"Here we are." Jade Griffin announced to the young griffin beside her as she veered right. The lost Imperial Griffin followed, then dove with her toward the water-surrounded plateau of land below. The sky above them was dark but not just with the night. It would probably rain soon. the dark green gargoyle thought.
"You live here?" the young Imperial Griffin asked when they landed upon the plateau.
"Actually, I live inside but, yes, I live here. I'll show you the best way to get in." Jade Griffin took a running leap off the cliffed plateau, made a turn and came back, heading for the small cave-like entrance two-thirds of the way up the cliff face. Ithyaka, watching from above, followed a second later. She met Jade Griffin just inside.
They walked down the short hall in the dark, griffin and gargoyle eyes adjusting. A light ahead guided them into the lantern-lit main room of Jade Griffin's home.
"What do you think?" the gargoyle posed lightly, adding a little smile.
"It…it's nice." the young griffin looked about, her tail and shoulder twitched slightly.
"What's wrong?" Something had to be. The cats twitched like that when they were uncomfortable or anxious.
"It's just… it's just not… home." The sad little griffin sighed, sat, and curled her tail about her.
Jade Griffin kneeled beside her and put an arm around her new charge. "I know, kid. I'm sorry. But I'll do my best to help you find home. Honest."
Three of the gargoyle's four cats came in from outside then. Their fur had a few wet spots-- must be raining outside now.
Mao-Ree spotted her owner first and meowed. Ithyaka turned at the noise, both surprising herself at the sight of them and scaring them into scattering.
"Oh…wow…." Ithyaka stood, trying to see more. She walked slowly over to the chair where Cheira had bolted. The grey and white cat stared back from the arm, bob-tail twitching in agitation. Spying the tortoise-shell, stump-tailed Maab by the doorway, the young Imperial Griffin started toward her but she, flightiest of all the cats, zipped out of sight.
"What are they?" Ithyaka asked, turning to Jade Griffin. Wonder filled her voice.
"You've never seen a cat before?"
"Uh-uh." The black and white bob-tailed Mao-Ree peeked out from under the desk, catching back the young griffin's attention. "They're afraid of me."
"It's only because they've never seen a griffin before, and they don't know you yet." Jade Griffin stood and went to the desk where Mao-Ree was hiding. "Come outta there, you."
Mao-Ree was always the most friendly and affectionate. She calmed the cat with caresses and brought her out from under the desk. When she started purring, the gargoyle brought her over near Ithyaka.
"She makes a noise!" the young griffin exclaimed in a hushed voice.
"Yep." Jade Griffin smiled. "It basically means she's happy. This is Mao-Ree. Up on the chair is Cheira. Maab ran into the back and I don't know where exactly Leia is.
The gargoyle set the cat in her arms down and rose. "Kittykittykittykittykittykittykitty!" she called.
Cheira jumped from the chair and ran to her feet next to Mao-Ree. Maab ventured out a ways but didn't come too close. Leia was still not present.
"Leia!" Jade Griffin called louder. "Kitty, kitty!"
The half-tailed white cat with spots full of grey stripes raced in from the cat room seconds later to stand under the gargoyle's feet.
"Ah, you were sleeping in the cat room!" She gave them all caresses for coming relatively quickly.
"They all look so different!" said the still-surprised Ithyaka.
"Yup. Some cats look a lot alike but mine are all different."
"Where do they come from?" the griffin took a slow step toward them, wanting to be closer to the curiosities.
"Humans raise them, for pets. They make great company, keep pretty clean, and will hunt for themselves on their own; plus they're small and more or less quiet."
"They're beautiful!" She sat with all fours beneath her, then tried scooting closer. They moved away from her.
"Don't worry." the gargoyle said after seeing the look on her face because of the cats' reaction. "They just need to get used to you. We'll try tomorrow. You'll see. They'll be rubbing all over you, too, in no time; even that scaredy-cat, Maab. And feel free to look wherever you like. I don't know how long it will take to find information on griffins so you might be here a little while. Just think of this as an in-between home. Because we will find your real one." Jade Griffin gave her a smile and a pat on the head before moving to her food shelves.
"Are you hungry? There are some pretty good fish in the lake outside, and other small animals to hunt, but I'd like to take you out a few times before you should try it alone. There are big predators out here, too, and humans."
"I'm not hungry now." Ithyaka padded over to her. "What are you doing?"
"Fixing something to eat. I'm afraid I don't have a lot of fresh things but I do have an ice box to keep some things cold ;in case you do get hungry during the day some time."
"What is that?" She put her front paws up on the shelf to boost her up. "It smells weird."
"Honeybread. Regular bread goes bad too quick down here. Are you sure you aren't hungry? Dawn's soon and I won't be able to get you anything."
"Uh-uh. I'm tired."
"Oh, I'm sorry. You're exhausted from the flight here and the little party at the castle, aren'tcha?" Done carving her slice, she took a bite and moved down into the short hall, turning right into the small catroom. She pulled two blankets down from the high shelves.
"Where would you like to sleep? I don't exactly know where and how griffins usually do it." she called into the hall.
Ithyaka had followed her again. She looked up at the dark green gargoyle with large round eyes. "With you?"
Jade Griffin had to smile and hugged the little griffin again. "Anytime. The trick'll be to try and make me more comfortable to you!"
They started back when Ithyaka paused. There was another room next to the catroom. She stepped in for a look. When her paw knocked something away on the floor, she stopped and looked down.
"Jade Griffin?" she called.
"Yeah?" the dark green gargoyle answered, poking back around the side. She popped the last bit of bread into her mouth.
"What is this?" She tapped the small cloth thing before her.
She twitched when she was uncomfortable, too. Catching herself at it, she immediately told her wing to settle. It was all supposed to come out sooner or later anyhow. Might as well be now. "It's… it's a doll."
"What is it for?"
She didn't know about toys… "It's a toy, something a child plays with to keep entertained."
This surprised the little griffin greatly and she looked about the room again. "You have a child?!"
"Um, no." She held out an open hand to her. "Come on into the other room and I'll explain while we wait for the sun."
Puzzled, Ithyaka walked with her to the larger main room and sat with Jade Griffin on the rug in front of the orange chair. The blankets were placed around and about her securely and comfortingly. Settled, she waited for the gargoyle to speak.
"The reason there are toys here, and other child things, is that I sometimes turn into a child. And I mean really. Because I touched a magic item several years ago when a greedy mage was trying to use it, I can, at will, become a six-year-old again; my mind, too. If I don't choose to let the child side out and let it do whatever it wants, it'll take over anyway; for a while."
She never liked to tell many people this part of her past and greatest weakness but Ithyaka would find out soon anyway. The young Imperial Griffin didn't look too blown away at being told. That was probably a good sign.
"I'm telling you now because I have to let it out soon; within the next few days. The child side hasn't had free reign for about two weeks and it's getting harder and harder to keep back, because it builds up. The longer I keep it back and in, the longer it'll stay out, until it's worn down again and I can be in control."
"You are not the younger you, yet it is you?" asked the very puzzled Imperial Griffin.
"Right. I am up here." She tapped her head. "But I'm way beck there and the child side doesn't always listen, or hear me. It's… it's a really weird feeling."
"Do you still look like you?"
"Yes. I'll look as I did when I was six. My clothes don't change so she has some of her own in that room. She usually wears white or blue or grey, or sometimes whatever I've already got on. Just remember, though, that when the child side comes out, it's in complete control nearly, and it won't know you."
"But you do. Why not she?"
"I don't know. Maybe because it's sort of asleep for most of the time in my head. It only hears certain things and will 'know' what I know-absorb the information-slower, unless it learns it itself. Not me, though. When I'm at the back, I'm always on the alert. I can't always do something, but I'm always watching and listening."
"So, when are you going to let her out?" Ithyaka asked, settling in for sleep. Jade Griffin changed her position to a half-lounge, her tufted tail laying across one leg. The griffin-child snuggled up closer to her.
The gargoyle smiled. "You want to see her. Don't worry. It'll be real soon. And I'm not sure I'll get the chance before it releases itself. Sometimes before two weeks are up it'll just come out; because my child side is being talked about a lot or when there are other children around. Two or three kids around and it gets really hard to keep it in. Having you here all the time affects it, too, but slower."
"I make her want to come out?"
"Yeah, but don't worry about it. I can control it okay."
"Will she… be afraid of me?"
There was a small fear in the griffin's voice that struck the gargoyle in two ways; one, this one had been feared before, or at least know of it; and, two, the look in her eyes plus the voice plus their continued talking of the child side had started it stirring about. Startled, and not wanting it out now when they were just settled, she tried supplicating it mentally while trying not to think about the child side. Soon. Soon you can come out.
"Uh…" Organizing her thoughts to answer and pacifying the child side at the same time was not an easy thing to do. "No. No. I'll make sure and let her know. We may be separate but she knows I'm always here… That's weird, too. She never asks me a question, but that would really be strange!" There! The child side was settling. Ah, that's why…
"The sun is coming."
"I might sleep as long as you."
Jade Griffin smiled again as the griffin snuggled closer, wrapping her tail loosely around the gargoyle's waist. "That tired, huh? Sleep tight, Ithyaka."
She gave the little griffin's feathered had a smoothing stroke as her eyes closed, then shifted position slightly so that when the sun caught her, she was balanced and Ithyaka was comfortable, sleeping soundly into the new da
The little Imperial Griffin awoke to cat whiskers tickling her foot. Upon opening her eyes to identify what was bothering her, she found herself face to face with the mostly white cat, Leia.
Turning her head slowly to look at the still-stone Jade Griffin, she saw it must still be day outside. Leia sat in front of her, staring on. The other cats were close by, too. There was the many-color one, Maab, perched in the shelves. Mao-Ree and Cheira were cleaning each other but when they saw she was awake and moving, Mao-Ree hopped down from the chair to take another, closer look.
"Hellow." she half-whispered to them in her softest voice. They did not answer her. Leia and Mao-Ree smelled at her and then walked away. Cheira and Maab ignored her now, too.
Rising with a stretch, the young griffin padded over to the tunnel leading out. She wanted to see how much light was left for the day but when she looked out and up from the entrance, toward the sun above the mountains, she saw a human! It was a man human and he was sitting idly at the top of the cliff, his legs dangling over. And he was looking down.
She knew he'd spotted her when his legs froze their swinging. Ducking quickly inside, the young Imperial Griffin 'disguised' herself and scrambled back into the main room. Sunset wasn't for several more moments. What was she going to do? Was the human following? She paused to listen, heard her own thumping heart. She could not leave or take the chance of running into more humans, or other dangers. And Jade Griffin was still stone. She had to be protected.
Staking out a place against the wall, near the stone gargoyle, Ithyaka waited, listening. The only visible part of her was her eyes scanning for threat and movement.
Malcom entered the main room a minute later with cautious steps. He'd seen… something at the entrance. He looked about the large room for anything unusual. Jade Griffin was in her usual spot on the carpet. The cats were present (well, two, anyway) and alert.
"Hello?" he called, testing. No answer. He wasn't really expecting one but it was worth the try.
Eyes still checking about the room, he made his way toward Jade Griffin.
Ithyaka could hear the human approach with sharp griffin ears. Controlling her fear, she kept her body ready but calm. He probably doesn't see me. Don't move. Keep eyes shut.
Malcom paused by the stone-sleeping gargoyle, puzzled. He had seen something. And it did go into Jade Griffin's home. So where was it? And did she know she had a something in her home? He knelt down to look at the gargoyle's face. Even asleep, it usually reflected her mood. She looked happy. He smiled to himself. Good. That probably meant she'd be in a good mood, and he could ask her for a favor, in return for the one he was doing her.
Ithyaka's ears strained to pick up sound after he stopped. His breathing was all she could hear and gave her fears no rest. What was he doing? Did he see her? Did he see Jade Griffin? Did he know what she was? Unable to stand it, the little griffin cracked open one eye.
He did see the stone gargoyle and he was right by her! She had to get him away! Opening her eyes fully, the little griffin made a quick birdish noise. When the human faced her, she bolted for the room of toys.
He was just about to sit down and wait for sunset when he heard the strangest sound. Turning quickly, he got the barest glimpse of large green eyes before the blur they were attached to took off down the inner hall!
"What the-??" Just what is that thing?! It didn't look like anything but a pair of eyes, in a blur of a body. Determined to find out, he pulled his gun and followed cautiously. Checking out the cat room first, he found only Maab. The room was too small anyway for a good hiding place. He turned next to little Jade's toy room. He scanned the room from the archway, wondering if the thing could go completely invisible. He hadn't seen it before when he was right next to it. Well, he knew what to look for now. A blur with two green eyes.
He didn't see either one but there was a small fort constructed out of boxes in the far corner. He moved in toward this most likely of hiding spots. And heard the thing behind him. He turned in his tracks, catching sight of the blur exiting the room all-speed. He mentally berated himself for not checking the corner by the archway as he pursued the invisible mystery again. If it got outside, he was certain to lose it. He could see it in the main room, floating green eyes watching his every move. It was stopped in the center of the room so he moved quickly to stand in front of the tunnel leading out to block its escape. Boy, was it hard to see when it wasn't moving!
Both griffin and human heard it. Stone cracked, split, and was sent flying as Jade Griffin awoke, releasing an eagle-like roar. Shaking off the residual stone, she caught sight of the human.
"Malcom??" She met him quickly, spied his ready gun. "What are you doing? Gimme that!"
He couldn't stop her from taking it. "Don't crush it!" he called instead. "I can only make up so many excuses for reissue."
Jade Griffin didn't crush the gun. She looked about, searching. "Where is she?" the gargoyle all but demanded.
"Ithyaka?" she called. "Ithyaka, where are you?"
"Here." the griffin answered quietly.
"Where?" Jade Griffin looked about, saw a pair of eyes which sat in a blur as they moved forward. "Ithyaka?? What happened to you?" she asked, kneeling down to what she assumed was the young Imperial Griffin.
The green eyes stopped next to her. She whispered, "I'm in 'disguise'. Young Imperial Griffins can do this. Is he good or bad?"
"Oh, I suppose he's good." She gave the young griffin a pat on her unseen head and stood again, turning to Malcom. She handed him his gun. "Put this away. What were you doing, pulling this on her?"
Malcom passed his own aside to the gargoyle. "What is that?"
She faced Ithyaka again. "Go ahead and become visible. He'll have to see you sooner or later. Believe it or not, this human is our biggest help in finding your home."
Reluctantly, she dropped her 'disguise'.
"You're a gryphon!" exclaimed the shocked man.
"I'm an Imperial Griffin." she corrected lightly, not quite ready to accept him as 'friend'. He was a human, after all.
Enchanted by the light brown-furred, yellow pawed, yellow-bellied Imperial Griffin, Malcom kneeled down, a near smile of wonder on his face.
"I am Ithyaka." she introduced herself politely.
"Uh, hi. I'm Malcom. I apologize for chasing you. I didn't-"
"You were chasing her?" Jade Griffin broke in roughly, defensive.
Malcom got up quickly. He didn't want to be kneeling with an angry gargoyle beside him. "I didn't know you knew her. I couldn't even see her. And I'm here, it seems, because of Ithyaka."
Jade Griffin brightened at this news. She smiled hopefully. "You've found something?"
"Not a lot but a few interesting tales."
"Do you know where other griffins are?" the young one asked, mistaking their enthusiasm.
"I'm sorry, Ithyaka, I don't. What exactly are you looking for, Jade Griffin?"
"Ithyaka's family, or at least where she's from. I'm guessing some sort of magic was involved but she's lost and can't seem to figure out where home is. I'm sorry I jumped at you, Malcom. I saw you with your gun and I remember how you acted with Jade-…"
"I know. And you're just doing what gargoyles do best." He smiled. "Protecting."
But Jade Griffin wasn't listening. She'd let the memory slip. The child side knew it vividly. It came awake suddenly, pushing up at the adult side. It wanted OUT. "Uh… you'd better go, Malcom. I'll call you tomorrow."
All three of them knew what was happening then. Jade Griffin couldn't keep the child side out of her voice. Malcom sighed and headed out. She still didn't trust him enough around her younger self. Had it been two weeks already? "Good-bye, Malcom." Ithyaka called after him, then turned to the tensed Jade Griffin. "Is she coming out?"
The dark green gargoyle could only nod. A dim purply glow surrounded her briefly as the child side emerged, reforming her body to the younger version, the younger self in control in the brain. Emergence complete, the young Jade Griffin looked about, craving activity of any kind. She spied Ithyaka staring at her with big, amazed eyes and paused mid-search.
"Hellow." the young Imperial Griffin greeted.
"Hello." the young gargoyle returned it, all at once looking confused, frustrated, then puzzled. "…She says…you're a friend?"
"Yes. I am Ithyaka."
"You're a griffin? A real griffin?"
"Do you wanna play?" the gargoyle child asked hopefully.
Ithyaka's answer was a broad-beaked smile as she 'disguised' herself. "Catch me!"