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"A Question Of Identity"

by Agent 'G

12-27-98 to 12-28-98

date: December, 1998

'G found K in her office, filling out paperwork.

Maybe I should come back later. 'G thought when the GIB Head didn't look up.

"Any trouble with the round-up?" K paused in her work to grin.

"Well… Not really. We got 'em, if that's what you wanna know. I'd say it was more of a race. Those little baby gerbils are fast! And what were those gerbils thinking? Releasing a thousand babies to try and take New York by overpopulation. Sheesh!"

"Hey, just be thankful they're stupid. And hope there never is a smart one!"

"Oh, and I wouldn't bug ZN too much about this one. They really got him good."

A frown of concern on her face, K asked, "Is he hurt?"

"No. Um.. They kinda… de-clothed him. Ate his clothes right off! All of 'em."

Both females were trying to keep a straight face, unsuccessfully. K gave first with a burst of laughter.

Chuckling, ' G continued. "Those little guys went through his suit like it was lettuce! You shoulda seen ZN chasing after the last fifteen as they ran off with his briefs. Oh, man, what a night!"

"Ha! With his ego, that's priceless! But I gather you stopped by for something else?"

'G's smile slipped away for her usual indifferent face. "…Yeah."

"What's on yer mind, 'G?"

"Well, since we keep track of people-- alien, human, gargoyle, fey, etc.-- I kinda have a question. I'd like to look up some information on someone I know."

K smiled knowingly. "The Chocolate Man, right?"

The Head of the GIB surprised 'G again. Not an easy thing to do. "How'd you know?"

"You lived in Susan City for several years, watching Jade Griffin. I assume you've even assumed her identity and have therefore run into the guy. That, and he's a little out of the ordinary."

"He's an alien, isn't he." 'G was certain, but wanted to confirm.


"Huh? Then he's gotta be a disguised fey."

"No. He's just a plain human, but a very odd one."

"Huh. No kidding!"

K shrugged. "Was that it?"

"…Yeah. Thanks… Hey, have you seen the guy's bedroom? You sure he isn't an alien?"


Shaking her head in disbelief, the other-dimensional gargoyle made her exit.
