"Meetin’ Fey"
Jade Griffin
2.7.99 to 4.9.99
‘G’s laughter at playing with Jade Griffin’s cats ended abruptly as a green flash entered her dimensional counterpart’s home. The dark green gargoyle sprung to her feet and stared in surprise at the creature hanging in the air.
"I… thought you were going to Malcom’s house tonight, Jade Griffin." Comp was equally surprised to see ‘Jade Griffin’.
"…Uh… Well, --"
The fey zipped closer in his hovering to inspect her black-dyed wings, then silently catalogued the possibility as he put a little distance between them, smiling slightly. "You seem… surprised to see me."
And she was, having never seen this type of creature before. Although she had heard… ‘G recovered quickly. She’d heard of the ways of a trickster. "That’s because I didn’t know you were coming over." She quirked a brow ridge at him, calling for an explanation.
"Just came to see how Maab’s doing. You said she was sick the other night."
‘G pointed out the cat still rubbing at her ankles. "Well, she’s fine."
Hm… It still wasn’t enough proof. Had to catch her another way… "Do you, by any chance, have some chocolate on you?" he asked innocently.
"What kind?" she countered, her playful side engaged. He was toying with her, she knew. And she was enjoying it immensely.
"A truffle perhaps?"
‘G went to her pouch, on her right—a sack similar to Jade Griffin’s own chocolate sack.
That’s when Comp saw—or didn’t see—his proof. "Ha! You don’t have your clan pouch, ‘Jade Griffin’. I win! So now, who are you?"
Ah, well, she knew she’d lose eventually. But this creature was fun! And so she didn’t mind being bested in the name of fun.
She bowed with a dramatic flare. "I am ‘G. And you?"
"Comp," He returned her bow. "of the fey, and therefore one of Oberon’s children. You looked like you needed the history lesson. So… ‘G… How is it that you are Jade Griffin’s exact double in appearance? Except the wings, of course."
"I dye them. And that answer will cost you another game." Her grin widened.
"What fun! A challenge? Oh, does she realize with whom she plays?" he commented to himself, pure delight emanating from the fey as he spun about mid-air. "Yes! Another game. What kind?"
Ah. So she gets to pick. Hm… Has to be a game of psychology or she’d lose. She knew she still might, but this was worth it. ‘G grinned devilishly as the most unique and perfect game came to mind. "The animal guessing game."
The yellow-skinned person blinked. "The what?"
"One person mimics an animal to the best of their ability and tries to pick one that the other person, guessing, won’t know."
It was not a game Comp had ever heard of. But she had made her choice. He shrugged and began to assume the characteristics of a creature.
‘G knew he would try and trick her with mythological creatures but she also knew she’d have the upper hand. ‘To the best of their ability’ meant pitting his magic against him. He would change his appearance as well as act out the chosen subject, this ability being a handicap for the animal guessing game, and so ‘G guessed nearly every one right. The gargoyle was pretty learned in mythological creatures but the last, out of five tries, stumped her. It was beyond her knowledge.
"Alright. I give. What are you?"
"Troglodite." the large, ugly creature grunted at her. The fey resumed his own form. "My turn! And I did my very best, sneaky gargoyle." he huffed at her, for he hadn’t realized until too late the disadvantages he had in this game. "So I expect you to do the same…"
"I intend to." She grinned and proceeded, having picked out her six animals as soon as the game began.
Comp became increasingly frustrated at his inability to guess ‘G’s animals. He could not doubt her ability to mimic, but how was he to know a hoatzin from an amoeba??
"I give up," he sighed in the middle of her fourth animal. "You win. As what you will."
"I’m sorry." ‘G said without a hint of it. She didn’t want him getting mad so she explained. "I wanted to win."
"I could tell!"
"So you’re a fey," ‘G said, a smile on her face as she looked the creature over freely.
"And I thought every gargoyle knew fey from flowers!" he mocked her.
She ignored it. "Where I come from, fey don’t exist."
Comp blinked at that. "My dear ‘G, you must’ve lived in an iron hole!"
"…Not exactly. But it’s my turn. Where do you live?"
"Avalon, of course."
"Where is that?"
"A place most mortals can’t ever reach, thank Oberon!"
"How strong are you?"
This question was more unexpected than its predecessors. "What a question! How strong am I? How would one measure magic strength?" he countered, delving to see what she really knew.
"By what you can do."
"Then I can do quite a bit."
"Why are you here?" ‘G switched topics dramatically, continually testing him.
"I stopped by to say hello to some friends." Comp answered non-committally, lowering himself to the ground, whereupon Maab stepped into his lap. "What about you, Miss Look-alike ‘G?"
She grinned at him. "Same reason… I trust Jade Griffin won’t be hearing anything about me when you talk to her again."
"Oh-ho! I see! Well, now, that’ll require the answer of who you really are."
She locked gazes with the fey. It wasn’t something she wanted anyone to know but there couldn’t be much hope in keeping away from the subject… "I am who Jade Griffin might be if she lived where I came from. I’m her dimensional counterpart in my dimension."
Comp stared, astonished. "How did you get here?" If not by magic, then by magic’s opposite. Technology.
"There are scientists in my dimension who wanted me to collect data on other dimensions. I finally chose to stay here."
Then there really were no fey where she lived?… The thought scared him. "… Didn’t like your home much?" he queried, his humor false.
‘G shrugged.
"Well, don’t have a worry, ‘G. I won’t tell Jade Griffin anything about you." If he let that topic open, she could see it as a threat and might do something… disastrous. Not because of him! No way! Oberon would skin and boil him!
The dark green look-alike took a seat in front of him, pulling Leia into her lap to pet. "Thanks."
"Think nothing of it." the fey brushed it off, but refused to let his guard completely down. He would have to keep an eye on this one, if only to make certain she didn’t do something…