If you'd like to be notifyed when this page is updated, please email us with the subject line: Jeanette Updates.
Latest Updates
August 23rd, 1999: We added new info the the news and skills pages.
June 17th, 1999: Okay, we are really really sorry that this page doesnt seem like its been updated for centuries! anyway, i changed the pic on the front page. i hope it shows up! some pics weren't showing...sorry we are under major consrtuction right now. by the end of the summer things should be ok. i hope. please leave messages in the guestbook so we can have suggestions.
April 1st, 1999: Sorry for the lack of updates! We added results from recent meets, and also a lot of new win Jeanette's award so we combined Oct. and Nov. entries.
October 26th, 1998: A new guestbook has been put up since there seemed to be a limit for the other one. Please sign the new one. You can also still view the old one too.
October 17th, 1998: October entries have been put up...you can still enter!
October 14th, 1998: The winners for the webpage award for the month of September has been announced. Congrats to Magnificent Seven Galore! Thanks to all that entered. Please enter October's contest.
October 4th, 1998: Sorry for the lack of updates!! We won an award. Winners for the September website contest will be announced soon.
September 7th, 1998: The winners for August have been announced! Also, sorry about the pics on the main page not showing up...there's a problem with them and will get fixed soon. Happy Labor Day everyone!
September 1st, 1998: There's a message board for Jeanette. Please sign it if you can:) Also, we won 2 new awards! Thanks to those who gave us their award!
August 28th, 1998: There's a report up from 1998 Nationals, and new info on the news page.
August 25th, 1998: Added Jeanette's placings from prelims at Nationals.
August 24th, 1998: New info on the news page, and added the results from the 1998 U.S. Nationals. More pics to be added when Nancy gets back from Nationals.
August 18th, 1998: New info on the news page, and a new pic on the main page.
August 16th, 1998: Added a new picture to the pictures page, thanks to Debbie Poe.
August 11, 1998: We are proud to be a part of Pam's stop the copying campaign! Also, we put up a new award on the award page. NOTE: if you recieve email updates, you didn't get one for this, since we didn't think it was really anything to rush and check out.
August 8, 1998: A new picture has been added to the main page. I made sure every page has HOME at the bottom.
July 31, 1998: Updated the news page and added some skills to the skills page.
July 30, 1998: Updated the meets and results page and the news page with info from Goodwill Games...good job Jeanette! In addition, the winners for the Win Jeanette's Award contest has been posted.
July 22, 1998: A teeny little update but there's still a lot of summer left so expect lots of updates! I added a links page.
July 17, 1998: Added the news page with info on the Goodwill Games, added Jeanette's results from the Cottbus Cup, added to the links page, and we won 2 awards.
July 16, 1998: Added the skills page. Many, many more updates are soon to come!
July 14,1998:Now you can win jeanette's award.
July 9, 1998: Added a new section called Add Banner page.
July 6, 1998: Updated the Biopage and the Write Jeanette page.
June 27th, 1998: Fixed the meets and results page.
June 26th, 1998: Added a new award to the awards page.
June 24th, 1998: SORRY SORRY SORRY no updates for awhile!!! Now there's a cool one though...we added an animation that I think you'll enjoy!
April 23rd, 1998: There's a new picture up on the picture page, courtesy of Kristin Maloney's Official Webpage.
March 3rd, 1998: We have a new award!
March 1st, 1998: We joined a webring, and added an awards page.
February 22nd, 1998: Added Jeanette's results from the 1998 American Classic.
February 21st, 1998: We have 6 new pictures of up on the pictures page. They are of Jeanette in the 1995 Junior Nationals.
February 17th, 1998: Posted Jeanette's results from the Gliders Invitational Sunday.
Email: jantolin12@hotmail.com