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“Separation, Combination: The Wedding”

7.21.99 to 10.10.02

by Jade Griffin


   Malcom glanced at Epona, his eyes grinning. He took a breath, then picked up the phone and dialed.

   Three rings.


   “Hi, dad.”

   “Malcom! Long time no hear, son.”

   “Yeah... Sorry. I’ve been kinda busy. Is mom there, too? Do you still have the speaker phone?”

   “Yep. Hold on.”

   Malcom waited, glancing again at his Lady seated beside him. His grin threatened to break his face. She smiled back and took his hand.

   “Can you hear me okay?” was his father’s returning query.

   “Yeah, dad.”

   “Hello, dear!” his mother’s voice chimed in, a little distant. In her next voicing, she was much closer. “How are you? Did you call to chat with us?”

   “Yeah... Sort of. Mom? You always told me that when I found the right girl, I’d know it. Well, you were right. I’ve found someone very special and when I asked her to marry me, she said yes.”

   “Oh, Caliden!” Mom’s voice rose nearly to tears.

   Malcom flushed at the name and exclaimed in aggravation. “Mom!!”

   “Now, Cal, there’s nothing wrong with your name.”

   “Your name is Caliden?” the Lady asked, more amused at their exchange than by learning of Malcom’s first name.

   “Is that her?” both parents questioned as one.

   “Yes. to both.” Malcom replied with great control. “Mom, you know I hate my name.”

   “Hate it enough not to tell the girl you proposed to?” his father broke in with a half chuckle.

   “You haven’t even told us her name yet.” mom added.

   “Dad, I don’t tell anybody my name! And the Lady Epona has never asked me for it.”

   A short silence followed. Mom spoke. “What did you say her name was?”

   The Lady leaned closer to the phone. “I am the Lady Epona. Of China.”

   “Well... This is quite a surprise!” mom started, trying to come up with something polite but inquiring to ask at this second surprise. Her son marrying a girl from China? “Did you meet at work?”

   “No... A friend introduced us a few months ago. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her since.”

   “And you, dear?”

   “Malcom is very special to me.”

   “Well, now, don’t hold back. When’s the wedding?” his father broke in.

   Malcom answered, his great smile refreshed. “Three weeks and two days. Your invitation is on the way.”

   “Have you called anyone else?”

   “Nope. You’re the first, mom.”

   “Well, we certainly can’t wait to meet you... eh... Miss Epona. I can be there in a few days to help out if you’d like some--”

   “No, that’s okay, mom. It’s not going to be a big wedding.”

   “Not a big wedding? Malcom--”

   “Taia...” her husband interrupted.

   “Well, if that’s what you’ve already planned...”

   “Yeah, mom.” He knew she would want to help out but Comp’s gift was for one night only. He wouldn’t risk pressing any luck with having his parents come early. She sounded miffed, but she’d get over it. Oh, he was both dreading their arrival and could hardly wait until the day arrived!

   Lady brought the mood back with what preparations had already been made and who’d been invited. Mom tossed in some advice anyway, which Lady thanked her for. They talked more on this and that until conversation fuel was spent and five hours had gone by! The phone replaced on the wall, Malcom rushed his Lady and picked her up, twirling her around their brand new home, delighting in her silvery laughter.


   “I just can’t believe it. Have you told mom and dad yet?”

   “Of course.” Malcom was a little put off by that, but let it pass in his excitement. “So, are you coming?”

   “Are you kidding? Miss my big brother’s wedding?? Now who should know better?”

   Malcom grinned. “Your invitation’s on the way.”

   “No way’d I miss it. Haven’t seen you in almost a year. Can’t wait to meet the lady who grabbed ya!” His younger brother was grinning, too.

   Malcom wasn’t exactly sure why everyone kept saying that.

   “So is she royalty or some’m?”

   “Uh... No. Just from a very special family.”

   “I still can’t believe it. You, married.”

   He could almost here his brother shaking his head in disbelief. “You’ll believe it when you see it, Nathan.” He let himself a private grin for all his family wouldn’t see-- namely, the Lady’s true form.

   “Yeah. Hey, tell the Lady Epona bye for me.”

   Malcom turned to her, standing next to him, and as eager to hear from her love’s family as he. She’d spoken with his parents, and today his brother. “Nate says ‘bye’, Lady.”

   Her smile grew. “So I heard.”

   “See ya later, bro.”

   “Bye, Nathan.”

   Hanging up the phone, Malcom turned back to his bride-to-be. “Last one to call is Cinda.”

   “She is your middle sibling?”

   “Yep. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to catch her before she gets the invitation. With a night job and classes, it’s hard to reach her.”

   Just then, the phone rang. As most people knew he was about to get married, and he loved the way Lady could talk to anyone by phone, he ushered her forward to answer it. Whoever it was, he shouldn’t get all the fun in this. She’d had only her parents to tell, because Comp had known all along.

   “Hello?” the half-ki-lin/half-gargoyle answered the phone.

   An excited female voice greeted her. “Hiiii!! Is this my soon-to-be-sister-in-law?”

   The Lady’s brow ridges rose. Malcom had told her the meaning of that noun, so the girl on the other end must be... “Cinda?”

   “Yeah! I mean, this is so unbelievable! Is Malcom there? Oh! And congratulations! I can’t believe this!”

   Very amused at the girl’s constant excited talking, she passed the phone to Malcom.

   “Cinda? Yeah! How did you find out so soon? The invitations were just sent... Aunt Louise? Oh... Mom called her... Yeah... No... Yeah, she is.” Malcom’s eyes looked back lovingly at his Lady. “No. It’s at night. An old custom where Epona comes from... Well, yeah, it’s more her name than a title, according to her mother... No. No bridal shower, and the wedding will be short. No reception either. We’re going to fly to her parents’ right after... No. They live pretty far, and it’s not their way... China.” He looked his Lady over. “Not exactly... She isn’t classifiable under any big nationality... Uh-huh. They’ll be here that Tuesday. The wedding’s on a Wednesday night... Okay... Yeah... Can’t wait to see you, too... Bye!”

   Hanging up the phone, he turned an apologetic smile to Epona. “She’s not always like that.” In a flare of sudden joy, he hugged his the Lady Epona tightly. “Oh, I think this’ll all work!”

   “It will, my love. It will.” She returned his strong embrace.


   But what occurred late Monday evening was the unexpectedly early arrival of Malcom’s parents, wishing to meet the bride-to-be without any rush. Thinking quickly, the only reason they came up with for the Lady not showing her face, or any part of her, after having to zip into the next room was that it was against tradition. That sparked his mother into a discussion of American wedding traditions and another attempt to coerce the Lady into revealing her home town. It seemed a little suspicious to them, having to talk to their future daughter-in-law through a wall, but they never actually questioned the situation. And since none of his family knew much about China, they were safe on that point, for, though the Lady was from a part of China-- a region of Tibet to be precise-- she was not Chinese. He wondered briefly if Comp would give her a Chinese face but then dad had a few questions for him. Like asking again where exactly they’d met. He and Epona had come up with a half-truth about being introduced by a friend at her place. From there, he couldn’t see enough of Epona and, a few weeks ago, proposed to her. No, he’d known the Lady now five months.

   Lady stayed in the conversation vocally as much as she could and that won a lot off of his suddenly suspicious parents. When they refused to put he and the Lady out any further, leaving for a nice hotel for the night, the Lady emerged and looked expectantly at Malcom.

   “I wish Comp could make you human for the week. Or at least a whole day...” He sighed, then regretted it as he saw her eyes fill with worry. “No, you did great. I didn’t expect them to show up so early, but I should have. They’re always early... This just made things a little tougher at first, that’s all. Believe me, I’ll take what I can get!”  He took her in his arms, smiling at her laughing eyes, shining hair, loving smile. “And I’m going to get you.”

   “I did ask Comp if it would be possible to give me a human form longer or starting at an earlier time.”

   This was news to Malcom, who’d decided not to ask Lady about it. What the fey was doing for them now was already too much to ask.

   “He cannot. He fears Oberon may take notice, especially if it is much longer, and forbid him to maintain our new home.”

   “Yeah. He said something about interfering in mortal lives. At least he could give us one night.”


   Tuesday night, Malcom was surprised by several of his fellow Agents who promptly kidnapped him to a bachelor party. He had no time to explain to Epona what one was before being carried out but Levinczek promised that he would be back that following morning. A lot worried about leaving her with his parents, the boys had to try really hard to get him to have fun. Once he stopped looking so unsettled, their festivities went quickly and he was escorted home wearing some woman’s bra as a necktie. They wouldn’t let him remove it. On top of greeting his Lady thus, she queried him for further details on the bachelor party, which she and his parents had talked about over the phone. It wasn’t the easiest of nights.

   Nathan and Cinda arrived early Wednesday, one right after the other, not at all surprised to see their parents in Malcom’s home ahead of schedule. Nathan argued that finding the place had him held up a while. Same as with mom and dad, after a round of hugs and hello’s, they queried the whereabouts of the talked-about Lady Epona. As all eyes were on him, he had to explain once more why they could talk to but not see her yet. He reminded them a few hours later there were several things they needed to get done and ushered them out to do so.

   The tuxedo, church, Father, flowers, cake, rings, etc. all had to be gathered and arranged by Malcom, so he was busy all afternoon making sure again that what was ordered two weeks ago was actually what arrived. He also had one of the church rooms locked for the Lady to ‘port into in a few hours. He would meet her there, unless Comp didn’t show up, and then they were in trouble. This entire night depended on they fey’s abilities. If his end were to go wrong... He had to come up with something, just in case.

   Glancing at his watch for the ten-zillionth time, Malcom paced. Where was the bouquet and wedding cake person? He vowed never to try and get one person to do two jobs like this again.

   “Mr. Malcom?” a shy woman asked, acting even more mousy than she looked. “Uh, sir? You didn’t want me to set the cake up?”

   He frowned. Finally recognizing her as the woman he’d been waiting for, he clutched at her arms. “Where??”

   “B-because, well, I did. It really looks nice. And the bouquet. Did... Would you like to see them? I’ll change it right away if you don’t like it.”

   Following the woman into the reception hall he’d finally decided on-- after mom plagued him about the misfortune of those who had weddings and not even the smallest of receptions--, Malcom saw the cake set on a beautifully decorated table of silverware, glassware, and china. The cake itself? He’d picked the woman based on displays and pictures in her store. And he could honestly say the real thing was a lot better. It was a true work of art. Neither garish nor extravagant, simple or shabby. Like a cathedral itself, white frosted with lavender, blue, and violet budding accents ringing the cake in bows and swirls. He’d opted for bells instead of the plastic wedding couple to top the cake. They hung on a mini arched trellis, flower-covered and exuding the simplest of beauties.

   “D-do you like it?” Concerned by his silence, the shy artist craved approval.

   He grinned at her. “It’s the best, May! I’ve never seen anything so beautiful that was edible. Epona’s gonna love it!”

   The woman beamed under his praise. “And I put the bouquet in a little refrigerator, so the flowers would keep all right. Did you... want to see it, too?”

   “You bet!”

   Smiling happily, May led him to the kitchen area of the large church. She opened the small fridge door.

   Lady had asked for specific types of flowers, and May had said she could find the exotics requested, but how she managed the intricate patterns with large white lotus and tiny fruit blossoms, he had no idea. This he had no words for, but May waited painfully for criticism, so he said,

   “I’ve never seen anything like it. I think it’s exactly what she wanted.”

   “Um... Sir? Can I ask... Where is she?”

   Yeah. He had to get moving. “She’ll be here soon. Thanks, May! I gotta go check on a few other things but you can stay for the wedding if you like.”

   By now, most people probably thought Epona was either a figment of his imagination or the invisible woman. But he couldn’t help that. They’d all see her soon enough.

   It was 6:30 already. Wedding starts at 8 PM. Everyone was anxious to see her, and so was he. He’d checked the room several times but got no answer when he’d knocked and called her name. At 7, he was gonna call and check on her. Everything was coming together so nice.

   6:32. No, he’d call now. Malcom headed for the nearest phone.

   He was intercepted by a tall, thin, oddly plain and unfamiliar man.

   “Malcom? The Lady requests your presence in the dressing room.”

   With just a wink, Malcom’s puzzlement washed away on a grin. Comp! He followed the disguised fey, quickening his step to bypass the slowpoke.

   Knocking on the locked door, Malcom called her name. It opened but by the human-disguised Comp whom he hadn’t seen disappear. Malcom slipped in and hugged his waiting Lady soundly.

   “It’s perfect. Everything’s perfect!” he told her.

   “All but one thing.” Smiling with him, she stepped away and turned to Comp.

   Spinning about, the fey returned to his normal appearance. “More than ready, I see?” He grinned the impish grin of his race, then sobered just a bit as his hands rose and a greenish glow took hold of his eyes.

                        One single gift I can bestow

                        But lasting through night only, so

                        Put on the mask and don the face

                        Let human form now take thy place.”

   The green energy surrounding his Lady  was bright enough to force Malcom’s eyes away. And then it was gone.

   “And that, children, is fey magic!” Comp said proudly, arms over his chest. “I’ll be in amongst the guests.” He disappeared without notice.

   So used to her normal appearance, Malcom could only stare at the near-stranger smiling at him. She did look a little Asian, keeping many of her true features. Slightly darker skin, human limbs, no tail or wings, but it was still her. The eyes were a dead giveaway. This is what she’d look like if she were human?

   “Does it suit?” she queried, looking over the new human form and testing her legs. It felt strange but not unpleasant.

   “...Yeah...” He couldn’t stop staring. This form was sort of how he thought she might look.

   She closed the gap separating them and put her human arms around him. Shorter in this form, they could not see eye to eye. “So, my love, do you like this form better?”

   He smiled at her sultry tease. “No! You are very pretty like this but... It’s not my Lady.”

   She did not tell him that it’d been a small concern, that he would prefer this form better. His answer dispelled that immediately. She grinned as she realized what would happen when she took him to China and couldn’t help reminding him. “Just wait until it is your turn.”

   “My turn?” He blinked, having forgotten. As soon as the recall bounced back into his brain, his brows rose and he nodded slowly, forcing a smile. That’s right. He ‘d promised to do anything to marry her. Even turn into a ki-lin for a night to guarantee her race’s lineage at least one offspring. And he meant it, too. He’d do it, but he wished he knew what to expect.

   A knock at the door made him jump, but he remembered he needn’t hide his Lady any longer. “Did Comp leave the dress for you? Good. I don’t think they’re gonna wait any longer to see you!”

   As the Lady changed from her regular clothes to the wedding dress Comp had brought, Malcom went to the door.

   “Just a minute!” he called to forestall further knocking, then rushed back to help her fasten and lace up the intricate if breathtaking garment.

   “Ready?” He didn’t mean the dress, though he did give her a quick look-over. Perfectly human.

   “How do I look?”

   “Like you’re ready to face my friends and relatives.” His answer was rueful but his humored smile cemented it. He started for the door.

   “Malcom, dear,” called an unexpected, aged voice on the other side. “Open the door.”

   He unlocked and opened the door, revealing a small crowd made up of his immediate family, and the old Native American woman he knew so well.

   “Grandmother Lark?? You said you couldn’t make it!” He immediately embraced the white-haired woman who was not especially related to him but was close enough to be good kin.

   “Did I say that?” she tried slyly. “Weeelll... I managed to con a flight over here, even if they were booked. Now where is this bride everyone tells me they haven’t seen?”

   Malcom’s smile grew ten-fold and he stepped aside on a bow and waved everyone in cordially. They needed no prompting in their excitement.

   As the Lady wore no veil to cover her face, all got a very good look at her. And look they did. She was still half ki-lin and such a lot of stares under these circumstances made her very uneasy; but Malcom was then beside her and took her hand.

   “I know it’s been a little odd but Epona and I agreed a while back which traditions we’d keep of which culture.” Malcom started. “I’m sure none of you’ll argue about nobody seeing the bride before the ceremony starts.” He turned to his Lady and began official introductions, pointing to each. “This is my mother and father.”

   “Taia and Jim.” the Lady voiced with a nod of greeting and the most wondrous smile. She would never be able to thank Comp enough for all he’d given to her. She turned to the youngest two in the group. “Cinda and Nathan.”

   “Yeah!” the young man, who looked very much related to Malcom, was grinning ear to ear. Like the others, he could not look away from her.

   “Nice to meet you, face to face.” Cinda giggled.

   The Lady looked a little shy or embarrassed at that but it merely added to her appeal.

   “Aunt Louise,” Malcom continued, indicating the dark-skinned and quite round woman beside Taia.

   “You definitely aren’t what I expected, dear!” Aunt Louise laughed, seemingly at herself.

   Epona passed her love a glance but he shook his head indifferently and went on.

   “And Grandmother Lark.”

   The old woman stepped right up to the Lady, whom she was about as tall as while seated, and said, “Let me see your hand.”

   She obeyed without a look and the old woman took it in her two knarled ones, turning it around and scrutinizing the lines, her long white hair falling freely to block the rest of the family’s eyes from watching.

   “You’re an unusual girl, yes?” the grandmother asked oh so quietly.

   Lady answered the same. “Very. I hope not to surprise too much.”

   By now even Malcom was watching them oddly. “Uh... Grandmother?”

   The old woman chuckled as if they’d been huddling a conversation. “I’ll bet! Now don’t tell me that skinny man in the hall is the only member of your family showing up.”

   “He is not family but your guess is correct. My mother and father could not travel so far. We will be going to China tonight to see them.”

   “But who is that guy?” Nathan asked. “Besides weird. Sorry, Lady Epona, but it is strange for him to just stand there in teh hall like he’s one of those British guards.”

   She smiled to show no offense taken. “He is my guardian and a very good friend.”

   “Son,” his father started. “It’s time to separate yourself from your soon-to-be wife so you can get married. Would the Lady Epona mind his absence for a little while?” Jim asked formally, a smile joining the question.

   Epona gave Malcom’s father one of her classic smiles. “I have been keeping him to myself, haven’t I.”

   The father took hold of his son’s sleeve and pulled him out, Nathan chuckling en-train.

   Malcom was led to an unoccupied section of the church, whereupon his father grilled him.

   “Now, son,” he began on a grin. “I don’t believe for one second that a friend introduced you two. So where did you find her? Did you go to China?”

   “Nope. A friend did introduce me to the Lady. A female friend.”

   Father and youngest son passed a look of humored surprise between them. Nate asked, “And how many other female friends ya got?”


   “So who was this friend that got my brother away from the FBI long enough to meet you?” Cinda queried with a big grin.

   “A mutual friend introduced us. Malcom has known her longer than I.”

   “Oh really.” Aunt Louise broke in, assuming something that wasn’t there. “And did Malcom have any strong feelings for this nameless girlfriend before meeting you?”

   “Louisa.” Grandmother Lark warned.

   “I just wanted to know if there’s gonna be any jealous females to fend off at my nephew’s wedding.” she defended innocently.

   “Jade Griffin has never had any feelings for Malcom, and that is also true for him.” the Lady answered quickly to dispel any such ideas, and quell further discussion.

   “Will she be here? Seeing how she introduced you two and is responsible for all this.”

   Cinda was the one asking most of the questions, Lady noted; though each of the four female humans’ curiosity had increased upon seeing ‘Malcom’s fiancé‘.

   “I do not know if she can make it, but she was one of the first on our invitation list.”

   “So, I mean, what should we call you now? Malcom calls you Epona and Lady.”

   She smiled at them all. “You may call me either. Or, if you like, daughter and sister.”

   The girl got misty-eyed. “Oh... I always wanted a sister.” She laughed through the sudden tears and gave Epona a hug. The gesture touched the half-ki-lin deeply, given the usual response of humans to both sides of her lineage and all that she knew.

   Taia took her hand. “My dear, welcome to the family.”


   The ceremony itself was short. Vows had been prepared beforehand and there was little to the sermon. But for Malcom, time stood still. Before his family and friends, he could stare into those beautiful eyes and enjoy her wonderful smile. Nathan, as best man, had to nudge him, grinning fit to split, to get him back to reality. Chuckles followed from all watching.

   Formalities over with, he was free to pronounce his new wife with a long, public kiss, interrupted by his Lady’s chuckling.

   There were two oversights even they hadn’t foreseen which Malcom later berated himself for, then laughed, as it turned out so funny. After pictures, husband and wife were to cut the cake together. The silverware was rampant with iron. The trace fey blood in the Lady Epona which tied Comp to her in more ways than a spoken guardianship would not allow her to touch the metal. With everyone watching, Malcom’s problem-solving brain that reached a compromise. Not caring if someone didn’t approve, he picked up a plate, bowed to Epona, and handed it to her, then proceeded to slice the cake himself.

   Oversight number two was another slip of tradition. When he placed the cake on the dish Epona held, she tried to pass it to one of those waiting and watching. No one would take it from her. She passed Malcom a querilous expression.

   “They want you to feed it to me. Dumb custom.” he murmured, irritated at himself for forgetting.

   “Ah... Like this?” She picked up the large slice and, quicker than even he could react, had smashed the sweet confection into his face but good!

   The crowd burst out laughing, Epona with them.

   “Who told you??” He sent accusing eyes about but laughingly singled out his mother. Malcom rushed her, giving her a big cake-faced and smooshy kiss to get back at her.

   If anyone wondered why the Lady Epona did not eat any cake or any of the fine cooked or meat dishes, they didn’t ask. All seemed happy just to be around her. She incited curiosity and the best nature in everyone. Malcom was sure she was glowing all night. She would later say the same about him.

   Malcom warned everybody it was gonna be a short wedding but they still managed to finagle a sit-down, eat-and-chat into his plans. All his FBI buddies came over to admire the radiant beauty of Mrs. Lady Epona Malcom, which went beyond outter appearances. Malcom hadn’t seen the bureau director at all and wondered if she’d come. He was distracted only a moment by one of the lesser-known well-wishers and when he turned back, she was approaching the head table where they sat.

   “Came to introduce myself.” she explained, eyeing the Lady curiously. “Red-tail. Anne Red-tail.” She extended her hand.

   “Malcom has spoken of you often.” She accepted the greeting gesture and returned it. “I am the Lady Epona.”

   “Yeah... So I see.”

   Something seemed to be on her mind, which wasn’t unusual, but Red-tail’s interest in his Lady made him a little uneasy.

   She seemed to sense this. “Congratulations, Mrs. Malcom. I wish you happiness. Malcom, I’d like to talk to you as soon as you return from your honeymoon.” Without a word or look further, his Director headed toward the food, leaving him with a rather distracted Lady. She was staring at something, smiling. He was about to ask when the band spoke up.

   “Opening up the floor is our lovely couple with an old favorite.”

   Malcom’s open mouth changed to a grin as the standing Lady held out a hand to him.

   “Have I surprised you?” She laughed at the look on his face and the obvious answer before he took her hand and led her out. The song’s words began.

   “I’m your lady, and you are my ma-a-an....”

   He laughed, open and carefree and happier than he’d ever been in his whole life.

   When the song ended, his father asked to dance with the bride. This surprised her but the Lady accepted with complete grace, as if she’d known the custom all her life. Malcom headed over to the band. He had something of his own up his sleeve.

   Before a crowd, he didn’t care. Not tonight. Not one to boast a good singing voice, he was willing to strut his stuff for the one he loved. At the ending of his father’s dance with her, he waved his wife forward as the song began. He sang with every ounce of his heart, meant every word, saw a few tears in more than just his Lady’s eyes.

                        “Look into my heart.

                        You will find

                        There’s nothing there to hide.

                        Take me as I am.

                        Take my life.

                        I would give it up.

                        I’d sacrifice.

                        Don’t tell me it’s not worth fightin’ for.

                        I can’t help it. There’s nothing I want more.

                        I would cry for you.

                        I’d lie for you.

                        Walk the wild for you.

                        Yeah, I’d die for you...

                        You know it’s true.

                        Everything I do, Ohhh...

                        I do it for you.”

   A great strain of applause shook the church. Loud hoots and whistles as the Lady embraced him. For a moment, just a moment, he wished it could last forever.

   Malcom saw Comp wading through the crowd, toward them, as another tune began. He handed the mic back to the lead singer and met the human-looking fey halfway, Lady following. Comp need not say a thing.

   Malcom nodded, the happy euphoria leaving him. “I know. After this song.” Sighing and hoping to reclaim that heavenly mood once more, he smiled down at his wife. His wife. “A dance, my Lady?”

   She curtsied, smiling that oh-so-heart-catching smile. “As you will, my husband.”

   Malcom led her gracefully to the dance floor for a final turn and savored every precious moment of the atmosphere, knowing after this night, none of these people would ever see the Lady Epona again. Not like this, and perhaps not ever. He couldn’t share his Lady with anyone. The sudden agony of it caught in his throat but he fought it down. He would not mar a single moment of this time. Not now. Whatever may come, he had now. No, they had now. Forever.

   Lady held him tightly, as if knowing his thoughts.

   It was Comp who escorted them out to their conveyance after Malcom made a final mic grab to explain that it was time for them to leave and bidding all stay and enjoy the merriment as guests of the wedding. Passing many looks of dismay covered by generous well-wishes, he and the Lady followed Comp to the horse-drawn carriage outside the church’s steps.

   They were quiet all the way to his apartment. Keeping the happy atmosphere unmarred. He couldn’t help but wonder about the next leg of their journey. Not just the great life in store for them but the more immediate trip to China. He’d never met the Lady’s parents. He had no idea what to expect there, or what may be asked of him. Exactly how the Lady must’ve felt. He need not disguise his human nature but there were so many prejudices in Epona’s world. Against humans. Would he be good enough in the eyes of her parents? He knew she privately feared rejection. Her parents had been shunned for their decision to be together. Eternal wanderers, never able to go home. Surely, they wouldn’t treat him in such a way after living it. He hoped...

   One other thing bothered him, niggling at the back of his brain but becoming increasingly pronounced. What the heck would they do to him to make him a ki-lin for a night?!


To Be Continued

in “Separation, Combination : The Husband and Wife Life”