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You find yourself transported to the vastness of space, yet it is very comforting because you feel the presence of others all around you.
There is a sign spinning below you. Able to move about as you please, you investigate. It reads:

Clan Hall

"Clan Of The Mind"

And as you begin to think you might be alone, a familiar and friendly voice greets you. When you turn and face it, you see a small screen but it is, unfortunately, blank. The voice issuing from it you recognize as Jade Griffin.

"Welcome to the Clan Hall, the place of our meeting. Hope this thing is workin'. taps the computer screen I'm still trinna figure out some of this human technology stuff, which is probably where I am right now, but ya never know...I could be right beside you!"You hear a smile in the voice.

The screen fades slowly away but the voice remains.

"We don't have much of a rank system here. I guess I'm 'Leader' but I consider us all equal. If there are any questions at all about this clan, please e-mail me. I love mail! If you have any problems or questions, e-mail me. If you want to set up a Clan Meeting in a chatroom, e-mail me. Aww, heck; just e-mail me!:) Thank you for stopping by, and look out, 'cause there's more to come!"

When the voice is gone, a list of names appears before you. It appears to be a list of the current members of the "Clan Of The Mind". By clicking on their names, you can see pics, info, links to their sites, and perhaps more.

Clan Roster: current members

Ace D. Dragon Aida O'Brian Alchem Clopin Crys
Demonalisa Deneb Edgar A. Poe Evander Frost
Gedoena Honesty Jade Griffin Krissie Kyshandra
Lady Phine Madrea Pogo Silver Falcon Solstice
Spaceghost Swordmenn Threnody Wraith Xander Opal
Zoe Bastet

We have a new member! Say hello to Crys!
Welcome, Crys!, to the Clan of the Mind! *clapping and confetti*

A second list appears as you walk on. It reads,

Honored Guests

"Though there is only one name, I urge you to take a look. It leads to Kyffin's Memorial. A good person and Member of the Miniclan, he was taken from chat by the outside world. In response, I created this tribute to honor him. He is now back with us and now the memorial stands like a museum token, a piece of history on how much we care :)"

Further on within the Clan Hall you see empty space. Wait. What's that? There's a funny little figure in the distance. He appears to be working hard on constructing space!

This page was last updated July 6, 2003.

There is a small box available to you to write Jade Griffin. You decide that you want to drop her a line.

After seeing all that "Clan Of The Mind" is, you leave with a good feeling, returning to the point from which you chose to come in a burst of light.