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Marguerite Porete

from the Prologue to The Mirror of Simple Souls

Theologians and other clerks,
you won't understand this book
--however bright your wits--
if you do not meet it humbly,
and in this way Love and Faith
make you surmount Reason:
they are the mistresses of Reason's house.

Reason herself proclaims to us
in the thirteenth chapter
of this book, unashamed,
that Love and Faith make her live:
she never frees herself from them--
they have sovereignty over her,
and she must do obeisance.

So bring low your science
which are founded by Reason,
and put all your trust
in the sciences conferred by Love,
that are lit up by Faith--
and then you'll understand this book,
which by Love makes the soul live.

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Celebration of Love

World of Love
Poems of Love and Hope
A Need for Love
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