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Have you ever seen a picture that inspired?

This page is dedicated to the

Flower Fairies
Cicely Mary Barker

Born in 1895, Cicely Mary Barker first published her world-reknowned
Flower Fairies in 1923. Living in England her entire life, she used children from
her sister's school to model for the fairies. Making the outfits by hand and recreating
the various plants and flowers with the eye of a botanist, Ms. Barker created some of
the most striking and beautiful watercolor paintings I have ever seen.

It was hard for me to pick samples of her art, even from just her Flower Fairy
pictures. I hope to trade the pictures about and put up different ones every few
months or so. I hope you enjoy what is here now.

One of the
most famous of
CMB's flower
fairies: the
Rose Fairy -
Flower Fairies
of the Summer
the Double Daisy
fairy, an earlier
work -A Flower
Fairy Alphabet
Ribwort Plantain
Fairy. This guy
is just too cool!
-Flower Fairies
of the Wayside
Tansy Fairy. This
girl is a great
example of CMB's
later works.
The child is an
active part of the
picture -
Flower Fairies of
the Wayside

And, actually, the main reason I started this page was to compile a list of all of CMB's
Flower Fairies. I have found 171 so far, not counting those I still have to verify,
and would like to know exactly how many she did.
Sooo... If you know of any that aren't on here, please email me. I would like to
see a picture of it to confirm the identity but if that is not possible, tell me anyway :)

8.16.03 - Added: Ash Tree, Chrysanthemum, Self-Heal, Sweet Chestnut, Sycamore

Others to verify: 5 - Morning Glory, Oak, Peony, Tiger Lily, Water Lily

Updates: 8-16-03 Updated links and redid html.

List of Flower Fairies:

Acorn Agrimony -2 Alder Almond Blossom
Apple Blossom -2 Ash Tree Author’s Note Beech Nut
Beech Tree Bee Orchis Bird’s Foot Trefoil Blackberry
Black Bryony Black Medick -2 Blackthorn Bluebell
Box Tree Bugle Burdock Buttercup
Candytuft Canterbury Bell Cat’s-Ear Celandine
Cherry Tree Chicory Christmas Tree Colt’s-foot
Columbine Convulvulus Cornflower Cotton-grass
Cowslip Crab-Apple Crocus -2 Daffodil
Daisy Dandelion Dead-nettle Dog-violet
Dogwood Double Daisy Elderberry Elder Flower
Elm English Rose Eyebright Forget-me-not -2 versions
Foxglove Fuchsia Fumitory Gaillardia
Geranium Goose-grass Gorse Grape Hyacinth
Greater Celandine Greater Knapweed Ground Ivy Groundsel
Guelder Rose -2 Harebell Hawthorn Hazel-Catkin
Hazel-nut Heart’s Ease Heather Heliotrope
Herb Robert Herb Twopence Holly Honeysuckle
Horned Poppy Horse Chestnut Iris Jack-by-the-hedge
Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon Jasmine Kingcup Laburnum
Lady’s Smock Larch Lavender Lilac
Lily-of-the-Valley Lime Tree Lords-and-Ladies -2 (spring and autumn) Mallow
Marigold May Michaelmas Daisy Mountain Ash
Mulberry Narcissus Nasturtium Nightshade
Nightshade Berry Old-Man’s-Beard Orchis Pansy
Pear Blossom Periwinkle Phlox Pine Tree
Pink -2 Plane Tree Polyanthus Poplar
Poppy Primrose Privet Queen of the Meadow
Ragged Robin Ragwort Red Campion Red Clover
Ribwort Plantain Robin’s Pincushion Rose Rose-bay Willow-herb
Rose Hip Rush-grass Scabious Scarlet Pimpernel
Scarlet Pimpernel Scentless Mayweed Self-heal Shepard's-purse
Shirley Poppy Silver Birch Sloe Snapdragon
Snowdrop Sorrel Sow Thistle Speedwell
Spindleberry Stitchwort Stork's-bill Strawberry
Sweet Chestnut Sweet Pea -2 Sycamore Tansy
Thistle Thrift Toad-flax Totter-grass
Traveller's Joy Tulip "Unlucky 'U' Fairy" Vetch
Wallflower Wayfaring Tree White Aconite White Bindweed
White Bryony White Clover Wild Cherry Blossom Wild Rose
Wild Thyme Willow Willow Catkin Windflower
Winter Aconite Winter Jasmine Wood Sorrel Yarrow
Yellow Deadnettle Yew Zinnia

This page maintained by Jade Griffin. If you wish to link to this page, you can use the header
at the top as a button. It is my creation and you can use it for that purpose. Thanks!

Other links to Flower Fairy pages:
Cicely Mary Barker's Fairies
Ine's Flower fairy Cut-outs


~ Disclaimer ~
I do not own nor pretent to own any rights to the above pictures, information, or literature. Those are the property of
the Estate of Cicely Mary Barker. The background was taken off another fan's website whom I will look up... The fairy is
the Sloe Fairy. The animated GIF is of the Candytuft Fairy and is from the Flower Fairy statuettes site. Information was
borrowed from Jane Laing's book Cicely Mary Barker and her Art. Special thanks to Zivit and Ine for swapping flower
fairy info with me!:) I think that's it... ;)