Neither Brian or AJ decided to use their little *code* in the thank-you's...but Nick did. I figured out what all his numbers stand for..but i cant figure out why he didn't just SAY it...his code is translated to: *Live life to the fullest for the future is*... (ok..there's one last word..i cant figure out what it COULD be scarce, then again, it could be sacrad...i think it's sacrad..just cause i kinda think it's funny...Nick gives up his education for singing...and he can't even spell sacred right! :) If you dont trust MY work, then figure it out for yourself:
5483 5433 86 843 3855378 367 843 388873 47 722723
I found a couple of other possibilities too...which don't make much sense...but the numbers might just be the result of a lot of booze....
Instead of being *live*, the first word could be jive, or kite, both the places where it says *the* could be changed to tie, and the last word is either scarce or sacrad...then again, it could just say jhva kgef vo tib fulkert dop vhe fkljrd hp rabsbe...who knows...I mean, what would give Nick a reason to put it in code?? too much time on his hands? i seriously doubt that. it reminds me of the games you play at school in grade 3...and Ghostwriter!(if you havn't seen that show, you suck! :)
anyways...the songs are all good...except none of them are really get down, backstreet's back and we've got it going on...but they're mostly ballads...slow if you don't like slow songs..then you've lucked out :( sorry! :)
I hear they're starting their millenium tour in september...
well...i have nothing else to say stick around for a while, check out my site, and sign the guestbook!