"Guests" part I
4.3.99 to 9.5.99
by Jade Griffin
Winter 1999
The wind howled and furied, gusting the falling snow in sheets of freezing, blinding whiteness. Jade Griffin hadn’t known the weather would turn this bad. If she had, she wouldn’t be up in the air right now.
Should have realized the wind when I woke up. she berated herself, maneuvering carefully to land before the gailing force could smash her into the ground. Her cliff-home was directly below.
Never underestimate the weather. Can’t ever be overconfident or it’ll change just to spite you. she told herself sternly. I knew the winds were strong tonight, and then the snow came. Combine the snow with the multidirectional winds my home is well known for and I get this. The wind swirled icy snow in face and down clothing. The dark green gargoyle felt a break in the blow and dove. She made it; sort of. A current above her nearly slammed her into the plateau atop her home. She managed to position and open her wings to slow down before taking the rest of the impact in a role. Springing up, pulse racing, Jade Griffin hurried to the edge and climbed down the twenty feet to her home entrance—a small opening in the cliff face.
Inside the shelter, she stood a moment to watch the tempest rage. Definitely NOT going to see the Chocolate Man tonight. The gargoyle turned and headed further inside.
The cats running about nonsensically was her only warning. Not enough for the surprise of seeing two very familiar, and slightly damp, gargoyles.
"Reneyl?? Tali??!" A great smile sprung to her face as she ran to embrace her two dearest clansmen.
"Surprise!" was Reneyl’s response. The black and white gargoyle returned her hug mightily.
Jade Griffin couldn’t believe it! These two were like mother and father to her, and they were here!
"We thought it was time to come visit you." the lime green Tali remarked, hugging Jade Griffin just as strongly. "So this is where you live."
Suddenly self-conscious of her abode and living conditions, she justified, "It’s all I’ve needed. But when did you get here? And through this weather?" she quickly changed the subject.
"Maybe a quarter of an hour. Not long, and definitely before all of that." Reneyl pointed toward her entrance, and the weather raging outside. He grinned. "And it was very difficult to find this place! It is definitely a comfort, for if a gargoyle cannot find another's home, neither can most humans."
Jade Griffin showed a hand in to the two current seats she owned. Her elders took the offer. "And you left the Clan and all the hatchlings?"
"They aren’t the only important things to us, and the children have many adults to care for them. But you are out here all alone."
Jade Griffin sighed and looked away from Tali’s concern. Yes. There were no other gargoyles here. But, "I’m not ‘alone’ alone. I visit Malcom and the Lady and their growing family. And the Chocolate Man. And sometimes Comp comes over. I go to the ‘cyberverse’ quite often, too."
Tali would have started up again but Reneyl stayed his mate with a hand on her arm.
The dark green gargoyle smiled, trying to brush away their concern with a happy face. "I’m glad you’re here." She truly was, and wouldn’t have any worries plaguing it.
Cheira, Jade Griffin’s gray and white bobtail cat, strutted up to her and meowed plaintively. Reminded of her manners, the gargoyle rose. "I’m sorry. Would you like something, Reneyl, Tali?
They both rose, as well. "Aren’t you hungry?" Tali asked, following her to the food shelves.
"Yeah… I’m afraid I don’t have any fish, and it’s not easy to cook in here… Would you like some bread and cheese?" she offered.
Reneyl nodded, and Tali stayed with her to help prepare.
While Jade Griffin pulled down the items, her four cats began to swam her legs. Their behavior rose curious smiles from the elder gargoyles.
"These are the cats you told us about." Reneyl stated to clarify, watching the dainty creatures dance about beneath his foundling’s feet.
"Yep." Jade Griffin grinned. "Cheira, Leia, Mao-Ree, and that’s Maab. It’s time to feed ‘em." She set two bowls down for them and they ceased their rubbing to rush to the dishes.
"They’re very lively creatures."
"Yeah." Jade Griffin grinned with Tali, who bent down to pet the indifferent felines.
As Jade Griffin talked with Tali and Reneyl about her cats, all were being secretly watched.
‘G eased out from the hall just a little more. So this was the infamous pair of Jade Griffin’s past… Forced inside by the weather out (It was by pure luck that she’d been out in the first place), she’d stumbled upon their second reunion.
Jade Griffin never spoke of her adopted Canada clan. That in itself told ‘G much from her observations of her dimensional double, even before ‘G’d been told by Comp the meaning of the two paintings in Jade Griffin’s home.
And, now here, they bore clear concern for the solitary Jade Griffin. Though they danced about with other topics, ‘G could hear it in their voices.
‘G’d heard of such familial interactions. Rarely seen, though. She wondered briefly if she could pass for Jade Griffin before them, and what that might be like.
Before sunrise, she made her exit through calmed weather, lest they catch her next eve.
It felt good to awaken with the roars of her two closest clansmen. Jade Griffin couldn’t hold her smile. She took each by the hand. "I’m very glad you came. I do have to be somewhere tonight but I’d like you to come, too. If you’re willing."
"To see one of your friends?"
She nodded at Reneyl’s accurate guess. "The Chocolate Man. Tonight’s our monthly meeting date. I couldn’t get there last night. But I understand if you don’t think he’s—"
"Jade Griffin," Tali interrupted gently. "We trust you. That is enough."
The younger gargoyle’s smile grew as she led them out. "You’ll really like him. And he’s got lots of chocolate, Tali. And he’s good cook, too. He’ll be so surprised!!
‘G stealthed into her dimensional counterpart’s home, only to find that she, and her guests, were gone. Riidt! she cursed internally, feeling cheated. She’d wanted to hear more…
Mao-Ree rubbed at her legs. Sighing, she went to get some string.
So engrossed in her cat-playing was ‘G that she didn’t hear the approach till nearly too late. Scrabbling behind the chair, she hunkered into a little ball. Being smaller than the average had advantages.
"Jade Griffin?" called an unfamiliar, if energetic, voice.
‘G frowned, then eased up to take a peek. A dark-blue male gargoyle probably Jade Griffin’s age stood in the sitting room, looking about.
Oh boy… What now? He looked determined enough to search the whole place for her. Guess only one way to go…
She stood up and did what Jade Griffin usually does upon seeing a ‘familiar’ face. She smiled. "Hi!"
He also smiled, happy and relieved to have found her, and quickly closed the distance separating them. "Forgive me for intruding. I followed Tali and Reneyl here without their knowledge… Um… Where are they?"
"They went to see my protectorate." she covered smoothly.
He frowned. "Without you?"
"I have to meet someone here later this evening." ‘G was beginning to wonder if this wasn’t such a good idea.
"One of your friends you talked about? The fey, and the two humans?" His eagerness in seeing such people showed greatly through the uninhibited face.
"Yep. The fey is stopping by… Eventually. Their time is their own." She paused. Gotta switch topics. "Are you hungry? I don’t have much but you can have anything you like." she offered, moving to the food shelves.
"No, thank you." He followed, glancing around Jade Griffin’s home. When he stood before her again, the look in his eyes was one she’d never seen before. It almost scared her. "You live alone, waiting. I don’t understand how you can do this."
She shrugged, looking anywhere but at him. "I just do." So, he knew of her ‘alone’ issue. And he knew of Tali and Reneyl. This was most likely one of Jade Griffin’s rookery brother. But there were hatchlings at her clan right now. Why then wasn’t he with them and his mate instead of being so concerned over Jade Griffin? Unless… Could it be that he, like Jade Griffin, had no one to call his own? That look… He was doing it again! ‘G felt like running but held herself.
"May I ask… Why are you wearing that?" He was looking at her clothes as if just realizing the difference.
Thankfully, the weather had destroyed the dye job on her wings, but the rest… ‘G glanced own at herself. Black, skin-tight pants, black cropped jacket, black shirt. Very different from Jade Griffin’s usual gray. Oddly, the same shade as those she had to wear as part of Coalition attire... She mentally shook out of the remembrance. "I sometimes wear different clothes." she pretended light offense.
"I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it like that. I…" He halted and switched. "I think about you frequently."
‘G just stared at him.
"I came here to talk to you, if I may, about that."
‘G noted his nervousness. She made no reply.
Something caught his eye, causing a deep frown. She turned quickly. Cheira sat atop the taller chair, watching all from her station. ‘G grinned. Perfect!
"I have never seen such a creature. Is this… This is one of your cat’s, isn’t it?" His open amazement brought him closer to the feline.
‘G nodded, still grinning at the wonderful break as she walked over to pet the oldest furry resident of Jade Griffin’s home.
"This is Cheira. Maab is hiding in another room. Mao-Ree is asleep over there and Leia is watching from there." She pointed each out.
"May I touch them?" he asked, completely enthralled.
"If they’ll let you. C’mere. Mao’s the friendliest."
It did not take much coaxing to get the cat to accept his caresses.
"This cat is an amazing animal!" he remarked. "And it’s so small!" He turned his eyes up to her, still petting the purring Mao-Ree. "Do you miss Kinloch and Mosaht?" was his innocent question.
‘G was at a loss, having no inkling as to who or what he referred. "Sometimes." It was a safe answer.
"I don’t suppose you can play with these delicate creatures the way we used to with them."
"No." The two unknowns in question must be animal, and large.
He was staring at her again.
"Are you unhappy with me for coming here to see you?" He stood from petting the cat.
There was such dejection in his voice. But she answered plainly. "No."
"I greatly admire you, Jade Griffin. And more. I don’t ever want to make you unhappy with me." He stepped closer.
"Don’t worry about it." It was all she could think to say.
"Jade Griffin, I don’t think you understand. I feel very strongly toward you, and I wish to show you how I feel."
He took another step and was very close. Too close. She didn’t know what to do except stand there.
"Must you wait for a male who does not return?" It was a very unassuming question. "He does not deserve you."
The male pulled her just a little closer and pressed his lips tightly against hers.
‘G locked up, from horn to tail tip. This wasn’t right this wasn’t right!! She broke the contact and backed away, taking a quick defensive position. It took a minute to calm her breathing.
He looked so startled.
"I… I’m sorry. Forgive me." He turned also, to leave.
No! He couldn’t leave like this. "Wait. This is my fault. I have something to say to you, too…" She pulled out her Neuralizer from a pocket and put on her sunglasses. As his attention was forever on her, she activated the device.
Flash receding, ‘G replaced Neuralizer and glasses. She walked over to the blank-faced, and still nameless, male.
"What’s your name, guy?" She looked him up and down.
"Little Eagle." was his unemotional reply.
"Well, Little Eagle, I was never here. You never saw me. You’ve been waiting here all this time for Jade Griffin."
‘G started out but paused. She turned back to Little Eagle. "And cool your jets a little, boy. Don’t wanna scare Jade Griffin off."
The other-dimensional gargoyle departed, a little smile on he face.