by Jade Griffin
6.1.98 to 6.18.98
Spring, 1960
"It is unusual, isn’t it?" Reneyl asked.
Vanguard, standing next to him, nodded. "It is, but don’t worry."
"Bah, bah!"
Both adults looked over at the vocal youngsters. Red and Hack were yacking back and forth, practicing the word. Hack didn’t quite have it yet.
"They all learn in their own time." Vanguard added, then smiled. "I’m told I started late, too."
Giving the younger male a pat on the shoulder, Vanguard left Reneyl to his watch in the Rookery.
The twenty-one children were playing, chattering, wandering about. Red’s voicings attracted several more over who were set on saying the word. Among them were Malaii, Junan, and Jade Griffin. Malaii could say the word, and several others, which she proceeded to demonstrate to her rookery siblings. Junan attempted a few but could pronounce only four words correctly. Jade Griffin merely sat and smiled at all, laughing on occasion.
She had him worried. The little foundling never uttered a word, or made any attempts to do so. She would make friendly or happy sounds, joyous or sad, angry or hurt noises, but no try at real words. He didn’t believe there was anything wrong with her physically so why wasn’t she trying?
They were all old enough to say several words. Almost all did. Every one but Jade Griffin, in fact, used no less than three words; most commonly ‘hi’, ‘wah’, and ‘food’. There were also ‘no’, ‘up’, ‘bye’, and ‘ball’. A few of the children spoke as many as twelve words. Quite a bit for their age. But Jade Griffin said nothing.
Two years had passed since his return from Scotland with the child. The other clan children had started wording around the time of his return.
To see if she would speak, some of the others would, on their watch of the Rookery, withhold an item she was wanting, like a toy or a drink or food or to be picked up, to try and coax her to ask for it. Even repeating the word several times to help left them little choice. She wouldn’t only point to what she wanted. If the adults would continue to withhold the item, she’d look at them sad-faced and if they continued to keep it from her, she would start to cry softly, as if they were doing it to hurt her. The adults had no choice but to give in with things like food and water. And if it were a toy or to be held? If they would not relent, she would go away crying quietly.
Reneyl would not do this to the little foundling. He knew how much it hurt her. She did not put on an act to get her way. No. If the adult would give in upon seeing her tears, she would take the item and sit away from others, the very mirror of sadness until a rookery sibling or another adult pulled her out of it with their attention.
The black and white gargoyle watched her with the other children. They were playing a favorite game, and one she didn’t much care for. They were after her tufted tail tip. She flicked it away each time they tried for it but when more than three ere after the furry tail-end, like now, one was bound to nab it. Roselle got it this time and pulled to bring it closer to her mouth. Jade Griffin gave a little yell and grabbed for her own tail to pull it back. Roselle had a good grip so she didn’t succeed. The little dark green gargoyle pushed the slightly larger, magenta-skinned sister down but still she did not let go. The grey-blue Djimi reached for it, too, still in Roselle’s hand.
Reneyl rose, thinking he’d better stop this before it got out of hand, again.
"Djimi, Roselle." he called warningly as he approached.
Both children turned to look up at him innocently and Roselle put the tuft in her mouth. Reneyl wasn’t quick enough. She bit down.
Jade Griffin let out a cry, batting at the offender as tears rose in her eyes.
"Roselle! No." Reneyl knelt quickly. The magenta female let go then and Jade Griffin padded quickly over to the safety of the adult’s arms, hurt tail wrapped around one leg.
Reneyl picked the little foundling up. "Don’t bite, Roselle." he told the other sternly before standing and moving to a bench.
"You’ll be all right." he told little Jade Griffin, still crying over the ordeal. He gave he a hug and stroked her hair to comfort. "Can I see your tail?" Reneyl asked, pointing to it. He reached for it and she unwound the tail from her leg.
It didn’t look like too bad a bite, he saw, inspecting beneath the hair. Not like last time. He hoped that they’d come out of this phase soon.
"Anything serious?" asked his approaching rookery brother, White-beak, also on watch.
Reneyl looked up at his somewhat odd-looking brother. "No."
White-beak took a seat next to him. "I can recall the trouble I had." his brother said with a smile, lifting both of his tails to emphasize.
Except for an all-white beak, the gargoyle’s body was a single flat gray color, including his hair, which made him the most unique of Reneyl’s siblings; especially with two tails. And he did know what the little foundling was going through.
"Yes. But with two, you could smack whoever grabbed one."
"Until they learned that grabbing two was more fun."
"Oh, yes. I remember that."
"Thank goodness they’ll outgrow it. Because it isn’t very much fun, is it, little one?" White-beak addressed the child with a smile, patting her head.
She’d stopped crying and responded to his attention with a shy smile.
His rookery brother was quite fond of little Jade Griffin, but she hadn’t taken to him as readily. She was friendly enough and not too shy but she rarely showed affection. In fact, she never gave anyone hugs or kisses but himself and Tali. This realization raised his brow ridges but he probably shouldn’t be so surprised. He’d spent a lot of time with her, alone, in Scotland, and he spent much time in the Rookery. Tali was usually with him wherever he went so naturally the child saw a lot of her, as well.
He realized that he was rationalizing her favoritism. In truth, he liked being singled out by the little one. It made him feel proud, and special, to be picked time and again by this special child. It wasn’t really right, as all children were to be raised by the whole clan, but deep inside he didn’t want it any other way.
"Perhaps they should be taken outside more." White-beak wondered allowed. "Has she said any words yet?" He asked Reneyl because he knew, despite Reneyl’s attempts to stay objective, that the black and white gargoyle was her favorite.
"No." Reneyl sighed.
"Oh, I’m sure she’ll start soon. I’m surprised she doesn’t say ‘No’ to her siblings by now." he said with a grin.
Liatris, one of the younger generation after Reneyl’s, entered the Rookery and trotted over to their bench. The light lavender-skinned gargoyle must have run here because she was breathing fast, and she wore a smile.
"Marilla Collins is here, Reneyl. She’s waiting for you by the garden."
Reneyl rose, hatchling in arms. "Thank you, Liatris." He looked at the clinging child. "Time for me to go, little one." he said to his foundling, kneeling to put her down. But her reply to that was an unwilling sound and a tighter grip.
The black and white gargoyle sighed on a smile, gave her a little hug. "Don’t want to go back yet?" He couldn’t keep Marilla waiting long, and he didn’t want to pry the child off of himself. Reneyl stood and left the Rookery with her, ignoring the shocked looks of the others on watch who’d heard the messenger’s words.
The night was bright with stars and moon. The human Marilla Collins stood out in a light yellow dress and hat, sitting with his brown-skinned rookery sister, Tall Flower, just outside the garden. They were talking, smiling. After catching a few words, he knew they were talking about children.
Marilla would never be allowed in the Rookery. No human was. The clan children were taken outside as often as possible but Reneyl knew the woman had never seen them. The clan arranged it on purpose. He knew this human quite well and did not feel any reserves in taking little Jade Griffin with him.
When Marilla Collins spotted Reneyl approaching, and then the little gargoyle he held, her mouth formed an ‘O’ which melted into an excited smile. Tall Flower looked at him questioningly, almost as surprised.
"Good evening, Marilla, Tall Flower. Roselle got ahold of her tail." he explained to his sister.
"Oh my… Oh, Reneyl, she’s darling!" The woman of blonde hair stood and took a step closer, absolutely taken by the child.
Jade Griffin was already eyeing the brightly-clothed woman, not sure of the stranger.
Marilla knew well that gargoyle trust was not to be pushed. She didn’t close the remaining distance. Reneyl, knowing she wanted to talk to him specifically about something, closed it to two feet. The hatchling kept her eyes on the human.
"How old is she?" Marilla asked him.
"In your terms, a little over two. Her name is Jade Griffin."
"Oh, I’m sorry, Reneyl." The woman shook her head. "The first time I get to talk to you since you’ve returned and I stand here ogling a child!" She laughed at herself.
Tall Flower came beside them. "I will be back later.
"Alright." Marilla answered and the female walked off.
"How is your clan?" Reneyl asked with a smile, taking Tall Flower’s seat.
Marilla sat again. "Good. My husband thinks I’m doing research into my family’s past again. It’s a good lie, but still a lie. But don’t worry. I would never tell him the truth. I know he would never understand." Her silent sadness melted into a smile again as she looked at the child in Reneyl’s lap, staring at her. "I dropped by to bring a few things to the clan and talk to you, about my daughter."
"How is she?" he inquired.
"Growing like a weed and tearing around the house… I’ve begun telling her stories. About gargoyles. I … I know it’s a risk, Reneyl, but… I won’t be around forever! I can’t do anything about my two sons but… I’d like to pass this on to Shandra."
The black and white gargoyle sighed. He knew exactly what she was asking, and so did she. To gain another contact this way, raised with the knowledge of gargoyles, could be beneficial, or catastrophic.
"I know you don’t have the decision, Reneyl, but could you approach the elders with it? They’ll have plenty of time to think about it. I wouldn’t even try explaining it to her for another ten years at least. Would you please ask them to take some time and consider it?"
This seemed very important to her. He’d never seen her so… so agitated. "I will." he promised.
She put a hand on his arm and showed a more-than-grateful smile. "Thank you."
The hatchling, watching the woman’s every move, stood in Reneyl’s arms and grabbed two of the woman’s fingers, picking up the hand. Marilla allowed the child to bring her hand closer, delighting in the little one’s attention.
"What are you up to?" Reneyl asked on a smile, also observing.
Jade Griffin leaned closer to the hand, smelled it, licked it once. The hatchling then crawled under Reneyl’s arm and into Marilla’s lap. She was reaching to pull on the woman’s clothes when Reneyl grabbed her back.
"Sorry about that. She must be hungry. Jade Griffin is completely ravenous when it comes to food."
The child pointed to the smiling woman and made an undoubtedly commanding sound.
"I’m afraid she has me." Marilla grinned. "I was eating some chocolate on the way here."
"Ah. That would do it."
The little gargoyle looked up at him, expectant, questioning.
"She’s a very expressive child. And quiet. Tall Flower said that you’d brought an orphan back from your journeys. This wouldn’t happen to be her, would it?"
"It is."
"All the way from Scotland…" The woman shook her head in disbelief. Her eyes found Reneyl’s and she smiled once more. "Thank you, for letting me see her. I do realize how much trust you have in me to bring one of the clan children out."
Reneyl nodded once, a sort of half-bow.
The child interrupted their conversings again as she moved under Reneyl’s arm to grab at the woman’s dress.
"Jade Griffin, no." he warned lightly.
The little one paused.
"I’m sorry." he apologized, taking the hatchling’s hand. "I don’t know why she’s so interested in your dress."
Eyes laughing, the woman replied, "I do. She must have a good sense of smell." Marilla reached into a pocket on the dress and pulled out a small tin wrapping.
Reneyl smelled it now, too. He couldn’t help but grin. "Chocolate."
The gargoyle child made a plaintive noise, glancing up at him.
"Could I give her a piece? Since I’m the one keeping you both here."
Reneyl considered it. "A small piece is all right."
The woman broke up the half bar inside the tin wrapping and picked out a piece for his approval. He nodded and she held it out to the child. There was no hesitance in accepting the piece, either. The little dark green gargoyle held it in two hands and mouthed the chocolate, both adults watching.
"Has she ever had any chocolate before?"
"I don’t know. We rarely get chocolate here, and I don’t know about her clan in Scotland."
"She does seem to like chocolate." Marilla pointed out of the happy child, all agrin.
Jade Griffin was wearing a big chocolate-covered smile herself, a small portion in her mouth as the rest sat gooing in her little hand. She turned her smile on Reneyl and held up the hand to him.
"No, thank you. I don’t care for chocolate."
Marilla regarded him with surprise. "You don’t like chocolate?"
"No, it’s—"
"Choc’ate." entered a new voice.
Shocked, Reneyl stared down at the hatchling, still holding the chocolate up to him.
"Choc’ate, Rwweney?"
His face blossomed in delight and he hugged the little one close. Oh, if only Tali were here!
Marilla stared at the black and white gargoyle in puzzled amusement.
"I knew you could speak!" Reneyl said to the little Jade Griffin. "Why haven’t you said anything before?"
The child laughed at his attentions and sucked on her chocolate.
"Those were the first words I’ve ever heard from her." the beaming Reneyl explained quickly to the human.
"How wonderful!" the woman said, clasping her hands. She then looked beyond him, suddenly rising as her smile was diminished. "Oh, I’m afraid it’s time for me to leave. I’ll come back soon, Reneyl."
He frowned but saw Tall Flower approaching. He stood, as well, and half-bowed to the woman. "Good-bye, Marilla."
When Tall Flower had aided the woman’s exit from the clan home and could no longer be seen by Reneyl, he turned tail with a grin and rushed back to the inner portions, seeking his mate, wondering if he could get the child to speak for Tali.