Fate and irony.
Who would've known?...
The humans were destroyed, that cursed djinni fullfilling her ultimate desires.
Demona picked up one rock in a world full of rocks. Rubble. Stone. Lifeless.
She'd planned so well. Found the golden horse which housed the djinni, carefully plotted the aftermath of her one wish, and then made it happen.
"Listen carefully!" she'd demanded of the imprisoned child. "I wish that all humans, all trace of humanity, be forevermore and irreversibly removed from existance."
It was the sweetest and most intoxicating of successes to watch humanity disappear and fade as if ashes in the wind. And to stand by gloating while Elisa Maza folded in on herself and became one with nothing! Oh, what a glorious dream! Demona's pure and evil laughter had haunted all that night.
Would have...
Had there been anyone to feel fear.
Where did I go wrong? Where are all of my gargoyle brethren? To applaude, or even to convince me it wasn't my right to do away with all humans. Where is Goliath, my daughter?!
She'd searched their home, their frequent haunts, but all were crumbling to ruin. Anything human-touched, it seemed, was fading away. Even grass cultured under human care.
No one. No sign of life. No animals or plants!
A month passed thus. Searching continued. Fruitless. Everything fruitless.
Her sanity stood on shaky legs while she stared up into the night. By day, stone sleep claimed her, the little djinni having removed Puck's curse, replacing it with one fashioned by her own mind.
What could have gone wrong?
The question echoed in her head, night upon night. Never surcease.
The djinni gave but one wish to any one individual. He had warned her. If everyone was truly gone, she could not undo it. Ever...
But how?? How could the perfect plan have been marred?!
She blamed the long dead humans as a year raced by. She blamed the cursed djinni child for the next decade's passing. Alone. Doubt, but never true fear, haunted Demona over the next dead millenia. Why couldn't she see what had gone wrong?...
No life.
Unending hunger, thirst.
No end to her own immortal existance.
How had MacBeth broken the link? Had he? Was he somewhere else, now? Hiding? Could that be possible? Yes! It must be!
The thoughts echoed yet again in her anguished mind. Once more, she sought out her long-time 'partner'.
Demona never found MacBeth.
She, long ago, failed to realize the extend of her invoked desires. Rid the world of humans, rid the world of humanity. The touch of humanity is seen in all things. Trees planted, food grown, animals nurtured, cities built, and even a gargoyl's heart. It doesn't matter whether one believes that gargoyles were created by humans or not. They contain within them the humanity of any intelligent race. In killing that, the essense which humans and gargoyles have in common, Demona destroyed her own race, and herself.
She carried the golden horse with her, never quite realizing why. If she gave up the strength to cast it awayj, she would inevitably seek it out again. Her torment was complete.
The last sane thought of the wretched gargoyle was perhaps the last hope. One wish for one person. If one of her other new personalities claimed her mind, perhaps then the djinni would grant it the wish this one longed to make...