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My first fanfic w/ 'G, Jade Griffin's alternate reality double. Short but cool! The GIB and the MIB are not my creations but 'G is part of the GIB. 2 pg.'s or so.

NOTES: This was my view of the GIB before I was in. Everything the Agents do in here is from my imagination and may not be exactly what they do. I'm guessin'! -JG

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" Waitin' 'G "

1-25-98 to 1-26-98

by Jade Griffin

The other-dimensional gargoyle who calls herself 'G popped another chocolate and peanut butter truffle into her mouth. Sighing absently in pleasure at the wonderful explosion of taste, she allowed herself a moment to relax. Alone and perched high atop the towering building near the chocolate factory, her white wings once more dyed black, 'G considered it safe to let her guard down. She was camouflaged and she had food. Life at this point was perfect…almost.

Posing as Jade Griffin was becoming increasingly risky. She'd nearly blown it tonight when the Chocolate Man came by. She hadn't expected him to be around, since he and Jade Griffin met on a twice-a-month designated appointment. Still, it was his factory; and she'd been sloppy. It wouldn't happen again.

How long had she been in this dimension? Six months? Eight? A year? Prob'ly six. Felt like forever. Did she wanna go back? Nah. She liked it here, all this sneakin' around. Nobody knew her here, or at least, they didn't know they did. Malcom was unaware that she'd played Jade Griffin on him once or twice. And her counterpart was even less aware of 'G. Yeah, she was smart not to be caught by Jade Griffin. The cat would really be outta the bag then!

Still, she couldn't help keeping an eye on her dimensional counterpart. 'G'd even been through her house a few times (the cats were a ball!). She found her "other self" to be pretty interesting but knew enough to keep her distance; which is what she'd nearly blown. Chocolate Man caught her in Jade Griffin's stash at the factory. She'd kept her wings white in case someone did spot her but he had a few questions she'd had to think hard for tactful answers, like what she'd meant the other day when she'd called their new line of hard candies a "basket of eggs". That took some big improvisation, because she'd never heard the phrase before.

Yup. Posing as her counterpart was no longer a wise past-time.

Loud horns of vehicles honked blaringly from below. Two cars almost hit. 'G hadn't heard that sound in a while. Not like in her own dimension. This place was a lot quieter. It intrigued her how so much could be the same, even some of the people, while other things were slightly or vastly different. Her protectorate was a bustling metropolis, which had been similar in this dimension, but when she'd first arrived, the shock of her life was that no one here knew about gargoyles; at least not publicly. Until she'd arrived! Whatta circus! She could never go back to that state again. And so she'd roamed west, across the U.S. until coming to the coast, where she started back; until coming to California.

It was pure chance that she'd seen Jade Griffin. 'G knew of the possibility of her counterpart but nothing more. Observing the night's activities in Auburn, CA on evening, a familiar flash of white caught her eyes. It was Jade Griffin, in flight, heading north with a bundle in her arms. Actually seeing her alternate self was a big surprise. From then on, she'd followed Jade Griffin back to her secluded home and protectorate area and observed her from a distance. 'G did not learn 'til later that the bundle was a kitten.

Upon considering, she decided she'd like a cat some day. She wasn't sure if her current home under the city or her other place inside the museum basement would be a good environment for a cat but she may just try it anyway.

It was strange, having the two places as her residence. For all her sneaking, it was a boon, but it was still strange. Not as strange as feeling no protectorial instinct in this city. That was a large surprise. Perhaps because she was in a different dimension, or that she was currently in another gargoyle's protectorate (who happened to be her alternate self) or something else.

Well, what 'G DID know was that she needed something to fill her nights. Patrolling a city that had a solid police force, the FBI, and a gargoyle was no excitement. That's why she was so curious about the two figures she'd seen last night.

Dressed all in black and highly camouflaged, she'd spotted the strange gargoyles from one of her frequent perches high above. The blue hair of one caught her eye. Curious about them and the shadowy figure they pursued, she dove stealthily in, landing on a nearer building. They were wrestling down a creature when she got a closer look. She recognized it as a 35 WPM TD. An ugly red one. They'd been in her dimension, too. Whatta nuisance!

'G was considering giving them a hand when one whipped out a little weapon and shrunk the beast down to an easier-handled 2 WPM variety. She might even have gone down to talk with them had they not disappeared in a blink, caged TD in claw. Nobody but she saw them.

Who could they be? She didn't know them. Were they a secret group of gargoyles? And where do ya sign up?

'G wasn't foolhardy. If they were a secret group, they may not like her intruding, or observing. They appeared to have a unique and interesting job (most people don't even know what a TD is!). No one around here had ever mentioned any black-clad gargoyles. How many could there be? If they disappear like that all the time, how was she gonna get any info? Aw, she'd think of something. She always did.

Smiling to herself, the new goal in mind, 'G tied off her chocolate bag and jumped out, opening black-dyed wings to catch the air and hold her high as she searched the night.

