“IOTA Slip”
by Agent ‘G
Summary: a less-than-one pager to get you curious about the gargoyle who is Agent ‘G. Sharp and furious here!
SMACK! PHI’s hand met once more with her partner’s face.
‘G watched the pink-lavender Agent stalk away and shook her head. When’ll he learn?
‘G approached IOTA, who was rubbing his offended face and grinning like a fool. “Why do you keep doing that? She’s just gonna keep smacking you around.”
“No. She likes it. I can tell.” He sighed gustily and looked after the no-longer-visible PHI. “’G, have you ever-… Oh. Never mind.”
‘Oh. Never mind.’ Such an innocent phraseology. But ‘G took it an entirely different way. The way he said it… Had she ever what? Liked somebody? His tone implied that he thought her incapable… Incapable. She didn’t even know if what they’d taken would affect her-..… He knew.
Eyes lit with bright white anger, she grabbed the shorter Agent by the collar and hoisted him off his feet. “How did you get a hold of my file? How!” As low as her voice was, her delivery made the point very clear. ‘G was in a dangerous mood.
The startled IOTA flailed in her grasp. “Wha-what?! I-I haven’t seen your file! I swear! K’s got traps on it. Believe me! I’ve tried!”
In her anger, she didn’t believe him. “What was your comment for, then?”
“I don’t know! I just… didn’t want to finish my sentence. Wha’d I say??” The confused gargoyle stared at her in bewilderment.
‘G finally set IOTA on his feet, noticing suddenly how many other Agents were watching on in shock.
The other-dimensional gargoyle turned from IOTA and walked away, her eyes still aglow. She didn’t want to think about what she’d thought. She didn’t wanna think about any of it!
. . . . . .