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“Separation, Combination: The Husband And Wife Life”
by Jade Griffin
10.2.02 to 12.5.02

Two nights after the wedding

As much as he’d liked to have gone to China that night, Malcom had one of two choices and both of which meant waiting. One, take a plane over to Tibet and wait for Lady there, as she could not ride in such an iron-abundant machine. Two, wait for her energy reserves to return and have her teleport them both to her homeland. She could transport up to two people besides herself, she’d told him. A little inconvenient that she had to wait a few days after every teleportation to be able to do it again but it was better than not being able to do it at all. And the first time had been necessary, as there was no other way to get her into the church unseen except under her own steam.

His decision? He wasn’t about to let his new wife outta his sight!

Not for the reasons some more zealous newlyweds might think. Her natural form returned at the coming of dawn, they’d curled up together in their bed inside their brand new, fey-created home. Only sleep remained in their thoughts after such an exhausting evening. And so very wonderful it felt.

As tired as he was, he found himself awakened every time her claws flexed a little too much about his arm. For reassurance or because of a dream he wasn’t sure. Not painful, either; just... Unsure how to describe it beyond a smile, he merely hugged her closer and drifted back to sleep.
After a day of organizing their new home and making plans for children, they curled up again together. Despite the Lady’s desire to have a great many offspring, she hadn’t mentioned any form of intimacy to him whatsoever. He, not feeling any such lust toward his wife, abstained for that reason, and a few others. He didn’t know what to look forward to in that respect, and found himself lying awake that day, his wife nestled against his body, head tucked under his chin with horn lightly pressing against his clavicle.

He’d never told anyone but Epona but... He’d never been intimate with anyone before. Never had the time, never felt urges he couldn’t control as others tended to describe, never wanted to. Actually, it was a secret pride that he held. Mind over body. And when the time came, he’d felt sure he’d be up to the event. Now... Without talking to the Lady on the subject, he really wasn’t sure. He wasn’t scared. He just didn’t wanna look foolish. Especially not when this was going to be so important to her. The larger purpose in going to Tibet was not to see her parents but to ensure that their firstborn would be more ki-lin than the Lady, who was half. A genetic/ magical contrivance she’d explained roughly. In order to accomplish this, they must go to her homeland and couple there, with he in ki-lin form. How could he possibly know what to expect in that?

No human had seen a ki-lin in over seven hundred years, or so she’d told him. The xenophobic chinese unicorns were deathly afraid of humans in particular and rarely allowed anything but other ki-lin relatives to approach. Lady was included in their group, as she was one of few remaining reproductive females. A hope for their all-but-extinct race. She’d described them as looking like a horse and a dragon. Didn’t follow with his image of a unicorn but she promised that he would be impressed.

She stirred against him, eyes opening and a gusty sigh fluting past her lips. She moved a bit from his side so that she could gaze at is face, where she saw his mood. “You are concerned about tonight.” she guessed accurately. “... Are you afraid?”

“No.” He answered perhaps too quickly. But he didn’t think it was fear. It was more like... “Insecurity.” He smiled ruefully down at her.

She laughed a bit, in precursor to her apology. “I’m sorry I cannot tell you more, my love. It is something that must be experienced. I have never been through it before, either.”

“You?” His puzzled frown won another smile.

“Of course. I must be ki-lin for a night, as well. It would be very awkward mating with a ki-lin as I currently am.”

Stupid of him not to realize. “And... your mother? Did she...?” Perhaps another stupid question but he felt he needed to know.

“No. They tried... It is mother’s fey heritage. Fey magic does not mix well with the nature of ki-lin magic. Perhaps the others knew this and that is why they opposed my parent’s love so strongly.”

“But will that affect us-- I mean, you?”

“I do not know. Most likely not, as my internal magic is mostly ki-lin-born. I am more curious about you. Nothing harmful, but there has never been an opportunity to let a human try.”

“Just great...” he muttered on a breathy exhalation.

“Do not be worried. Humans possess no magic that would conflict with the process. Malcom, you will do fine. If you do not believe such, it will be harder to achieve.”

Did she mean literally or was this just a pep talk? He didn’t know, so he’d better do as she says or it’d destroy that one all-important dream she held: of helping to rekindle her kin race, and get back the name of her father in good stead with the fools. He’d never hurt his wife by breaking any such chance.

“I’ll believe because you believe,... wife.”

Her smile was blissful. He held her to him again and felt a sudden urge to prove himself. Controllable, as it always was. He’d get his chance soon enough.


He felt as ready as he could be that night, pondering on the Lady’s ability. He’d never been teleported by her before. Only been moved place to place by fey magic. That was completely instantaneous and nothing at all felt. No time lag, no between zone. Nada. First you were here, then you were there.

She took his hands and asked if he were ready. He gave a nod.

The room at first appeared to brighten. A curious coolness spread across his skin. Their home disappeared. Lady was always in sight. Around them settled a vast landscape of semi-desert, cold mountain air, and cloudless, star dusted, wilderness sky. A foreign sky, he reminded himself. They were, geographically, in a part of the Kun-Lun mountain range of Tibet, China, called nothing by the true belongers of the land, the ki-lin.

The Lady Epona studied his face, waiting. She could not hold her question. “What do you think?”

“Pretty much how you described it.” He grinned to show his ease at the sight of such wild vastness. He was, after all, quite the outdoorsman. “Beautiful.”

There was a child’s delight, an eager vitality, in her eyes at being back in her native land. She trotted up a short rise and issued a series of sounds he’d never before heard from her. Faintly, very faint to his ears, came a reply. Grinning, she clopped down and took him by the hand.
“This way. They are not far.”

She was a lot more excited to be here than he was-- No. He couldn’t think that way. Pulled along by the Lady, he exerted a little mental effort and willingly jogged beside her. He shouldn’t fear meeting her parents. Not with her so confident.

Epona led him through a short, twisty valley with mountains looming all but overhead. It opened unexpectedly into a broad flatland with grassy patches of brownish weed dotting the scape all the way up the next ridge. In the nearer part of the flatlands was the unmistakable shape of a gargoyle.

Given the non-genetic appearance some offspring of gargoyles took without looking like either parent, Malcom wasn’t quite sure what he was expecting her mother to look like. As they neared her, he saw a slight resemblance in the silky raven hair, turn of the eyes, and brow ridges.
The elder female gargoyle, dressed similarly to Jade Griffin, held the bright moonlight on her pale green skin and greeted the Lady Epona with a welcoming hug.

“It has been quite a while, daughter.”

“Yes. I apologize.”

“No need. You have your own life.” She turned her eyes on Malcom.

Though she didn’t openly scrutinize him, he none the less felt a searching of his soul behind the calm eyes of the Lady’s mother. And his wife’s arms about him, urging him gently closer.

“Mother, Malcom is the one I have chosen.”

He bowed low to the elder gargoyle. “I am honored to finally meet the mother of my wife.”

She gave a slight bow in return and he fancied he surprised her with his gesture. “I am called Winter Green.”

“Oh, I have so much to tell you of the wedding arranged for us, mother! It was the most wondrous event. Moreso than any we’d observed before.”

Nervous herself, the Lady prattled on a few details before her mother stepped forward and placed both hands on her shoulders. “Daughter, we will have time later for such things. Your father is here. He is waiting.” Winter Green turned to Malcom. “Has my daughter told you what is expected of you?”

“Uh... yes. In summary.”

The pale gargoyle gave a nod, breaking her stoic face with a comforting smile. “Wait here, Malcom.” She then guided the Lady off, over the ridge, and out of sight.

Not sure what else to do, he took a seat on the ground. A particularly sharp bush poked him in the rear and he scrabbled up to brush the thing away. Well, he thought as he sat down more carefully. I thought I was calm... So he took the moment to examine the quiet and keep away from any inhibiting thoughts or plaguing unknowns.

It was kind of chilly and he was glad for the Lady’s advice of bringing a jacket. It was also quiet and, in a way, homey. Hadn’t been out in the bush in a long time. He settled back fully, stretching out to gaze up at the starry night. The light breeze whispered through the grassy things that were half-bush and half-other plant. He thought he heard quiet talking. Maybe he did, but it was no language he knew. Just sounds, like those Epona had made as soon as they arrived. More soft whispers in the night.

He had no idea how long he lay there. Probably not long, as he reflected back. There was the distant sound of hooved feet approaching. He needn’t look to know it was Epona. He looked anyway, wanting to see her.

She came closer, smiling softly and waiting for him to stand. He did, brushing absently at his back and rear to shake off the little rocks and plant parts stuck to his clothes.

“What do I have to do?” The words came out as if there were no question what she’d been about to ask. He was ready. Really this time.


He quirked a brow at her, and a smile. “Nothing? Then how does it work?”

“It is like... hypnosis.”

She had to think about it for a moment before answering. Odd. Like she was just knowing the answer herself.

“You’re going to hypnotize me?” He couldn’t help but grin. That was the last thing he’d ever expected her to say.

Her head bobbed in a nod, eyes dancing with mischievous intent. “You know the song, with the line ‘I only have eyes... for you’.”

“Yeah?” If anything, it was the slow and shallow bob of her beautiful face in time with some rhythm that held him captivated, not some swinging watch or light bulb. Funny, how she picked that song.

“It’s a very quiet song, isn’t it. Heavy like a summer night’s air.”


“Soft as a breeze. Caressing the face.” She spoke slowly, carefully.

“Soft...” His repetition was automatic, and barely above a whisper.

“Heavy... Soft....”

His eyes were distant, yet still fixed upon her face.

“Malcom? How do you feel?” Her soft speaking continued.


“Malcom, take off your jacket if it is so warm.”

He did so, with slow and precise motions.

“How do you feel?”


“Good. No insecurities.”


“Good. Take off your shirt, Malcom.”

He did, without question. Yes, he was ready.

“It is a nice summer night. Remove all of your clothes.”

The Lady Epona watched as he undressed. Watched for any sign that he was not completely willing. It was necessary to have him completely at ease and unresistive. Li Yan Tsing made the point very clear, and her father would know. Malcom had to be completely open, vulnerable, to ensure their best chances. This was the quickest way to do so.

Perhaps a bit unfair, as she was seeing him physically naked for the first time. There were books to read on the subject of anatomy but actually, this was the Lady’s first look at an actual naked human. She gazed on his body curiously, knowing that tonight would be the first for many things.

Her father’s quiet voice rose query on her progress. She answered back that all was well, asking that he keep near if she should have trouble. She’d never done anything like this but tried to keep such reserves out of her mind.

It was possible, for her and her kind, to alter another being to their own form temporarily. Another survival trait developed over the generations for some reason now unknown. It was an ability in any ki-lin, and in the Lady Epona. She hadn’t known anything about the finer points of ki-lin reproduction until recently, when she’d come home from the ‘cyberverse’ and another unproductive month where she had not found a suitable mate. Li Yan Tsing felt it important at that time to remind her to take her time, and to fully describe what it is her chosen one would be asked to do.

She stepped closer to the servile Malcom, placed her hands on his arms, touched her horn to his head.

“Feel me?”


“Don’t be afraid of anything. What will happen is natural.”


She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She must concentrate solely on the transformation.

The short spiral horn springing from her forehead took on a silvery glow. It coated Malcom’s bare body in a soft light. He did not tense or respond at all as his body was gripped in a powerful surge of energy. Molecule, cell, muscle, bone, organs, body structures, all began a rapid change under the Lady’s guidance. A horn resembling her own grew from his changing forehead, touching with hers. It grew longer, as did his body, his face, his legs. His arms turned to muscular shoulders beneath hands which trembled in the effort of maintaining the contact.

“<Fa...Father!>” she called, feeling the ability slipping from her.

“<Daughter, I am here.>” And he was. All but beside her, he appeared. This type of transformation of others could not be done more than once but if more than one ki-lin assisted, it could be so. Knowing this, he lent his own shallow reserves to complete the process, whereupon the Lady Epona collapsed on top of him.

“<Are you well?>” His head swung around to nuzzle her cheek worriedly.

“<Mm... Yes. I’m sorry I could not...>”

“<Nonsense. It is a great thing to ask of you. They had no right, daughter. You still have yourself to change. Do you require help? They are waiting if so.>”

The other ki-lin...? Of course. This night meant much to them, as it did to her. “<Please. I do not think I will be able.>”

“<Go to them. I will stay with this one.>”

She rose shakily, glanced down at her work, and studied the changed form of her love, before leaving him with her father.


Someone nudged him rather abruptly, dislodging his mind from the wonderful dream.

“<Wake up.>”

Why? was his drowsy, complaining thought. The voice was too loud, for all its soft intent.
“Mah’huh’com, <wake up.>” Again he was pushed at.

The weird pronounciation of his name and the unexpectedly loud stamp of a large hoof near his head shot his eyes open. His head snapped up at the sight of a horse-sized creature standing beside him. A ki-lin...

He didn’t need the Lady to confirm it, though he did wonder where she was. And why this majestic guy was around him when they were supposed to be afraid of any but their own kind. He could hear them close by. Watching...

On impulse, he looked down at himself. What would have been a gasp as a human turned into a coughing fit as the new body did not take the action well. A ki-lin! I’m a ki-lin!

He looked down his long form, identical to the Lady’s father except for coloration and length of shaggy mane and tail. Li Yan Tsing was a mix of grey with reddish and yellow. Malcom examined the shiny iridescent blue and brown of his body scales, admired their gleam and detail against the dark brown of his bodyfur. Glancing slightly upward, he caught sight of the long, silver spire originating from his forehead, from which shaggy dark brown locks hung about. He tossed his head side to side, attempting to brush the hair from his sight. No good.

Li Yan Tsing snorted slightly. Malcom realized it was their way of getting attention, and that he was forgetting where he was and why he was here. His eyes locked onto those of the elder ki-lin.

“<You are not quite ready. Take some time. Stand. Get used to your new form.>”

The older turned about and trotted quietly away.

Malcom, in a rush to rise and follow, tripped over himself. Never had four legs before!
“Huu’aait! Erruadie?” Whoa... He couldn’t speak with this body, either!

The graceful form of Li Yan Tsing paused, wisps of breeze dancing tail and mane and fetlock tufts. The long horse-ish neck turned for the drawn out head to regard him cryptically. “<Listen to me. Hear this talking?>”

“<...Yes?>” The answer surprised him greatly, as did the fact that he could reply in kind. “<How..?>”

“<You really do know nothing, don’t you?>” Abandoning cynicism, the firey-colored ki-lin spun about on two legs and retraced his four-legged steps.

“<I learn quickly.>” Malcom offered, taking care in his effort to rise. He made the move with no trouble at all. Getting used to this wouldn’t be so hard. he told himself.
Li Yan Tsing snorted in distaste.

Malcom wondered if ki-lin were telepathic and looked on his Lady’s father with wide eyes. Though the older could not produce a raise of brows at such a look, he none the less conveyed that impression. Malcom dropped his new ki-lin head, unable to shake the feeling that he was doing everything wrong. “<I... I thank you for this. For everything,>, Yii... yiiyasnng.” Geez, why was it so hard to say his name?

“<I thought you might have realized but no, that is not so.>” Tail swished, patient, as if to a child. “<We have our own names, and we have those known to those who do not know them. I, for example, am Strong-Alone. My daughter is Pretty-Half. My mate, Mint-Heart.>”

“<And me?>” Malcom queried hopefully.

Li Yan Tsing examined him thoroughly, made a show of looking over every inch of his gifted body. He looked again to Malcom’s face and said simply, “<Human-Roots.>”

“<I... I thank you for the name assignment, Strong-Alone.>”

“<Do not be dismayed. You are human, and you are like the roots that are tough to find but may turn out quite promising to the palate. You will lose this form, but you will keep your name, Human-Roots.>”

If he were not telepathic, Li Yan Tsing was quite keen in deciphering emotion; but, then again, he was probably broadcasting everything he felt in unconscious body gestures that he was unfamiliar with but the Lady’s father knew well. Malcom was learning. He couldn’t see it but he heard the humor in Li Yan Tsing’s vocal tones. Recognized it at some level beyond his knowing. It encouraged him a great deal, and he took heart that the name assignment was not some brusk judgment but a well-thought-out nomicker. He felt a rush of pride, for there was so far no indication that ‘Strong-Alone’ disproved of the his daughter’s choice.

“<Pretty-Half will be waiting. As said before, take some time to get used to your new self. There is time, and it is needed.>”

“<Thank you. I cannot thank you enough, Strong-Alone.>” Malcom said to his retreating form. He didn’t see the other disappear in a blink as he got down to sorting out the workings of being ki-lin.

The more he dwelled on it, the less he got done. Instinct could take over quite well on its own, he found out, and let it do so several times in order to understand his own body movements. In a sudden surge of energy and wildness, he reared high into the air and crashed his hooves to the ground, delighting in the feeling of the world echoing back. That was something altogether new to him. The speaking of the world. Not just hearing and seeing things never before seen, but the feeling of everything around him. An unbroken and untethered harmony of the world. It was in his step, the breeze, the plants he tasted; in the beetle scuttling rhythmically past, the singing of the stars, the whisper of the night. He found himself enthralled by the lovely and simple nature of being ki-lin. And the heart-wrenching sadness in the realization that he would lose this feeling all-too-quickly. But that was the way of this world, of his world, of the world of Pretty-Half’s people, of all things. It was easy to accept in this mind.

He’d bent down for another quick nibble at one of the more tasty plants he’d found when a figure crested the ridge at his left. Eyes positioned to the sides of his head, he saw her easily. His head came up, admiring Pretty-Half’s altered beauty as she waiting in the light of the moon. Black as raven-feathers and as deep a purple as any he’d see, her scaly hide and coyly tossed head called to him in more ways than he’d thought possible. She fell back down the other side of the ridge, allowing her momentum to carry her on four swift legs. Malcom’s mind now beat with the rhythm of the world, and the ki-lin instinct.

He didn’t think. He shot forward in pursuit, marveling at his own power and speed. The Malcom-ki-lin saw her inviting gallop just ahead and pushed himself to join her. There were no questions or inhibitions in his mind. None at all, for he knew precisely what to do.

Strong-Alone observed from a far vantage with one eye and a piece of his mind, Mint-Heart appearing suddenly beside him. She sighed in pleasant abandon, encircling his neck with her taloned hands. No words were spoken for a long time.

“<Your opinion?>” he asked.

“<Need you question our daughter’s decision? You know mine. What is yours?>” She laughed in only the way gargoyles and humans could.

Oh, how he loved her. She knew him so well. Had even learned the ki-lin tongue which took painstaking years. Admirable, beautiful, wise, strong, she was truly his heart and at times as sharp and delicate as the plant from which she was named.

Still, he could not answer fully with what he felt, for he did not know Human-Roots. “<You need not ask. She has made her choice.>”

Regrettably, he may never know him, but that was a ki-lin matter and reflected none on Pretty-Half. He could not help it if his instincts forbade him to come near a human. It was a defense they could not afford to drop, no matter the consequences.

They stood for some time, watching the two distant forms dance and cavort in the night. Winter Green buried her head in his mane, tightened her grip on him for a brief hug. She was remembering their failed attempt. Painful. As many things in that time had been painful to endure. His head snaked around to nuzzle her cheek, comfort her. “<They will do fine.>”

“<You are so sure.>”

“<Of course. We do not worry about such things.>”

By ‘We’, her mate always meant ki-lin. She would ask how he could be so certain but she knew he’d already answered. Ki-lin didn’t worry about it. If it wasn’t meant to be, it would not be. As simple as that. She settled her mind with the memory of ‘Strong-Alone’ accepting her again in spite of her inability to transform to ki-lin. And of his gentle ingenuity which produced them a daughter. That had been the start of all good things. She felt the pressure of his head resting on her back and tightened her embrace, smiling for the both of them.


The Lady Epona woke in his arms much later that night and lay perfectly still. She didn’t want to wake him. She was her normal self. She lay against a human Malcom, her mate’s sleeping form rising and falling with each breath.

It came to her attention rather abruptly. Epona sat up in a rush. She could feel it...

Awakened by her sudden movement, his hands clutched air. Hands... He wasn’t ki-lin anymore. He might have felt the pangs of regret for its brevity but for the look on his wife’s face.

Searching, wide-eyed, and alarming him. He pushed up from the ground, put his arms around her. “What’s wrong?”

It was almost a fright, her awe and surprise were so great. And her joy. It closed her throat so she could not speak and she fought the threat of bursting into tears.

“Epona??” He tightened his grip, afraid for the first time in his life.

She found her voice. “Malcom, I...” She paused to confirm once again and marvel at the sensation. The tears won out, as did her profound joy. She threw her arms around him. “I can feel the child’s presence!”

“...You’re... You’re pregnant??”

She could only nod against his shoulder in reply, beyond all words.

He pulled the Lady from him gently and clasped her hands, looking her over at arm’s length and grinning like a fool. “How... I mean, how do you know?”

The Lady wiped at her tears. “I am not wrong. It is amazing, Malcom, but I can feel the start of the baby. I can feel her...Oh, Malcom, It is almost too much to believe!”

He held her again, knowing exactly what she was talking about. Just a few months ago, he’d met her. Then fell in love, worked out a way so they could be together, passed his parents’ judgment, got married, met her parents, and then earlier tonight... And now. He was gonna be a dad... Whoa. Just take it one at a time. he told himself. Nothing to get scared over.

“Come, we must go see my parents.” She pulled at him to follow.

“Um... Wait.” He noticed quickly that something was amiss. “Uh, Epona? Where’re my clothes?” She wasn’t wearing any either, but she actually didn’t need clothes in her natural environment. He was feelin’ more than a little chilly.

“They had to be removed for the transformation.” She looked about, trying to recall. “...I’m not sure. I will look for them.”

“No. We’ll look.” For some reason, he didn’t want to lose sight of his Lady just now.

His clothes weren’t far. The Lady suspected they had been moved by her parents to be found easier but said nothing. Human modesty was quite well known to her and she would not mention either that their coupling had probably been observed by many pairs of eyes.

With Malcom fully clothed, and much warmer, they sought the Lady’s parents. Her gargoyle mother, Winter Green, was the only one found.

“Good evening.” the pale green gargoyle opened politely, eyeing her daughter expectantly. Obviously, knowing immediately of a pregnancy was a gargoyle trait for her to be aware of it.

The Lady’s smile brimmed over. “Yes! I can feel the child!”

Winter Green swept her daughter up in a hug, then Malcom. It surprised him but he found himself laughing and smiling at her congratulations and hugging her back.

“Where’s Strong-- I mean, Li Yan Tsing?” Still grinning at the welcome from his mother-in-law, he forgot.

The smiles of the two females faded.

“He will not come here again while you remain...” the Lady answered, her head falling like the broken mood.

Malcom immediately took her in his arms. “It’s okay. I understand, really. I... I forgot.” Because he was human again, no ki-lin would approach him. Lady had explained that before the wedding.

“But he is watching.” Winter Green smiled upon the couple. “He knows of the news.”

Sounds issued from an unidentifiable direction. All three listened.

“Epona?” Malcom, a look of utter shock on his face, had his eyes distantly searching to pinpoint Li Yan Tsing.

“That was my father.”

“I know. I... I understood him!”

Lady and Winter Green turned on him with disbelieving faces. The pale gargoyle spoke up. “You still have the knowledge of ki-lin speech?”

Malcom nodded, too much in wonder to voice an affirmative. But what her father said... “Epona? What did he mean by ‘problems with the baby’?”

Winter Green put a taloned hand on the human’s shoulder. “Come. Sit there and we will talk. Lady Epona must go before the sun comes. She will talk with Li Yan Tsing.”

“The sun!” the Lady gasped. “Mother...”

“Go. It is fine.”

Her daughter gave a nod and trotted quickly away.

Malcom stared after his wife until Winter Green pulled him along. He was led not too far away.
“The sun is no threat to a full gargoyle, nor to my daughter, but it may be for your just-starting baby. But I will start from the beginning. I and Li Yan Tsing are not disappointed in our daughter’s choice. He was merely reminding her to tell you of possible complications.”

“With the baby? What kind of complications?” The idea hadn’t occurred to him. And now that it had, a little fist of fear grabbed at his insides, knotting his stomach.

“When Li Yan Tsing and I knew we were to receive a child, this same possibility was brought up. A gargoyle is very different from the ki-lin. There are too many possibilities to tell what the child will be. It could be live-born, or within an egg. It could take on an appearance of anything. Sometimes, there are too many possibilities to choose from and the child produced has conflicting possibilities. Perhaps it should be in an egg and is born live and underdeveloped. The baby’s physical appearance may have conflicts, as in three legs or one ki-lin and the other gargoyle. There are too many possibilities to predict. And... and there is the possibility that the child and mother conflict. It may never happen but must be said, that one or both could die from such a conflict.” Winter Green paused to look over Malcom’s worried face.

“Our daughter did come out well, and perhaps it was because she hatched, but your first child, this child, has less than a third of a chance of being egg-born. For the Lady Epona to give a live birth is unpredictable. She is half-gargoyle. The baby will not be.”

That’s why the Lady had to go. If she turned to stone, and the baby couldn’t... It would kill their baby.

“Such conflicts are rare, but then so are mixed mating. Fey and ki-lin are a poor match. Gargoyle-ki-lin and human may not be.”

“Then... there isn’t anything we can do? I mean, is there any way to tell? And if there is something wrong...” If there were and... and they lost the baby... The Lady would be devastated. So would he but having children meant so much to her.

“I know of no healers who could help. I’m sorry.”

“Then that’s it? All we can do is wait and see if something’s wrong?” A rare instance of anger flared up. Not pointed toward Winter Green but at his current situation. “I don’t think so. I’m gonna find a way to make sure out baby is fine. We worked out a way to live and share our lives together, we can work this out.”

Winter Green passed him a smile reminiscent of his wife’s charming expression. “I’m glad you feel that way. The Lady Epona has told us much on your ability to solve problems. Let it serve you well again.”

“I never give up.”

“I wish you both well and, when the time is near, I will come and stay with you both.”

He bowed to the mother of his wife. “I look forward to your stay.”

She inclined her head and disappeared.

On a sudden impulse, Malcom threw back his head and called out, “<I love Pretty-Half!>” But it was not said in his language. He blinked, listening to the echo traveling with his words, spoken in the ki-lin tongue, by himself.

A repeat came back to him moments later, the Lady affirming and vowing the same to him.

And, when he listened close, as deep as he could hear, he caught a distant surprised voicing from another ki-lin. She obviously hadn’t known Malcom could retain the knowledge of their language! He wondered briefly if they would, or even if they could, try and remove it. He wasn’t sure how the Lady had done whatever it was she did to transform him into the Malcom-ki-lin for the earlier part of the night, let alone if what had stayed with him could be taken back.

He smiled, despite... everything! This was all so amazing. He, just an average guy, was standing in the middle of nowhere talking, in a foreign tongue recently acquired, to his non-human wife who was going to have their baby. It was unreal. But only for a moment. In the next, he took stock of how lucky he was. He followed the direction of that one call from Epona, found her settling beneath a deep ledge that would keep the sun away from her all day, and put everything aside to be with her in every way possible.

Despite her smile, he could see the worry in her eyes. He held her to him tightly, needing to reassure her as much as he needed reassurance.

“Don’t think about it.” he told her as he held her close. “I’ll figure something out. Just... just be happy. At least for now.”

Her eyes went to his and a smile shone behind her silent tears. “I am happy.”

The worry faded from him at the sight of her radiance. Happy, sad, miserable, depressed, whatever; she was beautiful. He smiled back. “Me too.”


It was several days later as they sat in each other’s arms under a star-filled China sky that the Lady caught a sigh from her love.

“What are your thoughts?” she queried.

He gave his Lady a smile. “Work. Red-tail expects me back soon.”

The Lady Epona cast her eyes to the ground. “Do you... regret your decision?”

He knew where she was going with this and answered quickly. “No. No. I will never regret choosing you. And don’t you regret us either.” He sighed. “Lady, my life hasn’t been a lot of anything until I met you. And after that, I went through my work days thinking of you. You and the baby are more important to me now than anything else in any world. It’s... it’s just going to take a while to sever all the ties in mine. But not for one second will I regret this.” He pulled her closer, believing in everything he said. Yet it was on the matter of how he would break such ties that had his mind wandering. Everyone had just been at his wedding, saw the Lady then. Would ask to see her again definitely. He worked for the FBI. His parents and siblings kept in touch. Not the easiest of life’s to disappear from.

He just couldn’t bring himself to discuss it with his wife. It wasn’t her problem anyway. It was his. He was the great problem solver. He’d work it out, and how to make sure their baby would be fine. Somehow...

He wasn’t sure what to expect walking in to work the next week. Anything probably. But, no, everyone was pretty quiet. Almost respectful! No hoots or elbows in his side or queries on how the honeymoon went. Had meeting Epona had that much effect on everyone? Even Levinczek merely nodded and smiled upon seeing him. Weird.

Work was the usual but complicated, now that he had so many home problems to sort out, and one involved quitting this job. The day crawled slower than any other previously experienced. It was pretty bad. How could he keep his intentions to himself until he could sort out how to bring it up, and not get the notice of Red-tail. The FBI Director was too keen to the inner condition of those under her sometimes. She certainly knew a love sick man when she saw one. he mused, remembering her quasi-pep talk the week he proposed to the Lady.

Somehow, he made it through the day satisfactorily. It was a great relief to collect his jacket and stretch up from the seat at his desk. He whirled, grinning perhaps too much at the thought of returning home to his wife. And stopped in his tracks. First, he was somehow the last one leaving again. Second, Anne Red-tail blocked his path to the elevator.

“Uh... Did you need something from me?”

“Oh, you could say that.” Her guarded face was indecipherable. “C’mon. Might as well put your jacket back.”

Oh boy... What now?? He could not find a reason as he followed her into her office.
She’d had a tv and vcr wheeled in at some point in the day-- another thing he hadn’t noticed-- and grabbed a tape from inside a locked desk drawer. She popped it into the player.

What came on-screen was the security tape from a wing of the Federal Building they worked in. He couldn’t understand why she’d want him to see it until a creeping figure went slinking through the shadows. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the individual. But it was dark enough. Red-tail couldn’t have been able to identify much... Right? Oh no.... His inner groan was barely kept in check as the tape blurred and he realized his Director had compiled a collage, of various instances when Jade Griffin had not known where the recording devices were when she decided to drop by for whatever reason. Why Red-tail was showing the tape to him became clear on the last blip of tape: a brief shot of Jade Griffin running past, he following.

Detachedly, he recalled the incident behind the need for rushing. He never would have recalled the recorders at a time like that. And now, now he’d have to face the consequences of the lack of forethought.

Red-tail said nothing. She turned off the tv, shut down the vcr, and crossed her arms in a single turn to face him. A brow arched expectantly.

He had no idea what he should say. When he came up with something, it was probably the wrong thing to say. “Why didn’t you show me those before?” They were old, you see. Those recordings were months, even years old. Not many but some. Old enough to have been erased long ago, or brought to his attention at the time they were discovered.

“Been savin’ ‘em.” She leaned against her desk thoughtfully. “Care to gimme an explanation?”

“No.” The words were out of his mouth before he thought. “I mean... I can’t.”

“You... can’t?” Her eyes narrowed dangerously. Obviously, she wasn’t used to hearing ‘no’.

He straightened, taking on the cause he supported with all his heart. “I cannot say much of the individual portrayed in the video, for her own protection. I’m sure you can understand why.”

“Why do you think the only remaining tape is still with me?” was her hard reprimand, showing the most emotion he’d ever seen from her. A combination of surprise and outrage at the slight-- that he’d think her so panicky and frivolous as to not realize the impact caused by letting this out. “You must really think I’m stupid, Malcom.”

“No, Director. Not in the least.” he answered hastily.

Her rant ended abruptly, head sagging and eyes to the floor as she heaved a sigh. “I knew I’d lost you.”

“I’m sorry?” What the heck did she mean by that?

“The Bureau, Malcom. We’ve lost you to whoever you went chasing after on that tape.” She really look defeated.

He’d never seen her like this. After all she’d done for the Bureau, and him, he was caught up in things beyond it, and she knew it. “How long have you known?”

“A while. Was hoping you’d come to me about it. I regret the fact that you didn’t trust me enough.” Her head swung side to side.

Now he didn’t know if she was rebuking him or accusing herself! “Red-tail, it wasn’t you. I swore I wouldn’t tell anyone. I won’t break that promise. I can’t. That individual on the tape wishes to be completely unknown to humans. I won’t jeopardize her, or our friendship.”

“Friendship?” She mocked the word scornfully, as if he could have done a lot better in its choice. “I don’t see how you could call your relationship with the Lady Epona a ‘friendship’. You married her!”

“What does the Lady have to do with...?” He trailed off, realizing what was going on. And laughed. Oh boy, what a misconception! “What...?” He had to stop laughing. She was really getting steamed. “What made you think that was the Lady?”

Red-tail frowned. “That isn’t her? The real her?”

He grinned, much relieved. “Nope. Just one of my other friends.” Boy, did she look consternated. He had to say something more to dispel it. He hoped he was doing the right thing. “You are right, though. How did you know?”

Returning to her normal, unfazed state, she replied, “Miwok still have shamanist ways. I grew up around enough of the stuff to recognize an illusion when I see it. But I kinda figured, even before seeing her, because of the tape...”

“I see.” Very clearly now. And saw why she’d given the Lady such an odd look at the wedding. He gave another chuckle, because he knew now that Red-tail half-expected to see a non-human that evening.

“So now there’s only one problem.”

“What’s that, Red-tail?”

She looked him square in the eye. “How long do I get you for?”

Yes. That’s what she really meant by losing him. She’d known probably longer than he had. “Not much longer. I know, it’s a lousy thing to do to you but... The Lady wants to start having kids right away.”

Red-tail didn’t make any comment about that but quirked another brow at him.

“I really love her. That’s all that matters.”

“Ah, what love does to some people.” She shook her head, then spoke up again as he bridled in offense. “I don’t mean your choice of partners, Malcom. I mean the loss of an excellent mind. She’ll be all yours soon enough. Don’t worry. I know you can’t stay. Can you give me at least a month more?”

He offered a nod, trying not to show reluctance. He owed her that much for her silent council, her overall silence, for a lot of things. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. Couldn’t happen to a nicer... er... human.” Her mouth twitched with the start of a smile. It didn’t go any farther than that. She waved him out her door. “Go on. Your Lady awaits.”

His winning grin broke out. He stepped closer and grasped her arm in gratitude. “You have no idea how happy I am that you know. That you know.”

She brushed him off, half in modesty and half in embarrassment. “Does anybody else?”

“No human bodies.”

“Go on. She prob’ly has supper or... something... waiting.”

Malcom gave a dutiful nod, his utmost thanks again, and all but skipped out.

He had to check the spedometer several times to keep himself from speeding home, he was in such a hurry to get back to his apartment, and the portal leading to his new and true home. The closet was all but glowing as soon as he stepped in the door, responding to his desire to go through.

Lady wasn’t in the living room, or the bedroom or kitchen. He threw his things down as soon as he spotted her kneeling outside, tending to the variety of plants which had sprouted within minutes of being planted. Another of his wife’s gifts. He rushed out and surprised her with a great hug.

“What?” She grinned at his jubilance.

“Somebody knows and it’s okay!!”

“Knows what? Oh... Malcom, you didn’t!” Shock covered her face.

“Nope. But it’s okay!”

He explained the day’s events to his bewildered wife and erased the frown of worry from her brow ridge, smoothed the few loose wisps of ebony hair back across her shoulders, and told her it was okay. “Red-tail understand, everything. That’s one ‘tie’ that no longer binds, Lady. One less tie.”

“It is truly wonderful news.” Then why could she not feel it? It in fact worried her more than anything. She had only the brief encounter with her husband’s superior and found little comfort in that. A hard personality in Anne Red-tail, the Lady could not share Malcom’s comfort at the ease of the woman’s acceptance. She was trying hard to find a gentle way of saying so when he pulled her into a dance similar to the ones from their wedding. Such a wonderful night... But it did worry her, a great deal. If Malcom tried to break all his ties at once, someone would become suspicious, or curious. She couldn’t be human again. She hadn’t told Malcom the reason why Comp had helped settle a date for the wedding. Her guardian fey could only grant her mate’s wishes of having a public ‘human’ wedding if Oberon were preoccupied with other much more pressing matters. Comp knew of such a coming instance and pressed her if she still desired a human shape for an evening, it had to be that eve. There had been no argument, and Malcom accepted the fact that Comp probably would not do so again for her, but she still worried that he might ask. The Malcom Family was so involved with each member... She also did not know if she should mention how many times they had called today to talk with her. And then Taia had asked about babies, and if they were going to start a family soon. She had not known what to say!

“Lady? What’s wrong? Aw, don’t cry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told Red-tail anything without asking you first.”

She couldn’t help the sudden tears that welled from some overburdened part of her.

“Lady, please talk to me. Whatever it is, I’ll understand. Please.”

She had to control herself and stop worrying him. “Oh, Malcom, there is so much to say!”

He waited patiently, drying her tears as she got out what she could.

“I’m not gonna ask Comp to turn you human again. I’ll leave it up to you, to tell or not tell whoever you want about the real you. If you say no, I’m all for your side. I promise.”

“Malcom...” She gulped back the choking sobs that prevented the remainder of her tiny woes. “Your mother’s been asking about babies.”

He nodded. “Mom’s kind of a throw-back in that respect. She’s been calling alot?”

Her head bobbed, ducking again to cover the flow of unwarranted tears.

He brought it up again, smiled at her lovely face, and hugged her gently to him, rocking to comfort her. “Nobody else has to know. They can’t find this place unless they’re looking for us, in the right spot. I could disappear if you want. Make up some excuse and never be seen again.”

“No.” She pushed up from his chest. “No. I won’t have you abandon your family, Malcom.”

“But you do know what that means. They’ll want to come visit...”

She confirmed that and buried her face in his chest. She was frightened, scared of their probable reaction to their eldest son marrying... marrying her.

“Look at what we’ve accomplished so far, Lady. We’re married according to my people’s rules, mated in accordance to yours, have a home and a family on the way. Whatever else comes, we’re sure to get by fine. You have to believe that.”

“I... I am trying. Please, just hold me, Malcom.”

He would never refuse her.

Epona quieted shortly after but would not break the embrace for anything. “I’m sorry, Malcom. I should not have reacted so.”

“It’s okay. I’ve been told pregnant females are often emotional.” he mused, smiling, though she could not see his face.

The rumble of his voice as her ear pressed against his chest calmed her so much... As did the simple beating of his heart. A gentle rhythm. She could say it now. “Malcom?”


“I have not told you something about our baby.”

“Yeah?” This surprised him, but he wasn’t upset or immediately alarmed.

“She is growing fast...”

“How fast?”

“I can guess at seven months. It is fine-- normal. But I know it takes longer for humans.”

“Lady, you’ve been worried about telling me that?” He held her at arm’s length, smiling at her completely innocent face. “Oh, we’re all full of misconceptions today. I don’t mind one bit getting to see my first child early.”

“It does not bother you that you may have a child whose appearance could be bizarre, deformed, unlike anything you’ve ever seen?”

Malcom clasped her hands in his, dirty as they were from gardening. “Our baby will be fine. All of them will be. How could they not with a mother as beautiful as you. And I’m no slouch either, so they tell me.” He flashed her a debonaire smile and wiggled his brows.

That got a laugh out of her.

“Everything is working fine. We just need to sit down and talk about the people aspect more. But not tonight. Leave it. One people concern has been solved. Really, it has, Lady. Red-tail is a good person. One of the best. In fact... She wasn’t at all surprised to have figured out that wasn’t the real you, or to see a gargoyle roaming around the building. I think you might want to show her the real you one day. Believe me, she’s no harm to us. If you met her, you could see that. No, I’m not trying to press you. You do what you feel is right. I’m merely offering that option to alleviate the fear I still see behind your eyeballs.” He brushed again at the few wayward tears.

She gave a laugh, at herself. “It is so unlike me to fear and distrust readilly.”

“I’ll bet it’s maternal instinct. You don’t want to take any chances with our baby. Neither do I.”

That was true. As Malcom said, females often became more emotional when with child.


The telephone rang once, startling her. It rang a second time as she debated answering it. A third time before a decision was made.

“Hello?” the Lady answered.

“Good morning, dear!”

The cheery voice of Taia Malcom, her mate’s mother, did not hearten, as was probably intended, but she responded similarly, “Good morning.”

“And how are you today?”

“Very well, thank you.” Would she never say anything else?

“And Malcom?”

“He is well,also.”

Round went the pleasantries again, as if the woman knew no other way to speak. It unnerved Epona, for she knew Taia called for one reason only. Malcom had warned her not to tell his mother until at least a month passed.

“Humans don’t know quite so soon. Don’t want her gettin’ suspicious.” Though what he meant by that, she had no idea.

“Is he at work?”

“Yes.” Truthfully, he no longer worked for the FBI. Red-tail had called his leaving a transfer. Many were disappointed to see him go but no questions were asked that could not be answered without ‘suspicion’. He was at work, though. Here, at home, on the far corner of their house. He was constructing some type of barbecue spit, as his diet required meat and such a smell would make her ill. Building it away from the home would solve both problems.


“Taia,” She really considered not telling the woman of her status, as she constantly pestered on about the topic of their reproduction. Asking not only if she were with child but if they had been trying at all. She was afraid that her husband’s mother might actually start suggesting ways for improvement! Such a thing was not done in her world, nor was there such bothering of a new couple. The announcement was made when one wished. However, if she did not tell Taia, the calls would continue as always. In her current frame of mind, whether it be from maternal hormones or not, she could not stand another call and would simply refuse to pick up the phone. And, really, what would the new conversation be once she was told? “I am pregnant.”

Taia did not hear the lack of emotion in the Lady’s voice. One could almost hear her heart soar at the news. “Oh, how wonderful!! I’m so happy for you both! Oh, I don’t know what to say? I’m... I’m going to be a grandmother!!”

Lady could not help a smile on her end. In relief and in sharing in the joy of another female happy over her expecting. For a moment, it didn’t matter that Malcom’s family did not know she wasn’t human. For now, it was joyous news.

“Oh, here I am taking up phone time again. I’ll let you go. I’ve got to spread the word! Oh, congratulations to you both!!”

And that was it. Taia hung up in a rush.

It was quite unexpected and left Epona holding the phone limply.

Malcom entered as she replaced the receiver, dusting off his clothes.

“Was that my mom?”

She nodded.

“You told her?” He grinned.

Again a nod.

“Why the long face, Lady?” Immediately concerned, he was by her side in an instant.

“She was so happy...”

He sighed, knowing what she meant. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll beat that when it comes to us. Just wait and be happy, too. Honest. I’m sure things will work out fine. And--”

An odd zzZZzz’ing noise startled them both. Not quite a zing and more than an electrical sizzle. It was a sound heard only at one particular moment.

The door to their home was a magical entrance linked to, for the time being, the closet of his apartment. It was equipped with another magical device, like an instant doorbell, that told anyone on Malcom’s side when someone was at or near the door. No one knew about it but Lady and Malcom. No one was expected at their home. Who could be at their door?...

“Stay here.” Malcom told his wife, moving to the door.

He had no idea what to expect, no weapon in case the person was dangerous, but not about to let some stranger wander about his apartment and discover them by accident. All one really had to do was want to find he or the Lady or both and the portal would activate its greeny glow, hence the electric zing noise. So someone wanted to find them, and that’s all he knew. Malcom opened the door cautiously.

The closet door was still closed. Or, it was until he closed his own. By that time, Red-tail had opened the closet. Just as the green glow faded, he was left facing his bewildered supervisor.


“Oh... Uh... Hi, Malcom.” Her eyes flicked from him to the rest of the now normal closet, her head never moving.

“What are you doing here?” Even when he worked for the bureau, she never came to his apartment. Not once.

“Wanted to drop this off.” She held up a small bundle, bound in butcher paper and ribbon. “Levinczek.”

“Okay...” He received the gift but she still stood there, in the closet door, staring at him. “Red-tail, you do remember what I told you, about the person on that tape?”

The woman eyed him. “And Iquote, ‘That individual on the tape wishes to be completely unknown to humans. I won’t jeopardize her, or our friendship’.”

“Right. And I treat the Lady the same way. I know you came here to see us, or actually her, but she’s not ready for that. I’m sorry.”

The FBI Director merely nodded, displaying neither disappointment nor pessimism. In fact, she put on a rueful smile as she backed out of the closet. “Tell the Lady Epona hi for me, okay?”

He followed and shut the wood door. “Sure thing. She’ll be happy to hear from--”

There was a knock on the door. The one leading to the closet. Lady...

“Uh... Hold on just a sec.” Malcom told the Miwok woman, half jogging to the closet. He opened it a crack to see his wife. Epona’s face was a mix of indecision and yearning. For acceptance, he knew. Red-tail could be a taste of things to come. Or a recipe for disaster. He could only offer an encouraging smile and allow his Lady to use her own judgement. If she wouldn’t take this first step, she no doubt had a reason.

Epona swallowed, took a breath, and nodded. Malcom opened the closet door all the way.

Red-tail had already come closer, expectation drawing her near. As always, she did not show much outward reaction at the sight of the non-human but she offered up a genuine smile of slight surprise.

“Yep. That’s what I thought.” She gave a nod as if agreeing with herself.

And that was all. The woman turned to head out Malcom’s front door.

“Wait.” Lady emerged from the closet, dismayed and puzzled by the woman’s odd reaction. “Is that all?”

Red-tail paused but didn’t turn around. “I’m a busy person. I assume you are, too. Don’t have time for tons of questions right now.”

That was odd. Even for Red-tail. Malcom’s brows escalated, though he was smart enough to keep out of it for now.

“I have a question.” Lady said in as close to a commanding voice as he’d ever heard from her.

That got Red-tail to face his wife.

“You came here just to see me? Why?”

The woman smirked slightly. “Human curiousity. Sure yer familiar with that. Just wanted to see for myself what I knew to be true, and I only need one good look. Don’t need pictures or video tapes. Which reminds me,” She paused and turned to Malcom, pulling out a video tape in the same motion. “I trust you know where to bury this?”

The tape of Jade Griffin’s visits to the Bureau... “Yeah... Sure.”

“Okay then. See ya ‘round, Malcom, Lady Epona.”

In the stunned silence, she let herself out.

Epona felt the need to sit down on Malcom’s old couch. “What a strange woman.”

He chuckled. “Yeah. She seems to have that affect. But are you okay now? She won’t tell anyone, Lady, I swear. This tape proves it. This is the one I told you about.” He waggled it in front of her.

Yes. He’d mentioned the tape; which the woman had given over freely and without a second look. Not even at her. “Yes, Malcom. I see that.”

Strange, but loyal and true to her word. It was foolish to hope that all of Malcom’s acquaintences would act so admirably, and positively, but she dared anyway. The problems of tomorrow seemed small for just this moment. For the sake of her husband, for herself, and for their future children, she had to have hope. As necessary as breathing air.

She hugged Malcom to her and summed up her feelings in a smile that came quite easy and natural.