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"A Bushel Of Friends"
6-7-98 to 6-8-98
by Jade Griffin

Nice title, don't you think? This story is for all of you that I've had the profound pleasure of meeting and chatting with. Thanx. And I hope ya like irony ;)

(July 12, 1992)

It all happened about a year and a half ago. I was gliding home one evening, wondering what I felt like fixing for my dinner, when I spied the cats on the plateau of my cliff home. I landed next to them and gave them caresses but all four were restless.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked.

All of a sudden, one of the cats started rising off the ground and continued to go up. She stopped about three feet off the ground and a green-haired, yellow-skinned person in funny clothes appeared around her.

"You know," he said, holding my cat. "I'm not quite sure. Maybe it's just me, but I think they need more exercise."

I eyed the stranger warily. Though he was small, I knew he was fey. "What are you doing here?" The question came out half curious, half cautious.

"Not even a hello? Tsk. Just because you never get company doesn't mean you can forget your manners. I am never so rude." He let my cat down and bowed with a twirl. "Comp, here to bring your life just a little more fun. And you are not easy to find, Jade Griffin. Well, I didn't look very hard. Your cats are just too much fun! And I must say, its about time you got home."

Comp started floating to the edge. I thought it best to follow, wondering just what the heck to expect. I'd never had any dealings with fey. Never met one until now. I wondered if I'd be able to get a word in edgewise with this one.

He went over the edge and began descending so I started down, as well, claw over talon.

"Uh, Comp?"

"Yes?" He floated beside me, slowly descending.

"What brings you to my little home?" I asked somewhat formally and more gracious than before.

"Ah!" He smiled big. "On to the good stuff!"

He zipped into my home's entrance before me. When I got in and started down the tunnel, I couldn't see a trace of him. I thought he might have disappeared on me until I entered the main room. He was seated cross-legged _top_ my chair, watching for me.

"Nice place ya have here. A little empty, though. Don'tcha ever wish you could have company over?" he asked. He was real sly about it.

"Well… Occasionally."

"That's not what I hear." He lofted down from his perch, zipping about me. "I hear you're pretty lonely here all by yourself. That's why I'm here." He stuck a thumb to his chest, looking proud.

Oh, please, don't tell me he wants a playmate!

"My current job's a favor run. I've had ta track down every dragon, gargoyle, and so-forth in the universe to pass the word around, This is for you." He held out his hand as if there were something in it, and then there was. A white card, like a business card. He held it out to me.

I knew he'd be offended if I didn't even look at it so I accepted the card. One side was blank so I turned it over. 'PASS' was printed in black. Very funny. 'Pass' the word around, and the word was pass. I handed it back to him.

The fey immediately threw his hands up and pulled away. "Oh, no no. That's yours."

I looked down at the plain card again. "Thanks. I… I really like it."

He watched me with a little smile as I set it down on the low table close by, printed side up.. He didn't even blink when, right after I put the card down, it dissolved into a powerful green light which spread the surface of the table. The whole top was glowing with the energy!

I had backed up cautiously upon seeing the transformation. It could be anything! My eyes went to the fey.

Reclining in the air, Comp grinned over at me. "You are most cordially invited to enter, Jade Griffin. On the other side lies a home-made place ta get together and meet people."

For someone who obviously liked to talk, he sure didn't explain much. "This is a portal?" I asked.

"Well, of course! What else could it be? Now, I have to be off. Lots more to issue before my job's done."

"Wait!" I stopped him. "Where… where does it go?"

He sighed, impatient. "Listen. It's very simple. Haven't you ever wanted to go to a place where everybody knows your name?"

"They know my name?" I eyed the portal again.

"Not until you go meet 'em, silly! It's a fun place, the place, an I-can-do-anything place! Even for non-fey. We're quite proud of ourselves over this little creation."

"You made it? But why?"

"Why not?" he countered. "It was a challenge, especially working with that human. You'd think he invented the 'cyberverse'."

Comp floated closer. "So, why haven't you gone yet? You could be making friends by the bushel right now!"

"What's the price, for being given this… pass?"

"Well… Let's see… Time doesn't stand still here, and you should keep an eye on your PASS. Humans seem irrevocably drawn to mess with them. Your price? Just a little caution."

I looked at the ever-glowing portal. "How do I get back?"

"The portal closes as soon as you're through. Just go back the way you came and it'll open."

"You're sure?" I found myself wanting to try but I wasn't jumping in.

"It's perfectly safe! Go on!" He was impatient.

Stopping up to the glowing tabletop, I looked once more into the glow. It didn't exactly look inviting. I stuck my hand in but it didn't feel like anything, though my hand disappeared in the glow. My eyes flicked back to Comp. The fey looked at his wrist as if a watch were there.

Could I? Should I? And more importantly, would I? And, just like that, I decided. What the heck. Wings caped but ready, I took the leap into the glow.

I can imagine what happened on my side: The table returned to normal as soon as I'd gone through and the fey, Comp, left in a blink, grinning once more.

On the other side, I emerged in the air of night, amid the buildings of a city. Just dropped into the air, I was glad my wings were ready. When I caught myself from a downward plummet, one structure filled my vision. A castle. A castle built on a tall building. And I was headed for it. Might as well start with the closest. I spied an open window with a big sill and settled there.

What I saw inside as I peeked in gave me quite a surprise. A dragon, several gargoyles, a human, and fey. Sitting together. Talking. I stared on, amazed.

"I was sooooo lonely in there…" a dark-haired fey mock-cried on his female companion's shoulder. "So alone……."

He was pushed off. "Oh get up, you baby."

The white-haired purple gargoyle sitting with arms and tail wrapped about a beautiful white-haired fey just shook his head. Both watched the other pair.

The dark-haired fey rolled his eyes. "Oh sure. When poor Llama boy needs support, you don't care!" Then he grinned. "Fine."

The beautiful fey chuckled and snuggled into her gargoyle. "They're at it again, Hudson."

The now-named Hudson spoke to the other fey's companion. "Not even a little compassion, Shade?"

"Hey, you show a llama compassion and see what happens." She seemed to be playing. They all seemed to be playing. 'Llama boy' was mock-pouting in a corner.

The dragon got up from his seat and kneeled by Shade, smiling. "Can I have some of that compassion?"

Shade laughed and threw her arms around him.

The dark-haired fey, not wanting to be left out, ran up to them and licked them both. "Gottagobye!" and disappeared.


"Icky! Llama slobber!"

"Bye, Odin!" were the responses to that.

The dragon pulled out an Econovac instant shower-dryer (at least, that's what it said on the side of the thing) and proceeded to turn it on.

As I watched the thing cleaning them, and the other five occupants in the room, I wondered if I shouldn't enter. Would I be intruding? Would I be welcome? They obviously couldn't see me yet. I could still go… But I didn't want to. I wanted to stay, and become part of the fun. Well? Should I give it a shot?

I stepped down from the sill of the open window and entered the room.

Involved as they were, no one saw me coming up from the far side.

"Uh…Hello?" I spoke to them.

All eyes turned to me. And many smiles. Some even waved.

"Greetings, Jade Griffin."

"Hi, Jade G."

"Hello there, Jade Griffin!" and other greetings echoed around.

I stepped closer into the group. Almost all wore nametags. "How did you--"

The dragon, Demaka Draconas, tapped his tag and pointed to me, smiling.

I looked down and saw one with my name, stuck to my clothes.

"We all get one when we come here." Demaka explained.

"What about… him?" I pointed to Hudson, who didn't have a tag.

"Aw, he thinks he's special." said Keyser Soze, handing Demaka a black marker. "You know what to do!"

Grabbing the pen, Demaka tackled Hudson over the back of the couch where he sat and inked him good. The dragon let out a yell and started running as Hudson, his name written in permanent ink all down his front, chased after Demaka, yelling, "Come back here! That isn't funny!!"

Hudson's Lady of Shalott was laughing, as were Shade, Callabrantus, and Keyser Soze.

Portiadove explained further. "You can get rid of it if you like. It's easy! See? Just make it go away." And she must have willed hers away 'cause it left! "But then who'd know who you are? These jokers' memories are out the window!" She laughed at Demaka who was pinned to the ground by Hudson, twisting his leg. Portiadove's nametag returned.

"Welcome to the castle." Lady of Shalott said.

I smiled at her. "Thanks."

"Want something to drink?" Portiadove asked, rising and moving to the large kitchen. I hafta leave in a minute but we'll make sure you get a good welcome, won't we, girls?"

Shade and Lady of Shalott nodded, grinning.

"Thanks. Got any orange Crush?"

Shade went into the kitchen, as well. "What don't we have?" she answered rhetorically, getting a soda for herself. Portiadove returned to hand me mine.

"Nothing for me?" Hudson asked, still marked up. "It's hard work keepin' the peace 'round here."

Shade threw a soda to him. "Anybody else?"


"Thanx anyway."

"Unghhnnggh…" Demaka limped over. He was inked from snout to tail tip with the words 'Don't mark on Hudson' all over him.

"Gotta go, peoples!" Portiadove said, waving as she headed out. "Tell Gabriel I was looking for him."

"Will do, Portia."


"See ya, Portiadove!"

I waved, too. "Bye, Portiadove! Thanks for the soda!"

And then she was gone.

"I could use some of that compassion now." Demaka said in a strained voice.

"I guess I should help you…" Keyser said, grinning. He sat Demaka up. "Since I gave you the pen."

Callabrantus chuckled. "I think I'll stay way outta this one. Wanna take a seat, Jade Griffin? Plenty to go around."

"Sure." I took one next to Shade.

All of a sudden, something smacked into me from above.

"Dang it…" I heard from on top of me. It was Odin, the dark-haired fey. "Back! Oh, um…" He realized who he'd fallen onto. "Sorry. I was aiming for Shade."

He got off and everyone in the room stared at me, waiting to see what I'd do. I just started laughing! Relieved, they laughed with me and ever since, I've made myself a bunch a' bushels of friends:):)

Accknowledgements: _____________________________________________________________________________

Some of the actual dialogue is a section from an ancient chat, like in 1996, from Station 8.

This is dedicated to the memory of what the chatroom used to be like. It ain't quite the same now that some of these crazies aren't there. And those older clanners like myself will remember these guys. For those who never knew 'em, I hope ya someday get the chance. Thank you all for never a dull moment :)

Special thanks to Odin, Portiadove, Callabrantus, Lady of Shalott, and Keyser Soze. I've used them w/o permission but I don't have their em addresses :( If they ever see this, I hope they like it :)

--Jade Griffin
