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Edith Sodergran


My body is a mystery.
As long as this brittle thing is alive
you will feel its power.
I will save the world.
That is why Eros’ blood is coursing through my lips
and Eros’ gold runs through my tired curls.
I need only to look,
weary or in pain: the earth is mine.
When I lie exhausted on my bed
I know: in this weakened hand lies the fate of the earth.
It is power that trembles in my shoe,
it is power that moves in the folds of my dress,
and it is power, fearing no abyss, that stands before you.


My Childhood Trees

My childhood trees stand tall in the grass
and shake their heads: what has become of you?
Rows of pillars stand like reproaches: you’re unworthy

to walk beneath us!

You’re a child and should know everything,
so why are you fettered by your illness?
You have become a human, alien and hateful.
As a child, you talked with us for hours,
your eyes were wise.
No we would like to tell you the secrets of your life:
the key to all the secrets lies in the grass by the
raspberry patch.

We want to shake you up, you sleeper,
we want to wake you, dead one, from your sleep.

(translated by Stina Katchadourian)

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Celebration of Love

Poems of Love and Hope
A Need for Love
World of Love
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