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"K’s Bad Day"

by Agent ‘G

2-12-99 to 5-27-99

The Head of the GIB sighed and shifted her head to rest on the left hand. There was so much to be done it felt like nothing was getting done. Reviews of newbies, partner reassignments, recording Agent field reports, construction of the new GIB headquarters, the usual business of assisting the MIB, and protecting the earth from the assorted llama, gerbil, giant chicken, etc. attacks and schemes. There were also some wounded still in the infirmary from earlier tonight, and still details to take care of concerning those Agents that were missing in action from the devastating llama attack on GIB headquarters two months ago. K sighed again. No time for dinner tonight.

But, she wasn’t gonna go without coffee.

The black-skinned gargoyle in black rose from her desk and started out.

"Agent K?" queried NN as soon as the GIB Boss emerged from her office.

Well, taking a break was a nice idea anyway…."Yeah?"

"Would you look this over?" the other female asked, handing K a folio of material. "Request sheets for the host banquet to the Cathrans."

Darn it… That’s right. That was in two nights. "Yeah." She took the folio and NN left.

K made it halfway down the hall when she heard the commotion.

"Grab it, grab it!"

Along with a lot of running and crashing…

"Get it! It’s over there!"

What the heck could’ve gotten loose? K wondered.

Not for long. As she rounded the hall, a little yellow ‘furry’ creature she recognized as what would most likely be on the menu for the Cathran banquet hurled itself through the air and smacked right into her face.

The GIB Head gritted her teeth as it stuck to her forehead right between her eyes. "Denbergls…"

ORG and X skidded to a halt before K.

"Uh…" X and ORG both saw that K wasn’t in a very good mood. Especially not after this. "Sorry, K. My fault."

"Get-it-out-of-here and into stasis!"

What llama got in HER shorts tonight? X wondered, stepping forward to peel the clinging foodstuff from K’s forehead. Unfortunately, the creature did not want to make the job easy and hung on with a vengeance.

"X. Leave it, before my skin comes off.."

The other Agent ceased and stepped back.

"If you don’t git off me right now, I’ll eat you myself!" K growled at the denbergl, eyes glowing in anger. It fainted from fright, rolling down her face and into her ready hand. She slopped the unconscious amoeboid food into X’s hand and stalked off before she let her anger get the better of her. As soon as I get some coffee I’ll be fine. she told herself.

Reaching the break room without further incident, K pushed the door open. Hm. No annelids around. Good. She stepped in further, and saw why. No coffee. No coffee machine!

"Where tha hell’s tha coffeee!" she yelled out the door, storming out to find the culprit and deal with ‘em. Nobody messes with K’s coffee!

Any Agent unlucky enough to be in the line of K’s wrath immediately gave her space.

"Where’s the coffee! Whereisit??" she demanded of anyone.

Half the Agents were cowering, silent. The others looked about for answers.

"Um… K?"

The GIB boss turned on RN, looking very much like an enraged anime character ten times the other Agent’s size, complete with huge fuming eyes. "WHAT??"

RN backed away, having never seen K so mad. Dang, girl. Must be the stress. … "K, the coffee machine’s broke."

"What?! NOoo!!" she cried. "Why didn’t somebody tell me? And what happened to the spare?"

"…Well, that one’s also busted."

K pinned the male Agent with a steely stare. "And just how did both coffees get ‘busted’ without me finding out?" She was beginning to smell the subterfuge.

"Uh…" RN glanced about for support but nobody was left around. "It wasn’t my fault." he started. "I was hangin’ in the break room when the Neptoonian dishwasher comes in and demandin’ the pot. But he wouldn’t wait so I… And he… shattered… Go get the second one… had me in a half-Nelson… Wouldn’t let up so I… Then he grabbed it… and CRASH!…"

Her brain slowed by lack of coffee, that’s the jist of what K heard.

"So ya see, K, the Neptoonian had it in for me and, uh…" His voice was beginning to shake. "Can I… Can I go get you, like, a cup to go from Holes-R-Us?… K?"

Her glowing angry eyes his only warning, he took off just as she leaped toward him, talons out.

"Come back here! How dare you mess with my coffee!! It’s cleaning duty for a month fer you!"

"Aw, man! Somebody help!"

"Kitchen duty! With the Neptoonian!"

"Aw, man; K, that guy hates me!"


The Agents looking on let out a sigh of relief and went back to work, now that the boss had a focus for her anger. And somebody had some sense to go get another replacement for the coffee machine!

* * * * *

*evil grin * -‘G