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Mother Teresa

Who Are the Poor?

The poor are the materially and the spiritually destitute
The poor are the hungry and the thirsty
The poor are those who need clothing
The poor are the homeless and the harbourless
The poor are the sick
The poor are the physically and mentally handicapped
The poor are the aged
The poor are those imprisoned
The poor are the lonely
The poor are the ignorant and the doubtful
The poor are the sorrowful
The poor are the comfortless
The poor are the helpless
The poor are the persecuted
The poor are those who suffer injustice
The poor are the ill-mannered
The poor are the bad-tempered
The poor are the sinners and the scoffers
The poor are those who do us wrong
The poor are the unwanted, the outcasts of society
The poor are somehow or other-we ourselves

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Celebration of Love

World of Love
Poems of Love and Hope
A Need for Love
Mission Statement