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Gargoyle Of The Rings:
"Fellowship of the Gargoyle"

by Jade Griffin

Thrown to the ground, a bewildered Goliath only had time to role before the ground sprayed up in his face. Rock blasted into dust by Saruman's force, the huge gargoyle was picked up as if a toy and spun, groping, to the delight of the wizard. Higher and higher into the air. Pinned against the arched roof, the impact knocking the wind from his words, Goliath couldn't even toss insults at the all-powerful wizard.

"In an instance of pure gargoyle force, I brake free of your puny bonds!" the great lavender hulk exclaimed suddenly, flexing.

Snap! Snapsnap! Snap!

Goliath was free from the invisible hindrances! Falling, his wings snapped open. He dove! Right for the throat of--


One of the insignificant humans in charge strode forward. By the time Goliath corrected his angle and flipped expertly to the ground, their 'Saruman' was a cowering pile of wet shorts-- er, robes.

Peter Jackson walked up to Goliath. "Are you _still_ not happy with the scene?"

"I do not comprehend how a mere wizard can detain me from my quest." was the growling reply.

The bearded director sighed. "Did you read the whole script?"

"Yes, and I am outraged!" The great lavender chest heaved with contained anger.

"Yeah. Okay. We explained before about the director's part and the actor's part."

"And what of the writer's part?" Goliath demanded, pulling the script from his loincloth. "It states that I must beg a moth for help. Gargoyles do not beg. They command!!"

His roar reverberated against the soundstage walls for the fifteenth time today.

"Yeah. Hm. Episode Twenty-seven, right? 'Outfoxed'?"

A gargoyle's toothy smile curved his lips. "Ah, so you know of my other works."

Peter nodded.

"I was the greatest inspiration for the show!" he admonished, striking a shakespearian pose.

"Yes. We know." the director tried patiently. "That's why we let you have this part. But _that_ was Gargoyles. _This_ is Lord of the Rings, part one. Today you're getting your tail kicked. Tomorrow we can film scenes from the Twin Towers and you'll get to kick _his_ butt. Okay?"

The gargoyle was not quite mollified. "Do I really have to beg a moth?"

"Yes! It is necessary for the story! How _else_ could you escape Saruman's more powerful clutches??"

"I _am_ a gargoyle. I could simply glide off the tower or rip his arms off." Goliath folded his own, point made.

The director did a very good impression of a gargoyle roar of frustration. "That's it! Twenty minute break!!" He turned on Goliath. "And when we come back to these scenes, you WILL do it right! I invested a lot of time here, purple-boy! If you don't do it right, we'll get somebody else!"

Goliath eyed the man with a sneer. "Humans...."

Peter stormed back to his seat, ignoring the retreating actors and cameramen. Only one person dared approach him.

"Hey, Peter, lighten up. He's a cartoon character."

Jackson just glared at the source of his troubles. "Don't start. _You_ cast him, not me."

Sam Raimi shrugged. "I'm the casting director."

"I'm beginning to think this animated version of Lord Of The Rings isn't a good idea..."

"Oh, come on, Peter! It'll be great!!"

The director glared at the other man. "You just like calling me that because of Spider Man..." Jackson sighed, more a growl of frustration. "Maybe we should choose someone else for the role of Gandalf."

Raimi pouted. "But I just love it when he says 'What sorcery is this?!'. Hee hee!"

A brow quirked at the casting director's mirth. "You enjoy this way too much..."

"Well, it was either Goliath.... or Spaceghost."

"No! God, no... Anything but him..."

Raimi grinned. "That's what I thought you'd say. Now, let's get back to the movie and later you can beat Goliath's action figure to a pulp."

"You have his action figures?"

"And Spider Man's. Who do you think is going to beat Goliath up later? Heh heh heh...."

"Evil. Really evil. I'm in." Peter Jackson turned to the departing crew. "We're not done today! Go get our actors fresh and we'll start from the top. Let's kick this pig." To Raimi, he said an aside of, "I mean, gargoyle. Heh."

By the time Goliath returned, he could feel their eyes and snickers but could not delve what was so funny between the director and casting director as he took his place.

"And.... Action!"

The End