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part II

Jade Griffin

10-3-00 to 10-11-00

December 1th, 1999

They saw through the window that the Chocolate man looked to be asleep. Jade Griffin explained that he didn’t mind her entering, and would probably ant to be awakened so that he wouldn’t miss her.

The dark green gargoyle pulled at the unlatched window and slipped inside, grinning. She stealthed closer and thought of a good way to wake him, waving her adults in.

"Wondered if you’d be in tonight." the Chocolate Man said, eyes still closed as he yawned.

"So, you’re not asleep. That’s good, because I brought a surprise."

His eyes opened. "Hm. Really?"

Her grin doubled and she pulled Tali and Reneyl into his vision.

Yet the short human’s face shifted to utter horror at first glimpse of the black and white gargoyle. In that half-second’s time, he’d sprung up and backed clear away before he realized who the shocked gargoyle was.

They’d seen. Didn’t want to look at them. They’d seen. Can’t get around it. His teeth clenched as the thoughts zipped by and adrenaline quickened his heart. Any older and he’d certainly have had a heart attack.

The Chocolate Man finally looked at them, perched as he was on the far of the couch. Her adults were just as shocked at his reaction, but Jade Griffin was also hurt. She never expected him to… Why?

"..I’m sorry." The man’s jaws clenched again momentarily. Then his pose dropped, he hopped to the floor, and he approached with no abashment and no reserve. "I apologize, Reneyl. I cannot explain my reaction to one with such a good and well-known reputation. And the kind Tali only slightly less well-known." He bowed with great respect to them both.

And he went about as if nothing untoward had occurred. After that rocky opener, he invited them to make his home their own and asked if he could serve them anything, discovering Reneyl’s uninterest in chocolate.

He blinked, holding the tray for Tali and the chocolate fiend. "I’m quite surprised, given Jade Griffin and the assortment of magical creatures and fae that constantly give me purchase orders."

"Did the fae tell you of gargoyles?"

"Eh.. In a way, Tali. It… isn’t a pleasant story." But the puzzled and searching looks needed some closure after his abrupt startlement earlier. "…Very well. Jade Griffin was the first gargoyle I’d ever spoken with, but I’d seen one once before. They were fighting, you see. A gargoyle and a fae. And… well, the gargoyle lost. Given the next opportunity, I cautiously asked about the ordeal, and the gargoyle. Oh, don’t worry. It was a long time ago, and certainly not around here." They really did look blown out of the water.

Jade Griffin most of all. "A fae killed a gargoyle?" It wasn’t impossible, but even a lone gargoyle like herself wouldn’t have dealt with fae in any way before the ‘cyberverse’. Before that, gargoyles and fae rarely if ever interacted.

"I’m not sure if he was dead, Jade Griffin, but he wasn’t getting up."

"But if you’ve known about other-than-humans for so long, why did seeing Reneyl startle you and I didn’t?"

It really bugged her and the honest query in her eyes called for an answer. A resolve.

One he could not dare give. The Chocolate Man grinned at them, almost reminiscing. "Oh, you are so persistent." He focused on the older gargoyles. "Did you know she’s been trying for many years to sneak my name out from under me? It’s true. But I’m afraid no one can wiggle that from me." He sighed resolutely but pegged the dark green gargoyle with an intense stare. "I ask only that one thing from you, friend. And I cannot answer your question. Please, can I have your word?"

Jade Griffin blinked, shocked. She’d never seen him so serious. Whatever his past, it wasn’t just mysterious. She looked into his eyes and saw the hidden fear, kept far away from everyone. His past frightened him… He’d never before asked for her word, though the short human had volunteered his on several occasions. She nodded, then found her voice. "I give you my word. And… I’m sorry."

He smiled up at her. "No bother, I assure you."

Reneyl reclined in his seat, a thoughtful turn to his brow ridges. "You are quite a bit more than I’d ever have thought. I see now why Jade Griffin feels privileged to know you. Have no worries with us, Chocolate Man."

"Oh, I don’t. Experience has proven that a gargoyle always keeps her word." He grinned at the younger and she smiled back at his praise.

"That is very true." The black and white gargoyle rose, and Tali with him. He bowed to the human. "Thank you for the hospitality and kindness toward our Jade Griffin."

The two olders headed for the window after Tali’s parting ‘thank you’ and a grab for the remaining rocky-road pieces.

Jade Griffin stood but lingered. She faced the man. "You do have my word. I won’t bother you again about your past or name." she said, stressing her most sincere.

He smiled again and gave quite a relaxed sigh. "I know. Good night."

He waved at their backs and wen they’d gone, he settled against the couch, staring at the used dishes and remnant from his guests. It was hard at times. Hardest when friends were determined. But he would not unleash such a thing on anyone. Rubbing at tired eyes, another sigh escaped him. That was the price for being born a—

No. Don’t even think it. Just leave everything be and go to sleep. . . Try to sleep.

The Chocolate Man yawned on a rise and took his own advice, closing and locking the door to his bedroom.

The room’s scent of lilacs comforted some. He climbed into his hammock and calmed at the gentle rocking. Memories… Would it be better to forget, or worse?

Going through the short, nightly litany in his head, the gentle swaying rocked him easily into sleep.