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Jade Griffin and Malcom: Clip 1 (not a full story)

Jade Griffin

8.5.99 to 8.18.99

Fall, 1995

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

The gargoyle blinked at him. "You can ask…"

"Why aren't there any other gargoyles around? I'm guessing you live alone for a reason. Those gargoyles in your painting, though… They're your family?"

She looked away. "That's two questions."

"I know but… You don't seem happy like this."

"Happy?" She looked at him. "Happy enough."

"I only wanna help, Jade Griffin."

"I know." Her eyes went distant. "You just don't know what you've touched on."

She sat there like that for a while, just staring off. She broke it off after realizing that Malcom was waiting for a further response.

"Yes. They're my Clan."

"From Canada?" When she nodded, he asked, "Something happened to make you leave?"

"Please, don't ask me about them."

He wanted to ask why, but the hurt in her voice kept him to himself. What could've happened to her? He wanted to find out so he could help her, but she'd only just started trusting him again. He wouldn't mess up this time. But now she was feeling really down because he'd touched on a sensitive area.

"Hey, how 'bout I go get us some dinner? Anything you want." he offered on a grin.

Jade Griffin stared at him a second before breaking into a chuckle. "Are you sure you wanna say that around me?"

"Yep. Anything you like." He waited as she considered it.

"I'm not picky." she informed him. "I'll eat almost anything. But I've always wanted… some ice cream."

"You've never had any? Oh... I guess it would be hard for you to get that. Okay. Then I'll find the best there is. Don't you want anything else?"

"You sure you don't wanna take that back?" she teased.

"Do your worst."

"Seafood, and fresh pizza. And a big sandwich."

He blinked. "You're that hungry?"

"If we both eat it, I can make it disappear." She grinned devilishly.

"Ookay. I did say anything. We'd better get moving. It's almost 10:30."

"I'll give you a lift."

"Um.. Sure." She rarely offered to transport him, and he didn't always accept. He didn't really like the sensation of flying. Malcom thought that Jade Griffin knew it and made the trip down from her home to his vehicle as gentle as possible.

They were lucky. B. Ruby's Ice Cream Parlor was cleaning its machines when he rushed in. Still willing to serve up a few cones, the woman inside waited patiently as Malcom stood there. He hadn't asked what flavor Jade Griffin might like… Have to pick and guess.

"A single scoop mint chip and another of lemon lime sorbet."

After paying, Malcom headed out and around to the side alley. Jade Griffin scared him half to death jumping down from the roof.

"Sorry." she apologized but her eyes fell on the treats in his hands.

"Your choice." He held them before the gargoyle, who couldn't decide. Malcom finally offered to give her both.

"You're sure?" she asked, even as she accepted both cones.

"Yep. I can get some any time I want, and any time you want some, let me know, okay?"

The gargoyle sunk her teeth into the mint chip ice cream and the cold mouthful put a delighted smile on her face. This wasn't anything like she'd expected! It was a lot better.

"I'm gonna go see about your sandwich and pizza. What would you like on 'em?"

She was grinning ear to ear over the ice cream and paused crunching the cone of the first to answer. "You pick. I'll follow."

Malcom couldn't help grinning himself. He'd never seen anyone so excited about food.

The sandwich place was closed, but Mountain Mike's Pizza was open, for five more minutes. No, they couldn't make him a pizza that quick. But, two deliveries fell through a little earlier. One with anchovies, pepperoni, and olives; the other a combo with mushrooms, olives, bell peppers, onions, pepperoni, artichoke hearts, sausage, and pineapple. Ugh to the first one but he had no idea what she might like. Sooo.. He bought both re-heated for the price of one.

Jade Griffin was already in the alley next door. Because it was getting on to twelve, she must believe it safe enough not to watch from the roofs.

"No sandwich." he started, carrying both aromatic boxes.

Jade Griffin eyed them. "That's okay." The sound of footsteps had her sinking into the shadows instead of relieving Malcom of the food. He, too, hid himself.

"Think we should go find a better place to eat." she said resolutely, turning to the wall at her right. "C'mon. And don't drop the pizzas."

Malcom looked between her and the boxes before holding them with one hand. He paused before the gargoyle. "Um.. I don't think this'll work."

She quirked her mouth at him. "Okay. Gimme the boxes."

He did so and she climbed the wall, punching in small holes with taloned hands and feet. She came back down for him and hurried up to the food.

"Next time I'll get it delivered to my place."

"Deal." she smiled, opening one of the boxes and taking a sniff. Fish? True enough, little fishes decorated the pizza. She shrugged and picked up a few slices.

"You havin' some?" she asked in a pause of her chewing.

"Er.. No thanks. I don't do anchovies and pineapple." And he was having more fun watching her eat than he could've thought. At once, so unguarded. The gargoyle rarely let her wariness fall in front of him. It made him feel real good to be trusted. And to be able to give her something that made her so happy.

Fi'n'a fi's : )