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Main Page:

O No new members for Clan Of The Mind in a while. Oh well, We're always here:)

Jade Griffin's Art Gala:

O I know the main pics section appears to be down. I split my pics over 2 diff. free websites and Topcities is being a butt. Please be patient..

O Agent 'G's Scribblings was updated slightly. The new GIB Headquarters is now located at:

O Lil' Garg Kids is slow-going right now but is STILL on! So be on the look-out. YOU could be my next.. ah.. victim? Heh heh..... This collection is called Lil' Garg Kids cause I draw everyone as kids! And I will get each and every one of you at least once, eventually :)
Can ya believe I've gotten over 60 of the little guys done? Some aren't completely finished yet, but soon...

Garg Stories: (fanfics)

O I put up "Weathers" a while ago but the others I'm still workin' on. Soon!

Mystery Gargoyle Theater 3000: More scripts coming up! Some from G'01 and G'02!!


In Gummi News, I have a sign-up, sort of petition, to get some info on who still watches GB and who used to. If you have or had any love of the show, please sign it.

I've begun a listing of all Gummi Fan-Character Names in my Gummi Bears Directory if anyone is curious what character names myself and any other gummi fan has created. I am collecting from ANYONE, and we have almost 600!

I have actually adopted several kids from two cyber adoption sites, one of which I do the art for. Here's our home!
The Orphans' Collection


Real slow lately but we're still plugging. Still mad at Topcities for giving no reason for shutting down my site for now... Grrrr...

