got a webpage up too.
Me: I got it linked on my page.
Me: well thats pretty much everything. Thanks a lot
JFC: Anytime
