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Hi! This page is fer the sole purpose of displaying Ewok pics from the cartoon of the same name, EWOKS! I place cel animation, animation sketches, screengrabs, and other pics that I find on the 'net in here. Cool:) No other reason. I can tell which season they are from in almost any cel but episode gets a little tricky. The cels are put up in the order that I find them. I might in the future also try and put up a description when possible, so click and see! Bye! And enjoy:)


Earlier Seasons

Ewok cel 3 and Ewok cel 115
Ewok cel 6 and Ewok cel 23
Ewok cel 13 and Ewok cel 73 and Ewok cel 91 and Ewok cel 99 and Ewok cel 105 and Ewok cel 117 and NEW! Ewok cel 148
Ewok cel 14 and Ewok cel 16 and Ewok cel 30
Ewok cel 21 and Ewok cel 84
Ewok cel 22
Ewok cel 34
Ewok cel 38
Ewok cel 42 and Ewok cel 135
Ewok cel 44 and Ewok cel 134
Ewok cel 52
Ewok cel 53
Ewok cel 54
Ewok cel 66
Ewok cel 71 and Ewok cel 85
Ewok cel 74
Ewok cel 79 and Ewok cel 106
Ewok cel 83
Ewok cel 92
Ewok cel 94-- has sketch below
Ewok cel 98
Ewok cel 107
Ewok cel 138
Ewok cel 151
Ewok cel 152
Ewok cel 154
Ewok cel 158
Ewok cel 160
Ewok cel 166
Ewok cel 168

Later Seasons

Ewok cel 2
Ewok cel 5
Ewok cel 89
Ewok cel 29
Ewok cel 17
Ewok cel 18 and Ewok cel 155
Ewok cel 64
Ewok cel 88
Ewok cel 27
Ewok cel 33
Ewok cel 35
Ewok cel 36
Ewok cel 50 and Ewok cel 58
Ewok cel 40
Ewok cel 45
Ewok cel 59
Ewok cel 75
Ewok cel 86
Ewok cel 87 and Ewok cel 120
Ewok cel 93 and Ewok cel 163
Ewok cel 96
Ewok cel 103 and Ewok cel 110
Ewok cel 100
Ewok cel 165
Ewok cel 102 and Ewok cel 113
Ewok cel 112
Ewok cel 157


Ewok cel 81
Ewok cel 142
Ewok cel 146
Ewok cel 162
Ewok sketch 8
Ewok sketch 9
Ewok VHS cover 1 (US)


Screengrab 1

Last updated 4.22.03

I do not claim to have any rights or connections to Ewoks, either the cartoon or the movie that they appear in, RETURN OF THE JEDI. Those are the property of other ppl like Lucasfilms Ltd. and the company w/ the polar bear logo (Nelvana?) :) Anyway, this is theirs that I like so much.

But, any original artwork is mine and clearly marked so don't be takin' it w/o permission, likewise:)