Pierre Fauchard
("father of dentistry")
Pierre Fauchard (acknowledged "father of dentistry", early 18th Century) was nearly livid in his opposition to mercury anywhere on the human body (he did not specifically refer to mercury in the teeth; apparently this was a later invention -- a hundred years later!
Fillings of a paste-mixture (amalgam) of mercury and coin-silver were reportedly first used in about 1819 by Tavenu in France and Bell in England. (Source: T. Wilwerding, C.J. Vacanti, History of Dentistry, 1997-8, Creighton U.)
The following excerpt is taken from "The Surgeon Dentist or Treatise on the Teeth ..." (translated from Second Edition 1746 by Lilian Lindsay, 1946; p. 38-39):
- "Their [the teeth's] greatest enemy is mercury, vulgularly called
quick-silver. Not only in itself but by the bad effects which it produces in
the system, by corrosives with which preparations of mercury are mixed,
or by the combinations it makes in our bodies with different principles by
long retention, particularly when it is not properly excreted.
- "The effects of mercury are swelling of the gums which it corrodes
and destroys; it acts in the same way on the membrane which lines the
roots of the teeth, either internally or externally, it dessicates them so
to speak, irradicates them and makes them fall out or destroys them by
the caries to which it gives rise.
- "These bad effects are seen only too
often, especially the bad effect of mercury when taken by people who do
not know how to use it. Physicians and surgeons who have the most experience
in venereal diseases, although they prescribe it with great caution, have
difficulty enough in preventing the destruction of the teeth even with all the skill
and industry of which they are capable.
"Gilders of ormolu, makers of mirrors, plumbers,
and all those who work in the mines are only too often the
victims of the bad effects of mercury, particularly on their teeth."
Presented on 17 Sept. 1999 to the "Health Practitioners Network", at Lowe's
Hotel, Santa Monica, presented by Ms. Francene Lee and
featuring Dr.
David Kennedy, DDS, on fluoridation.
S. H. Shakman
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