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Jade Griffin fanfics

"Jade Griffin and the Chocolate Factory"
by JG, of course!

Clutching the brick wall with claw and talon, Jade Griffin eased down to look in the small glass window. Her prey was easily sighted, even upside down as she was. It would be tricky getting in but also a challenge. She was, after all, a gargoyle.

Kicking off to hang rightside-up along the wall, the dark green gargoyle stepped onto the thin window ledge and bent down for a better look inside. No lights on but that was good. It meant nobody was home. Smiling craftily, eyes aglow with bright white, she pushed off the thin ledge and spread her white wings to land by the vehicle garage. Having swiped one of the worker's keys earlier, she unlocked the door beside the garage and entered.

She passed through another door, went down a hall, another door, following her nose. She was close. Ah, there's the door. She pushed it open and went through.

Right away the smell intoxicated her. A blanket of aromatic bliss! And all around her, box after box after box… Chocolate! Mountains of boxes! Chocolate peanut clusters, chocolate turtles, chocolate bars, chocolate chips, peanut butter and chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate and caramel, chocolate-covered everything! The factory had it all! And, oh my gosh! Jade Griffin read the words on one box over, disbelieving her fortune. The royalty of the chocolate family were here. Chocolate Truffles.

Rushing eagerly to the stack of boxes, she removed the binding of one with a swipe, flipped back the flaps, and opened one of the ornamented packages. Inhaling delicately in awe at the sight of this find, she could only stare on and absorb their delicate beauty. Great care had been taken to produce each one, sprinkled ever so lightly with the colored flavor they concealed. Orange, Raspberry, Mocha, Grand Marnier, Amaretto, Mint, Champaigne, Cinnamon, and Rum.

She reached in and pulled out one of the tasteful beauties, then popped it in her mouth; which was consumed by the deep folds of flavor filling every pore. Oh, it was too good! She picked up another.

So absorbed was she in eating the cocoa bean confections that she heard nothing behind her. A finger tapped her back.

Whirling quickly, startled, Jade Griffin found herself staring face to face with air. Looking down farther, her eyes met those of a bespectacled weird little man holding a flashlight. Faced with being found by a human, and caught in the act, she tried hard to swallow her current mouthful. Two empty packages lay at her feet.

The little man stared up at her, smiling. "So you're the one who's been raiding our stores. We knew these'd draw you out." He indicated the truffles.

Miffed at being found by a human plus caught in her guilt, she turned defensive. "So you set a trap to catch me?" Her eyes grew brighter and her body tensed, her voice threatening. No one could catch her; not for long anyway.

The little man held up his hands to settle her. "Oh, no, no. I, that is, my associates and I, have a proposition."

Jade Griffin eyed him suspiciously but considered it. He seemed mostly harmless. "Yes?"

"Well, you appear to like our product a lot. You've never raided any other factories. So perhaps we could make a deal. If you become a 'silent' taster for us, and leave our stores alone, we'll provide you with all the chocolates you'd like, without having to break in. We can't seem to keep you out, and you do appear to have an excellent pallet. " His tone turned reproachful. "You really ought to have asked. I don't think you want us closed down but if you keep eating what is already sold to be shipped, we'll be done for!"

What a strange human! The idea did interest her but she didn't want to be too quick. "What's your name?"

He threw another smile. "They call the Chocolate Man." And he even bowed slightly. "It would be totally anonymous, this position. You'd only have to have contact with me, if you like." The bespectacled little man produced a carton of milk and held it out to her.

Jade Griffin let a pause fall, considering, then threw on a mischievous grin and accepted the drink.
