About Me...
So you want to find out more about me huh? What should I start with?
The Basics:
My name is
DeAnna Marie, I live in the California Valley, I'm twenty one, and I have a
daughter named Kaylei, she two
Life Status:
Where should I start... I am a pre-school teacher. As of right now I have a class of fifteen
three year olds.In August I will be getting a new class. Which I find to be the most challenging
(because I have to learn all of their learning styles) and fun (because I get to learn all of their
learning styles) part about my job. I love to teach, I have been working in this field since I was
seventeen. Children teach us so much about life and ourselfs. Eachday I learn something I did
not know, whether it be about teaching or about life in general. Children are amazing and resilient.
They are our furture and I am proud to be a part of that everyday. As I mentioned above I have
a beautiful baby
girl whom I had on Christmas Day of 1999. She IS my little angel, it's amazing
how one little
person can change your life so much, once she was born I no longer cared about
me now everything
I do and work for is for her. She is my pride and joy!
Hobbies & interests:
I do not really have much time for these now days but when I get the time I enjoy scrap booking.
I am making my daughter's baby book right now. I figured I had better find something to do with
all the pictures I have taken. I also like to stamp. I try to make my own christmas cards and my
daughters birthday invitations every year. I love doing anything that helps me use my mind, especially
when it's in a creative way.
Well I used to list all my pets but now I have so many that I can just say that my house is a zoo!!!
Animal: Turtle
Cartoon: Smurfs
Number: 11
Color: Royal Blue
Season: Autumn
Candy: Anything Sour
Food: Sushi
Sport: Hockey
If you have any questions or comments about my page please e-mailme@myownemail.com
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