"The Lady Epona, part II"
by Jade Griffin
8-11-98 to 10-16-00(my birthday!)
He’d made up his mind several days ago. Now he only had to tell her. He wasn’t scared, because he believed she felt the same way. No. It wasn’t fear. He just needed a way to get to her.
Getting a hold of Jade Griffin to ask for the use of her ‘PASS’ card wasn’t easy. She didn’t like him coming over uninvited all the time but there wasn’t any other way to reach her. So that’s where he was headed right now.
He wondered if Jade Griffin knew what he felt, what he truly felt for the Lady Epona. How many at the castle reali—
The engine coughed loudly, sputtered, then died all together. Malcom eased his truck to the roadside as it slowed to a stop. Just great… It seemed like the Fates were against him tonight.
"Or maybe bad luck just follows me when women are involved." he muttered to himself.
"Not at all!" a voice startled him. In a green flash, a green-haired, yellow-skinned person appeared floating outside his window. "It’s just me."
With all the time he’d spent in the ‘cyberverse’ lately, the constant variety of people no longer surprised him. But this wasn’t the ‘cyberverse’. The only thing that stopped him from jumping out of his seat was the fact that he recognized this type of person. He’d seen several in the ‘cyberverse’. This was a fey.
"Hm… So you’re the one." The fey ‘lifted’ him out of the truck and ‘set’ him on the ground, all the while looking over the startled human. "Not what I expected, you being human and all… Ah, but I forget my manners." He gave a theatrical bow, mid-hover. "Comp, bearing a gift for one Ca—Oh yes, you don’t like your first name… For one Mr. Malcom. So put on a happy face, ‘cause tonight is your night!"
The fey, Comp, made a show of presenting him with a small package. When Malcom just stared at it, he became impatient. "Oh, open it already!"
Thoroughly baffled by the abrupt appearance of this fey who had actually found out his first name, Malcom numbly obeyed. And inside the box sat a non-descript, white card. Surprise covered his face.
"Yep!" the fey beamed. "A ‘PASS’ card of your very own! And I’m sure with the mileage you’ve put on Jade Griffin’s, you know how ta use it. Just keep an eye on the thing. They have a tendency to wander."
"But… Why do I get one now?"
"Well… It’s my job to keep an eye on the place, and on the Lady Epona… I guess you could say I’m her godfather. Boy, does that make me sound old! Anyway, you just weren’t ready. I can’t give these out to just anybody!"
"Thank you. I—"
"No." Comp held up his hands. "That’s quite all right. Go on now." The fey disappeared, but his voice lingered. "Oh, and she is partial to lotus."
Malcom stared into the box, then pulled out the card. He flipped it over. The bold black letters staring back at him sunk in the reality and he threw on a smile. Placing the card words up on the truck’s door, it became his portal into the ‘cyberverse’. He jumped through.
He expected to be dropped into the middle of the room, like he had every time by himself. But with the new card, his own card, he instead landed out on the balcony. The fall, of course, wasn’t hard, and since he was expecting it he caught it standing.
Inside the room, his Lady was no where to be seen. As the occupants greeted him, he searched the faces. Jade Griffin was here. He entered that group.
"What’s up, Malcom?" the dark green gargoyle asked the human. He seemed to be looking for something. But how did he get here?…
"Is the Lady Epona still here?"
"Nope. I thought you two met on Saturdays."
"We do… I just want to talk to her. Do you know where she is?"
"Uh-uh. Sorry. Hey, how’d you get here without my ‘PASS’ card?"
Pogo, a male gargoyle in the room, spoke up. "I think she’s at the Pond."
"Where’s that?" With Pogo’s information, Malcom forgot Jade Griffin’s question.
"Well, it’d take too long to show you. Here." Pogo traced a visible blue line in the air. "This’ll take you. Just touch it."
"No problem."
Malcom touched the line and instantly disappeared.
The Pond, he found, wasn’t just a pond. He stood at the shallow bank of the small body of water, looking out at a large meadow beyond. On the other side was a huge gazebo. And in the pond were several types of flowers, including lotus. As he bent down to pick a large white one, he saw that the ducks in this place weren’t just ducks. Creeping quietly away from the strange snoozing creature, he headed around the pond toward the gazebo.
Malcom ascended the steps to find no one. Sighing, he leaned against the railing. Where could she be? And how was he gonna get back? But then he caught sight of her cresting a hill and nothing more filled his thoughts. He jumped out from the railing and ran to meet her, slowing when she saw him.
"What are you doing here?" the beautiful half-ki-lin asked, wearing a smile of surprise. "Don’t you have work tomorrow?"
He couldn’t hold his smile at seeing her. "Yeah." He paused to catch his breath. "But I wanted to talk to you."
"I… uh…" His heart was still pounding but not from the run. Her previous smile was replaced by that lovely one he knew so well. Have courage, man. This is the night. He took her four-taloned hand.
And the gazebo behind them splintered under a great blast of fire power.
"Uh… Maybe we should go this way." They turned heel and hoof and quickly left the beginning foray at their backs, going beyond the hill over which the Lady had come.
Beyond the hill was a little meadow of wildflowers. Even in the night their colors stood firm. And an ancient willow tree, tapped deep into an underground spring, was reaching out to them from the far side of the meadow as the light breeze stirred. This is where he led his Lady.
She took a seat on the grass and he bowed, smiling, before presenting her with the white lotus.
She was quite surprised by the gift. "How did you know?"
"Oh, can’t tell you. It’s a secret." he teased, settling down beside her on the soft grass.
"Hm. I have a feeling you received a visit from my self-appointed guardian." She put on her you-can’t-get-that-past-me face.
"To my extreme surprise. I didn’t know you had a guardian."
"My mother knew Comp decades before I hatched. She’s near kinsman to him and he feels inclined to watch over me." the Lady explained.
"Actually, he paid me a visit to issue me a ‘PASS’ card of my own. No more borrowing from Jade Griffin so I can see you."
The surprise lit her face like another moon and she squeezed his hand. "That is wonderful, Malcom! I was going to speak to him about it. Is this what you came to tell me?"
"No… I was actually on my way over to Jade Griffin’s when Comp caught me." Despite his feelings for this beautiful creature, he was nervous. I mean, how could he not be!
But as he looked into her moonlit face, the light breeze swinging wisps of hair about their ebony frame, the hairs on her horse-like ears dancing a slow waltz with the wisps, he could not stay unsure. As she sat there on the sweet grass, waiting patiently while the willow swayed about them, her silver-furred legs attracting moonlight like faerie dust, he knew he’d never forget this night. No matter what.
"Lady? Last week, several of the other Agents at my bureau pointed out something I was unaware of at the time. They were joking around, trying to get me to tell ‘em where I go on the weekend. But then they asked what the girl’s name was. I realized then, right at that moment, just how I felt; how much I care about you. It was there the whole time but I didn’t see it. It’s never mattered that you aren’t human. From the first night we met, I couldn’t stop thinking about you… I want you to know now just how much you mean to me. I love you." He paused, unable to read the expression on her face. "I don’t know how they do this where you’re from but I had to tell you how I feel. I love you."
His Lady looked about to cry. Joy, sadness, regret, and others filled her eyes instead of tears but when she looked away, he knew it wasn’t good.
"What’s wrong?" he asked, fear creeping up on him.
"Oh, Malcom…" Her eyes met his and only sadness remained.
The look in her eyes scared him. How… how did she feel toward him?
"Do you know, do you truly know what you are saying? I must have children."
"I know that."
"And they could not live as part of your world. We would be found out eventually, and you know what would happen… Malcom, you job, your life in California… No matter what I feel for you, I can’t become a part of that life, and I won’t have you leave all you know for me."
"But I—"
"Epona, I love you. I don’t want to be without you." he pleaded. "Unless you don’t want me."
"No. I care too much for you. I care too much to see you leave your life. Please, Malcom. Do you understand?"
"Yeah…" I understand perfectly. I love someone whom I can’t share my life with and who loves me too much to make me change.
It really was that simple. He knew that. And as he sat there, both sharing in the misery of the cruel situation, he vowed to find a way.
He took her hand again. "You will forever be my lady. I’ll find a way, I swear. Will you give me the chance?"
She wrapped her arms around him tightly and a great joy filled his heart. She did love him, and she would choose him if he could solve this. So rarely did she take him in her arms. He wanted to hold her longer but he had to start now. Malcom slowly broke their embrace.
"I will figure this out, Epona. I… I need to go…" He stood and his Lady followed. A single tear spilled down from her eye as she gazed across at him. And he did something he’d never done before. He kissed her. In that one act, he expressed all of his conviction and love. She responded with a strong embrace, giving away her own deep feelings. If he could not solve this most pressing of problems, it would crush them both. He had to. He would.
Malcom released her. "I’ll be back when I have an answer. Will you wait for me?"
She closed her eyes and more tears dropped, but she smiled. "I will."
"Good-bye, my Lady." he ended before turning away.
Eyes shut, for she did not want to see him go, the Lady Epona whispered after his departure, "Good fortune, Malcom; for us both."
As the human set off down the way he’d come, determined though he was, he didn’t have any clue as to how he was going to get back. But by the pond (the previous raucous nothing more than smoking ashes now) was a note from Pogo apologizing for stranding him. Attached to the note was another ‘link’. This one was yellow. He touched it and appeared in the castle again.
Everyone was still here from when he left. Everyone but Pogo. Jade Griffin was the one he wanted to talk to, though.
"Hey, Malcom." The dark green female gargoyle smiled and waved at him as he approached. She was currently talking to Spaceghost, another gargoyle.
"Could I talk to you, Jade Griffin? Over there?" He pointed to a secluded corner.
She glanced at Spaceghost, then back at Malcom. He’d come back after only a few minutes of being gone; no more than fifteen. The guy usually stayed the whole night with ‘his Lady’. And the look on his face… He seemed deflated, and tired. "Um; sure. Is it okay if you tell me the end tomorrow, Spaceghost?"
"Sure. Go ahead. I’m sure I can find someone else ta bug." He grinned and walked off.
Jade Griffin followed Malcom to his corner where three chairs and a plant sat. Obviously for more private chatting. She took a seat and he opposite her.
"What’s up? You sure didn’t stay long."
"Comp, a fey, gave me my own ‘PASS’ card tonight. I went to see the Lady to tell her… I love her."
Jade Griffin’s mouth fell open but it melted into a big smile. "You did?? What did she say?" She had a suspicion that’s where the human’s feelings lay. So what was up that he wasn’t smiling, too?
"It’s not that simple… She doesn’t think we can have a life together. And she says she cares too much for me to leave my own life for her." Malcom ran a hand threw his hair, his expression harrowed. "I’m gonna work this out. And… If I have to, I’ll quit my job, live wherever she wants. Could you… could you talk to her?"
"Yeah… Sure." Though she didn’t have a clue what she was gonna say, the dark green gargoyle couldn’t turn him down. He was a friend, despite their past.
He grasped her hand briefly, a sign of affection the human had never displayed before.
"Thanks." He rose and quickly left the ‘cyberverse’.
Jade Griffin also left her chair and, using her knowledge of the ‘cyberverse’, traced her own link in the air to take her to the Pond.
She appeared just as Malcom had and one glance around told her the inhabitants of this portion of the ‘cyberverse’ were at it again. Some debris was still smoldering. Well, it was the off-season. Hm. Now to find the Lady…
Jade Griffin spotted the forlorn half-ki-lin walking back through a meadow of wildflowers. She was headed right for the gargoyle but with her eyes on the flowers and grass, she didn’t see the dark green Jade Griffin until her ears picked up the sound of her approach and she looked up.
When Jade Griffin met up with her, the Lady smiled in greeting but the gargoyle could see lingering tears on her cheek.
"Swift sunset, Jade Griffin." was her usual hello, her emotions not affecting her soft voice.
She was holding a white pond flower. Malcom must’ve given it to her. "You really love him, don’t you?"
The Lady looked a little surprised.
"Malcom asked me to talk to you."
She nodded. "I can’t deny it. I tried not to, because I know what his life is, and I would never want him to leave that… Yes. I knew this and still fell in love with him." Despite the situation, she smiled.
"He fell for you that first night, you know. He doesn’t realize it but he did."
The Lady’s smile grew as remembered the evening. "I was surprised to see a human in the room, and playing with your child side. He is very good with children." Regret suddenly shadowed her beautiful face. "He is the one but I cannot choose him."
"Lady, this guy loves you so much, he’s gonna quit his job and go wherever you like, just so you can be together."
"No; you can’t let him!"
"But why not? If it’s the only way… He’s made his choice, too, and it’s you. Don’t you think if he’s willing to give anything for you, you could let him make that choice?"
The Lady looked silently at the ground. "I do not wish our lives to mimic my parents. They found love but each gave up much to keep it. My mother could not stay with her clan, or any other, if she were to stay with Li Yan Tsing. And he was nearly shunned for his choice. The other ki-lin now accept me and my father but will not let Winter Green near them. I cannot talk to the others on this because it is not the ki-lin way; but I know how sad this has made them both. And because my father is ki-lin, he will outlive her greatly. "
The Lady Epona met the gargoyle’s eyes. "But Malcom has lived in the human world all his life. I know very much about his people. I know they would never accept us, together. He knows so little of the rest of us; the people, the places, the different ways of things. I will not let him be thrown into it."
Jade Griffin had nothing to say after that. As open as the Lady had always been, with anything, this still came as a surprise. She knew ki-lin were shy toward outsiders, even reclusive, but to shun one of their own? "Did you tell Malcom this?"
"No. He said he understood."
"Well, you should tell him. He’s so determined, and the only thing really keeping you apart is pretty small. But I also understand how you see it. I’ve lived without a Clan long enough to know exactly what you’re talking about. You both have to talk this whole thing out. I wish I could give you some better advice, or an answer." The dark green gargoyle sighed heavily. She really wished she could do more.
"I will do as you suggest."
It was clear to the gargoyle that the Lady’s troubles came from a conflict of feelings versus beliefs. Getting them to talk would be a treat step toward getting something worked out. She gave another sigh, hoping her advice would help more than she could at the moment, and traced another link to take them back.
Unfortunately, Malcom wasn’t around. "That’s right! I’m sorry; he left after he asked me to talk to you."
The Lady nodded. "He has promised to find a way to make us possible…" Silent tears trickled down the lovely face as she headed for the solitude of the balcony.
"Do you want me to go get him?" Jade Griffin asked, following reservedly.
"No. Let him search. I will speak with him tomorrow. Will you give him the message?"
The Lady turned away to look up at the stars.
Her whole evening strung up by the melancholy of the couple, Jade Griffin left the ‘cyberverse’ to find Malcom.
The first place she checked was his apartment in Susan City. Empty. She then snuck into the Federal Building but could look and listen only so far inside. The entire place had surveillance cameras. Unable to find her human friend, and not knowing where else to look, she left to wait back at his apartment.
When sunrise grew near, she began to worry. Where was he that he wasn’t coming back for the night, or dawn? Jade Griffin took a pose and let the sun catch her there, for surely he would return and see that she was waiting to see him.
He spent the whole night, mulling around the Stores— the basement where the Bureau put old cases, unsolved and solved—trying to gain insight from this once-frequented spot of his. It did not help any, however, and his worry grew.
No. Gotta stay focused. Can’t think of it as my problem… He was about to sit down for another look through the box at his feet (a case he’d solved a month before meeting Jade Griffin) when he caught sight of the clock. Malcom sighed heavily. Time to work and maintain his responsibilities here. He replaced the box and headed upstairs.
He wasn’t late, and he thought he was doing all right, but four hours later, the Director approached his desk.
"I’d like to speak with you a minute, Malcom." she said, standing before him as stone-faced as ever.
Thinking only the worst, he followed his Director to her office. Had he been looking at the clock too much? Or was he fidgeting at his desk? He couldn’t remember but Red-tail had eyes like a hawk. One reason why she was so good as a bureau director—She paid close attention to the Agents under her.
"Have a seat." She indicated the one opposite her desk and closed the door for total privacy.
Malcom sat and shifted uneasily.
Anne Red-tail took her own seat, seaming more interested in picking up where she’d left off on the sandwich at her desk. Her eyes, however, were kept on the man in front of her.
He waited, knowing this wasn’t a social call.
"What’s up, Malcom?" she asked in her usual cynic’s voice.
She just looked at him, clearly disbelieving. "That’s all right. You don’t have to tell me. But you do have me worried. Out of all the time you’ve been with the Bureau, you’ve never once gone down to the Stores before seven. 3AM, Malcom?" Her brows rose almost accusatorily and she put the sandwich down.
"I needed a place to think." he defended, feeling almost as if he were on trial. Did she actually think he might tamper with the evidence down there?
"Don’t get defensive. I’m not accusing you of anything." Her arms crossed over her chest. "If anyone goes down there before or after hours, a little red flag goes up on the surveillance and I’m notified. Now, this isn’t a character trial. It’s just become clear to me that something’s wrong. I skimmed the entire tape. Your mind must be on something pretty important for you to go without food or any other breaks since getting here. I’m betting that it’s not the case you started yesterday. And have you looked in the mirror today?" She got up and opened a cabinet with a small mirror affixed to the inside. She waved him toward it.
Malcom took a look and was surprised by the harrowed face looking back at him.
"Lack of sleep, need a little shave, no appetite, and your mind is on other matters. I know I’m tough on everybody, but I consider it part of my job to make sure your home life is doing well. If you can’t function at home, you’re not gonna function here." She closed the cabinet and returned to her seat, looking to him expectantly.
Malcom nodded and let out his sigh before sitting. "I know… I do have a personal problem…"
"Thought so." She even smiled a little, but probably because she’d got him to say it. "Women troubles?" At his surprised look, she added, "I overheard Rawlins and Levinczek debating on when you were going to pass out wedding invitations. Must be pretty serious if they could see it on you."
Despite the situation and his troubles, a smile poked through. "Yeah."
Malcom caught the barest audible sigh of resignation from the Bureau Director. Or had he imagined it? Her stone face betrayed nothing.
"So what’s the problem?"
"She’s… We come from two different worlds. One of us would have to leave for the other. She doesn’t think we can live together like that, even though I know she has feelings for me."
Red-tail thought about it quietly.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t want to affect the Bureau with any of my problems."
"Don’t worry about it." She narrowed her eyes at him. "I seem to remember seeing a lot of leave due you. That, and your last vacation you had lasted two days. I think I’ll use my authority and make you take time off – again!"
Her manner was close to gruff disbelief, making it sound like an order instead of the gift it actually was. Malcom smiled in relieved gratitude. "Thank you."
She shrugged. "Any time. And don’t come back until you’ve got some answers. But I’d like to meet this woman when all this is settled out."
His grin widened and he rose, keeping silent. He had no idea how Red-tail would react to seeing anyone from the ‘cyberverse’. As he made for the door, she stopped him.
He turned in time to catch the bagged sandwich tossed his way.
"Eat, and get some sleep. Keep me posted but get out of here."
He couldn’t quite wipe his grin as he left.
Levinczek and a few others noted this new and happy change in Malcom but stop to ask as the young man left. It may be better this time to just ask Red-tail!
As tired as he was, Malcom flicked the radio on to keep him awake the short drive home. "I Believe" was what played from the speakers. Malcom was only half-listening until the chorus kicked in. "I believe that love is the answer. I believe that love will find a way." Yeah, that’s how he felt, too. Nothing would stop him, except needing sleep and food.
That song by the GooGoo Dolls started up next after the radio’s jingle.
"…And I don’t want the world to see me
‘cause I don’t think that they’d understand…"
That was perfect for their situation, too. The Lady couldn’t live in the human world. But he didn’t wish for a moment that it could be different. He wouldn’t ask her to change for him… He sighed. Because that’s exactly how she felt about him. But he didn’t care if he never saw another human again!
…Did he? After thinking about it, he decided it didn’t matter that much. He’d lived in the ‘human world’ all his life. Everyone and everything he encountered in the ‘cyberverse’ left a new and accepting place to be sociable. He’d never been very sociable with other humans. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for him to accept everything outside the ‘human’ world. Was the Lady afraid he’d be lost in all the differences and changes?
"Truly Madly Deeply" and Janet Jackson’s "Together Again" played through his thoughts and he realized just how many songs tonight paralleled his life.
"…Everywhere I go, every smile I see, I know you are there, smilin’ back at me…" was the second song’s last chorus as he pulled into the garage complex. He turned the car off but kept the radio on past the DJ’s blather to hear what would come next.
"…Selena Perez and her classic, ‘Dreaming Of You’." the woman announced.
Malcom knew the song and sat back in the seat to listen.
"Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you…"
His thoughts were on his Lady as he drifted unknowingly into sleep.
The radio announcer’s weather forecast of possible showers tonight seeped into Malcom’s consciousness. He awoke with a sudden start, rubbing at his eyes and looking around. He blinked, disbelieving. It was already night! And the few sprinkles on the pavement not sheltered by tenant parking were growing into big splatters.
Grabbing his keys, Malcom hurried up to his apartment. After a quick shower, he was heading to the kitchen when he found Jade Griffin'’ note, written in pen on the back of an envelope.
Where are you? Waited all day. Weren’t here when I woke. Stuck around for an hour already but I’ll go now and tell the Lady Epona. She wants to talk to you. You both need to talk about this. Ask her about her parents.
Jade Griffin
Food left his mind entirely. Malcom grabbed his keys and ran back down to his truck. Inside, he dug to the bottom of the glove compartment and pulled out his PASS card. He ran back up and, placing the card words-up on his closet door, jumped through as soon as the glowing portal showed.
His Lady was nowhere in sight. Neither was Jade Griffin.
"Has anyone seen Jade Griffin, or Epona?" he asked the five current occupants of the castle.
Negatives assaulted him. He began to pace. How could he find her now?
"Nobody’s seen ‘em tonight?" he asked again.
The same answer.
Malcom went to the balcony to think, wishing for the first time to be able to teleport, or at least have some wings of his own!
"Hello, all!" a cheerful voice broke into his frantic thoughts. It was a familiar voice. Malcom went back in to see. It was the fey, Comp; the one who’d given him the PASS card. He was here. Malcom jogged over to him.
"Yes?" the fey asked, backing up slightly in his hover.
"Do you know where the Lady is? Can you help me find her?"
Comp frowned at him. "…Yes." His eyes took on the barest hint of greeny glow in the following pause. "She’s in the Garden."
"Can you take me there? Please.."
The yellow-skinned fey regarded him critically. "I suppose. But someone really ought to teach you how to get around in here."
Malcom appeared alone amid fragrant blooms of a thousand kind of trellised and ground-dwelling flowers. Tiny, hand-sized, child-faced faeries flitted about, hiding when they saw him.
"Please, can you tell me where the Lady Epona is?"
But they wouldn’t come out of hiding, and this place looked like it went in all directions forever, and he didn’t know where to start anymore.
"Lady!" he called. He didn’t know what else to do. "Laaadyyyyy!!" He called again and again, scaring everything away from him, his echo included. Even the brightness of the stars seemed to dim with his disturbance. But he didn’t care if the moon went out here. He had to find her!
He didn’t know how long he called. "LAAADYYYY!!"
His breath stopped as he listened. He scanned the horizon, saw a distant figure. Was it her? He squinted I the darkness. "LADY?"
It was her! He ran to meet her, not slowing until he took her in his arms. Had it been only a day since last seeing her?
"Malcom?" She was surprised to see him but he seemed in such a state… She frowned.
"I had to…" He felt dizzy all of a sudden. "I…" and went limp in her arms.
It was the smell of hot broth that brought Malcom back into awareness. He could hear someone moving about and felt a cool hand on his forehead. He opened his eyes. The Lady’s worried face looked down upon him.
Instant relief settled him, despite her troubled expression, and how bad he felt. She was here, and ‘here’ was in his apartment.
He sat up slowly, feeling very feeble. "What happened?"
"You are not well. Drink this." She handed him a wooden bowl filled with a creamy green soup.
He needed no encouragement, despite what it looked like. He hadn’t eaten since… Well, he couldn’t remember; which was probably why he was sick. Pushed himself too hard.
The soup tasted a little bittersweet but not mediciny or unpleasant. Malcom finished it in silence, as Epona did not seem willing to speak.
She took the empty bowl and set it aside while he lay back, their eyes always together. But the silence was torturous.
"How long have I been out?" The clock was behind her.
"Many hours. Comp and Jade Griffin helped bring you here."
"Both of ‘em, huh?"
She nodded and the silence resumed.
"I can heal you, if you wish." she offered quietly.
He nodded, holding his sigh. She was being evasive, but he felt awful enough to accept the distracter.
The half-ki-lin leaned forward to touch her horn lightly against his forehead.
He’d never had need of the Lady’s abilities before. It felt… it felt like he was an old battery being refilled with new, fresh energy! He couldn’t hold a grin at the feeling, finding it hard to hold still before Lady lifted her head. But she wouldn’t look at him now. She stood, intending to take the bowl to the kitchen.
Malcom reached for her hand and she paused.
"Lady?… We need to talk. Jade Griffin said to ask about your parents."
The Lady Epona studied his face. Half-resigned, half-accepting, the ki-lin gargoyle sat beside him on the bed.
"Like you and I," she began, sad. "they fell in love. They had to give up so much to keep it. My father shunned, my mother unable to be within a clan. It is a hard price for social people. I would not take that from you, Malcom." Her eyes stressed that point.
"I already told you I don’t care. I only care about you. At the Bureau, they already know I’m gone. Red-tail’s figured it out, I think."
"But you could not live in China, Malcom. Not like us. It would be too hard on you. We cannot live here, together. I know of no safe medium." Her arms rose helplessly, and she had to suppress a deep longing to be comforted in his arms.
A new voice interrupted. "Is that what’s holding you back?"
Malcom looked about until Comp faded into view.
"If that’s all, consider the place in existance. A sort of on-rent pseudo-verse." the fey commented, folding his arms and indifferent to the powerful offer he was providing.
"Comp?" The Lady was near speechless.
"What kind of place?" Malcom grabbed eagerly at the idea.
"Alter-space. A little area I’ve been dabbling in. Care to take a look?" He smiled mischievously at the couple, not waiting for a reply as he blinked Malcom-in-bed, Lady, and himself into a room inside of a stone and wood structure.
"What is this place?" Malcom reached out to touch a very real wall.
"A home, in the middle of a fully functional ecosystem. You see, Lady, I’ve been aware of your interest in this human, and I knew what would happen. As your guardian, I’ve got to look out for your well-being, and happiness. I offer this solution to you." His serious pose broke into a comical one as he continued to himself. "Yes. I know. I’m very clever. Thank you. Oh, you’re very welcome. Too kind, too kind."
As the fey bowed to himself, hope overtook the Lady Epona. "No people exist here?"
He looked shocked. "Of course not! This place is absolutely perfect. And only one way to get in or out."
"Can it really be?" She looked to Malcom. He swept her up in a strong embrace and she doubted no longer.
The man grinned at the offered home, felt over a wall again. "I think it can, Lady. Comp, tell me more."
As the guardian related the ins, outs, and intricacies of this ‘alter-space’, they could see their dreams were being realized.
"It can work. It can! And we can get back just through here?" Malcom asked of the wooden door.
"Yes, sir. Lady? You’re not going to insult me by refusing and living miserable, are you?"
"I cannot believe what you have done, for us." Her eyes traced the scope of the charming cabin.
"I’m even more insulted that you’d think I’d let your love suffer so. Comp is quite the romantic, you know." He sighed and fluttered his eyelashes. "Well, I’m sure you have things to discuss. Good evening." On a grin, he bowed and disappeared in a green flash.
Malcom looked upon her lovely face and remembered the night he professed his love. There was no longer any doubt or worry. He knew the answer before ever asking… "Now will you accept me?"
She smiled brightly, but it fell abruptly and was extinguished. She looked away. "There is something more. I cannot accept anyone who would refuse it. The promise to my people. Forgive me, but I could not mention it before there was a chance to… to have this."
"Whatever it is, I’ll agree to it."
She took his hands and eyed him steadily. "You know I must have children."
"You’ve always made that plain—"
"Malcom, my first child will be more ki-lin than I. To ensure that, we must go to China. You will have to become a ki-lin."
He stared at her. "What?"
"For a night, you would be changed to the ki-lin."
His brows rose, then a smile. "A ki-lin, huh?" He pulled her closer to him. "Lady, you could probably have me turned into a dragon and I wouldn’t mind much, if that was the only way I could be with you forever. Please accept me."
Joyful tears started in her eyes. "I did months ago. You have always been my choice."
Their tight embrace spoke volumes of how they could never be separated.